Sunday, 2 May 2021

Worlds in Web's and Webs in Worlds.

Inka......'Wobbly Crazy mouse? and you know your still on moon?'  Yeh, can I crash my illusion shit soon?  'You get were this is heading?'  Kinda I suppose, I'm all in though mate... Kick me high I'll navigate when I land.... 

'You really are nuts Ren' I don't hear that as stop?  'Jog on squeaky, for now I've got your back... Just listen and jump to me at sundown'


That tickles....  'Sun down mouse...'   Close too.  

Still tickles....  'I want you seeping b4 the others Ren, your dreams get tangled fast if otherwise.  
Set space too mouse'

kk why what we doing?  'You'll find out soon bitch, promise you'll enjoy it'    lol....  That covers most bases 😆

'Sorry Ren, no Leon but you remember me 😁'   lol Loci ofc

'Good we going to jump you around a bit, where shall we all meet?'

Hut would have a wider perspective? 'Correct'

I come hut n meet you guys I don't mind who's driving.

'See you soon intention first Ren'

Was a sleep just over and hr, a long dream.   Inka was in it. Lol though not massively nice.... I was being set up to take the fall for some shit.

Was a racecourse?  Or a ... I duno.  Various groups of people, betting and gambling.  Control and opposition.
Odds, and players, moved and mover.

I'd been hanging around quietly causing trouble. 
Then I'd been spotted and the odds were suddenly against me,
a net closing and control attempting to arrest me.
It was Inka who had caught me

And told me no escape Squeaky...

Yet my arrest wasn't imminent as we had something else to do first??


'You were supposed to get to the hub first??' 


Too dreamy, didn't you say I could jump to you and you would jump me?
'Close enough mouse you need Kaylo and Loci'

What we up to now? 'Don't ask stupid questions Ren 😈 We are playing'  lol kk

'You'll enjoy it,  it's not like your picky'  lol 😝

There were lots of other layers too with the betting and contracts??

Family and friends I'd known the arena.
'You'll find out more just come back here'

Hahaha! I jump bk to Inka who gives me a hug and said
'Yeh bitch I get to hunt you... There is no escape ofc, but don't give in to easy.

The game is in the chase and we've got credit riding'   Hahhhh ffs

That's why I'm dreaming with Loci?  'Yeh Ren, I'm going to jump you'  Kaylo??

'GPS with 3'  Ah, yeh.   Ooooo sounds fun OMW bk again.

Where is Leon, 'Still NYFB 😏  but he's in on the gig yeh'  lol....ffs 😆
'If we don't fuck this we make up some we owe him'

Hahahah for the job we lost?? 

'Yeh mouse you got it, now here plx.  Game on'

Jump bk again and Inka's disappeared....  Only the 3 of us and Loci askes me Left, Right or Middle??

I look at Kaylo who shrugs indifferently, 'Up to you Grey, I'll touch you if I need too'    

lol Kaylo, kk middle then Kaylo is to the right, Loci drags the beanbag and settles to the left.

Hahahaha!  As I'm falling fast to dream sleep Kaylo senses my intention 'For Christ's sake Ren, don't think of Inka... It's him we are avoiding.  Come here idiot and face me, let me help drive till your fully in dream'

Wake again 00.33 I'd switched stuff off and then jumped out...

'Can't turn me off so fast Ren, I'll catch you b4 dawn'
  lol, likely but let see.

2 dreams 1 hunt and chase, I'd jumped with Kaylo into a game world. 

Was a bit like GW2 the old undead setting we were chilling in the ruined temple of light waiting for Inka to find us.
There was a funny boss fight that relied on retaliation.
Didn't need to attack, just kept together and rotating reflective shields up.

After that we jumped again. 

Waste Recycling, we were talking threw where things were heading and what was for reusing. 

It was very modern a building of glass with very clean conveyor belts.
There was a birthday party with a set menu, fish sticks and gravy! 😂
Sounded horrible but was only 50p so everyone had agreed to eat it,
As we needed to party on the cheep.

We would sing happy birthday in a round, and we'd hid in an old clothes shop to practice how it would sound.
We were playing with Tempo and who would take the lead and waiting for the birthday boy to wander in.

(Oh this like the Row your boat before xmas)

'Sleep again Ren..... '

Next dream is hazy, I was in a place with lava coming in and out the ground.
Being a go between.
A shop would open at 8.55 but it's not that time just yet.
Below the ground were systems I was checking,
I could see scrolling messages.  
They were in reverse order with the oldest ones vanishing pushed off by the new :)

I wake for a while, then go back to bed before 4.... Malico informed me he was melding with my form. 
Flow back of shoulders, tickly n prickly then soothes and spreads to bk heart and all left side for a while,
then head and to right...

