Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Templars & Temples and Mouse Tails and Tales


First wake at 2323.. Convos, deals, arrangements about what we'd dream/play.
Loci, Malico Inka had been there but it was energetic rather than anything I'd bothered to render.

101 wake.. I'd been with the others, we are in my main dream area... We'd been talking to asleep people in their dreams.
It was a game with 2 sides like a puzzle.....   I was teaming with Inka, Em was there on the other team.  
I was chilling waiting on a location and Em... I was also closing in on their team location.   

 Em had jumped me smashing me on the head with a bottle of 'Christos Potion' thinking it would make me confess.

It just made me glow purple and shake like a dog shouting  'Yuck Yuck Yuck!!, what you go do that for!'  😆 Hahah

Wake again at 151... I'd found Malico, It was the same dream but I was inside a mind now too....  dancing on a knife-edge weaving light into dark and dark into light.

Next up yucky dream   Niki had been in my main dreams space she had a new dog, lovely looking fluffy black n white husky looking thing it was tired up with a red harness on.. but had got it's paws in a tangle.

I'd unfastened it and gone to find Niki to see if she wanted me to walk it with Kef ... she wasn't sure then agreed but as we go bk the puppies bogged off.. I feel shit that I'd lost her dogo.  
So we look up the street for it where I see some people gathered round.. I moved faster than her and told her I'd find out what happened and let her know.

Apparently, 2 dogos playing were hit by a car and have been taken somewhere I'd magicked up a hoverboard thing to chase them... and was following a bunch of girl guides??  They were in this strange peddle bus thing.....

Every time they passed anyone they all waved and yelled 'GIRL GUIDES!! at the same time.   It was then as a surreal chase across what was like mountain pass roads... them on the road and me surfing along the grass all following the dogos that had got hurt.

Next up I'm inside a brain again but I'm looking at a split like a y  fork in the road...  2 paths.  

Why are my dreams so different upstairs?  'Entangled Ren'   12 things, 12 groups? sections...  I was splitting them 2 ways... some one route some the other.

Another odd environment 2 houses in farmland all the inhabitants of this space were magic.  I had 2 horses, one had been mine when I was younger, I'd still ride it now and then and we were exploring the boundaries of the space we were in... In each direction, there was just a thick damp wet fog at the limits of our land.

The people in one of the buildings were parents, people would come to us for magic - The other house was full of things, it was a storage space belonging to someone else but we watched over it for them.

Another dream were we getting a debrief after a game.  We each had a section in a server where our various avatars were stored - I was chatting with 2 others and we were showing each other various forms we prefered.

A very strange space with high almost white sky, way up there are white overhead cables??

We are looking at ballons & kites with long trailing strings.... some of them look like they will get tangled in the cables.

I had a hold of a string for something that was way high!  I'd let it go so it didn't get tangled and watched it vanish up out of view.

In another dream I was being examined by an Asian female, she was a medic and a friend...
My thighs had all manner of different skin lesions each a different thing. She was telling me the medical name for each one.

I should have got up as by the morning I was just dreaming deep and recall was dodgy.

I know I was with Inka... he was more awake now. lol well smoking so at least conscious 😆

He was reminding me that like when he let me go  I came bk, yet again.  This was same thing yet again reversed, search n rescue.

Oh the Kite?? n string??

On Run was considering last night

Archimedes' spiral is time too hu?  Like the spine the ripples of the web??

Can you help please with the golden mean and his spiral?


Oh thanks!   Male in female and female in male!


One is born in box's the other inside a bubble




Can you show them overlaying plx?  Can I go inside them?


'You do Ren, we show again'


Why are bubble round?  Bug in box...  cube in bubble square in circle..  This is system geometry??


Snails?   oh my gran was a Smail??snail .. small 🐌 +  shell.


Rams horn snail flat other pond snail pointy??

Well    Errrr  nap  👀  Pffff it is what it is!

Sleep Ren now please..

'Come Ren, No to me'  Malico.... Yes.  I jumped to the house he changed my avatar to purple form the other night, horn, tail + wings... and then asked me to stand outside of his study and wait.  ???
Loci showed up almost instantly after I shrug to him and ask hu???    He laughs...  'You really do get yourself into stupid situations Ren'   Haha so it seems.

Malico appears and nods to Loci,   We jump instantly back in the temple. 
Malico informs me we will have sex now...  I'd asked hu?? wtf?? 
We have sex standing under the dome and then he puts me down and walks away...

I was upset and felt violated in some way and then he hit me..  I stared at him, confused, and kinda angry....

Loci hugs, me tells me... Please Ren, roles symbolism. 
I'd looked at Loci who passes me back to Malico who hits me again and calls me a succubus and temptress
I'm confused as he was the one who dragged me there, and then he bites my neck vampire style!!  

Loci tells me they will take me to Inka soon, and then Malico apologises too.  

He holds me again this time more like himself and shares with me, the dream links, the 2016 Solomon temple, Egypt..  👀  The rosy cross.. 
All the templar dreams, the soul shard that entered my neck were he bit me in that blood ritual... Years ago!   

Him taking me back there this summer..... too.     Inka's bus - When he kidnapped me..   

The Incubus - I'm playing Succubus?? Huu??  I don't ?? HU???

'Ren'.    Mmmm??  'Sky Map Please...  Birth and transistion to dream vission'??? 

  This??  This is the cow with the horns.. Disk then moon?

Oh??   What you asked last night... this is all symbol??  Last nigth below :P

Etymology.    Dream incubation?  Is what I do??


'Obviously Ren, we don't really want to rape you 🙄  '


Inka this morning told me I could grow to Malico.. (Jupiter and not Sol)


Malico asked last night ...  Want to flip shit up a bit??


'Yes Ren... that is what I asked you yesterday'

Hahaha 🤣  yeh...  I render this symbolically?????


I'm seeing the planetary aspect ripples?? Space time memory...

Like the planets moving threw what we see as space??


Oh this is from the run!   I asked to be shown again.   


Wow!  mind blown! 


The 2 types of spirals planetary memory aspects rendered from what we think of as time space!!


Sol + night is a dualistic spirals..


The cruncher!!!!


Bug in a box or cube cross!!!  Wow...   I see this all fractaly


An alternative perspective allows for differential expansion!!!


'Yes Ren, so... where would you like to grow?'


😆   pffff  still no idea!!!    Zoom me out for wider perspective plx??

I need to see the tragectorys plx!



The stupidty of believing in science!!!!


Science isn't doctrine- its experimental thinking 🤔


'Yeh 🐁 and your thinking has few limits'  Hahaha.


Gg again guys ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍🖤


Ty. Xxx  'Ask Mouse, we show'  

Earth is a game for the Experiential thinker???  

'Ren, earth is the perfect teacher'  Haha  Why dose that make me want to bite you?  'You're relentless Ren,   we offer what you are needing!' 

I'm just curious?
 'Then stop poking mouse accept as we have shown the universe provides for all??'    Hahahahah no chance!  If I'm falling I'm falling hard ....

Above & Beyond Acoustic - "Alone Tonight" Live from Porchester Hall (Official)


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