Friday, 21 May 2021

Patterns and Planets

Sleep early and wake at 2323.
I'd jumped to Malico's house after briefly checking on Inka who's still Zzzzzzz
Loci there too and they apologise again and I can't be bothered to be annoyed and they ask what I'd like to do.
I didn't have we just dream share there.  
It was a long dream with many layers.

One me had just come back from down a sewer 😆🙄
I was pretty grubby and undergoing decontamination.  
Another me was in the north sea heading south,
I was offshore out of view of land and it's stormy.
I was having a conversation in symbols while there.

What elements and aspects are similar, overlap and attraction and repulsion.
Symbols like the Planets and Alchemy stuff
Some I hadn't heard the name of before...
Perhaps they were the names of stars or planets.
Octuri??  Or something

2 groups, to I was being thanked for something by one and blamed for it by the other... again this was almost magnetic or energetic.

Someone was also getting bullied for a theory or idea and were looking for me to support them, I would but I'd needed to get washed first.  (That setting was strange)
This was the decontamination thing I think... I was grubby 😂 sewer grubby!

Falkirk?  Scotland??

I'd jumped back... There is a concept I'm trying to bring here but I can't get it through to waking atm...

I next wake at 141 - The word Bias??    To do with sewing? The way that the fabric is facing? 

Is that from that dream sitting on a planet years ago??  

Oh yeh possibly as I'd been with Jack as male me.  Kids outside my main dream house.  We'd taken a rug outside to look at the sky.  
The garden was really overgrown and I had a really long sharp knife, almost like a sword.  I was clearing space in the garden.  lol sprouts!  

Haha it was overgrown with Brussel sprouts?   I was cutting them back, it was where my sandpit had been......

In the front garden were flowers I wanted to plant and I was bringing them around the side...   something was laying on the ground.  

I get up a bit to wake mind :P  Head bk to bed after 2.10

Was awake for a while, I think we'd jumped to Leon and Kaylo before I'd been dreaming again.  I remember looking at Kalo's cat eyes.  

There were a few dream not sure of the order.  In one I was looking for child me.  I was in the garages outside hiding round the corner and waving at me....  

It was odd as I was aware of being in both places looking at myself 😆
Inside and the odd smell of the old condensation on the window, and how the frame looked, the catch and seeing a shape I couldn't quite make out.   It was dark and windy outside.  Then there was me, me outside hiding around the garages.. I kept popping out and waving, then I'd walked close round to the back gate.   Again hyper-real, the lampost shape were it was, the old back fences with peeling brown paint and the tarmac path.. old dustbins.

The longer dream was a hotel or something yet not really like anything here.  It was open plan and lots of glass, I can't place the style or age.  
I was there with a large group of family and friends...
They seemed to spend lots of time dining but I was wandering about and dreaming. 😜
White lots of white.  
In our room suite a cupboard with an old-style..
I dunno what it was it was a heater... in a metal box, but it was overheating I could see fire glowing through the metal

Like the boiler dream...

I'd asked a  janitor kind of guy who agreed it needed turning down, but we weren't sure how as it was to hot to touch now.
He'd waked towards it and I pulled him back as it looked close to mealting down.

For some reason, we had taken much of our own kitchen equipment I was packing this away and replacing the original.
After I'd finished I go to meet our party Jude, Jim.. Their boys then the rest are my family my mother was there around the age she had died - other dead relatives too.  
We knew they had passed.
We were paying the bill and I'd paid £200 for my share.
While chatting to Mathew we were looking out of a long glass window.  
The sea outside it was really stormy, a flooded saltwater marsh was covered in Terns feeding.
There was a feeling of contracts and making arrangements for where and when we would all meet again.

I next wake at 609 ... That same space again with so much of my family.
I must have jumped back to Inka first as he was still sleeping.  He'd not even wake if I was shaking him.
Leon was there too and I was annoyed at him as Inka was still out of it.
Not that it was his fault but :P There's no point in being annoyed with someone unconscious!  

The space with my family now felt more like a Ferry.
'Vessle'  Hummm Oh, your showing me the white ferry with poop??  Before one of the Inka / Bus dream...  
Were we swapped places?   
'Tag-team Ren, check the dates please'
Ok... The harvest? Corn, Sythe?   Time Combine??

Combine harvister? 'harvist mouse?'
Hummmmm This is my Birthday again, Imbolc Lug

So the dates of this dream below...

Oh... That was that ferry poop... Inka, Swap and dream...  Saturn / Sol and then the links to Uranus and Jupiter...  
Hu???   Still confused how dose this work?   'Magic, Bitch!'  lol Inka... shhhh your asleep! Aries... That's like the scape-goat thing??

Wandering and wondering 💜

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