'Come back Ren.. B4 it's light.'

I see bodies human.
Laying in a pile but there skin is like cartography maps... 

A water pistol fight! Fun but... Lol the water was freezing 😬

What was that interface?? 
Oh it was like the spokes of a wheel like web. 
White, I'd been in the centre of a web but this was a tech one???


It was white with a ring, and kind of floated with a guy sitting in... tech like I've never seen..... There was so much more Loci!  😮

'Told you, you were hopping 😉'

I'd been a guy or observing them, a program was offering ultimatums,

lessons were coming and they wouldn't be nice ones,

But I was just slipping between the systems.

I was seeing holographs too or holograms they floated made of artificial light.

A hectic shopping centre, the atmosphere toxic for buyer and vendor.  
The crime rate was crazy, staff intimidated.
The credit system used was nontypical and the resulting imbalance was making trouble.

A white plane or ship falling from the sky.

It was part way down and tangled in a tree,

Again I'm male and not me,

I'd fallen with it as it hits the ground.

Dorm type rooms, and a guy with a long list of groups.
He was part in an admin roll.
Eyes and observers that are all feeding one hub.

525 'Not quite dawn, I'll give you credit Ren, your no easy catch 😈' 


Haha Heya Inka, I wondered where you'd got too.

'Stay with the other's Ren I'll be with you soon enough'

There was so much more, not easy to recall as it was so unusual and not familiar.
Strange green seaweed that comes attached to brown paper,

It was attached to the skin as a kind of nutrition.

'Come here again Ren' 


Oh the flashing balls of light like in the cables??   

Then that white hub again... With the spokes??

Am I dreaming symbolically of the www?
I think I prefer the wood one, this is so much thinking 😵

'lol Ren, jump back and stay here I'll help your interpretations'


A white screen with a pastel rainbow, text is in a aqua blue font it's about colours and hue-mans.
Upgrades to programs in certain systems.

What did you tell me about the telephone cables?
'Upgraded pole dream Ren... I can show you more, I'm going to put your mind there?'

Hu??  Yeh whatever.....


Next I'm formless in a Smokey pentagram,  It was way less substantial but very pretty... The rainbow coloured firefly's were inside it dancing.


'Here again Ren, did you see what I showed you?' 

lol yeh nearly inhaled a firefly too but it stuck on a tongue I didn't have!  I could still feel it wiggling so I spat it back out! 😂

'It's me mouse.  I'm close now'  lol Inka! 
'If you don't want to get caught you'll need to jump from there' Hahah


'Jump at me Ren if you want to keep playing' 

An old fashioned music box, the mechanisms metal, little teeth that ping over tiny prongs,

As the spring uncoils again after winding up?? 

I can see inside it.... how the stuff works....   'Fast Ren the suns very close'

lol so is Inka...
'How fast can you jump mouse it's close to 616'

Sorry Loci, I can't resist Inka... Lol it's kinda magnetic 😶 

'Swapped hearts Witch... Your my mouse familiar!'  lol 😆 
'Shadow is yours Ren, and your fly... Don't forget you can borrow other eyes 😏' 


Everything tickles!!  'Exchange, much to swap stay still for a bit'

So much green center energy, all the webs were connecting in my heart.

Like millions of tunes beginning then scattering apart.

Inka was inside my form he asked me for my secret I told him,  errrr I think it's love.

Showing me a circular rainbow he said
'I think you are an Arc'
I could see all the webs then circular rainbows,

the ones from the dreams all them years ago....
This time my bubble I was right inside it,

But as both bubble and web,

It's also a geometric node... 

The point were I interlock with other self.

'That makes thesingularity'  Oh yeh Inka, I keep forgetting...


'WE KNOW!' lol 🤣

Black chalk board with rainbow chalk equations..

I do not understand them but they make pretty fractal patterns.


Then a tickly heart start that jolts me wide awake!  'Come on lazy mouse we are jumping you awake!' 

I like dreaming!
'Tough shit, it's morning'   I wana keep snoring... 'Then I'll tickle or jump you' a promise or a warning?  'Try me bitch, I'd rather share your happiness or I can start sharing some sorrow?'  lol  kk, point taken ... I'm up.. 😜


Hahaha  🤣🤣🤣🧡💛💚💙💜

Ok... Why me n him balance too???

It's spring and it's well established I'm an IMP
🙄  Why here why now??

'Think on wild seed sower and crazy nut hoarder'

Oh this is the animal totem crap I need to know? 

'Bitch... Chill.   So long as your plugged in.
Recall may be momentary. 
So long as trajectory aligned and intention pure, we got you.
TBH Ren, your way to much troube your coming with us what ever your fall out😈' 

Hahah 😂


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