Sunday, 6 June 2021

Illumi Fabric with a Wide Weft

I'm so tired... No dark is exhausting! 'Ask Leon Ren, he will help you'  Oh we are heading further North?  'land of the Midnight Sun mouse'   ok.... He comes to us??

'Yes Ren I'll jump to Inka I will meet you both'  Mmm ty.

I'd decided I wanted to see Darth Dad..  I don't recall why I think I'd wanted to ask him something the others had though it pointless but not dissuaded me so I must have jumped there alone....

I don't recall the meeting or conversation but he had shared a dream... 
I can share dream with him now.

He'd given me sandbox game to play in.  Others too.. 

I'd very quickly completed and gone onto achievements oh and started PVP too for a bit of friction...

But then it became really obvious I was just inside him as every wall or mirror I could see him. 

One of the achievements was very similar to that
female prison dream where I needed to jump and hit the water in under 3 seconds.   This time the drop is massive, I'm leaping from a cloud into an ocean... It's made much harder though as we are also attacking eachother!

Oh I know it was the DNA stuff and the lol the book Inka is telling me to Read!!

I'd read this and it was like WTF  - all the me being trees dreams then the
Darth Dad dream from bk in 2017...    We'd been dancing at a party... Then he unclips the rope and leaves me down a hole with a giant mousetrap!!!  😛       gg guys!!  EPIC!!!!   💜💙💜


After that we were still in the hunters room, I was dreaming deep and to tired to move.  Leon asked me to share mainly with him Rather than Inka.

A long very detailed dream...we were arriving in a space we had not been to in ages!!

Oh yeh....  The journey!!

We are in a car with a massive tree growing out of the sun roof!!
We are driving along and I look up at the tree where Josh and a cat are clinging on!

Unlocking large dorm style rooms long forgotten...  We started of as a large crowd,

Diminishing as we passed doors and keys were handed out.

It was kind of exciting as we'd mainly forgotten so it was fun to find out what was sored inside.
The first few rooms were messy squat like, filthy blankets and stinly laundry but as we whent along they got more intriguing soon Em and Me where the last 2 left. 

Her room was unlocked and it was amazing!  Like an art gallery covered in paintings... Lines of paint tubes, all hung in order and pots of brushes for her abstract art style the images were simple in mainly blues and purples! 
Bold brush stripes on plain white back grounds..   Birds, fish and other animals.

After looking in I was keen to find my room and the others had caught up now looking in each room.  I was confused as all the doors seemed locked and the guy with the keys was laughing saying...
No they are cupboards. 

We'd moved along a bit and a door was left wide open and the room I knew instantly had been mine once....
Lol but it's not like a bedroom, like Em's was for an artist... This was a errr toyshop?  It was utterly amazing like a mad inventors workshop! 
All kinds of crazy things collected threw the ages. 

Everyone had piled in past me pulling stuff of shelves and shouting to eachother  'Hey remember these!!' 
Medieval armour, Crazy steam powered inventions, retro 60's disco stuff, gramophones and carved woodwork.

It was kind of fun and playful of somewhat random and disordered.


In another dream I'm back in Irean's house yet again... This time I'm once more cooking a massive meal!!  Lol Do I do this every SUN day? 
There was a strange glass thing like a fridge or microwave and I'd accidently cooked all the green veg at once!!   Lol


It was tasty but the timing was all off as I'd not even put spuds on to boil. 
I was munching on broccoli and steamed herbs wondering how I'd fucked it up so much!


Another dream I was supposed to be picking up Zak from School, but Ian wanted sex... Then I was late but Zak had sneaked of and come home anyway.   I was going to go bk and tell the teachers he was home so they weren't worried, but he'd tricked them and they though I'd collected him anyway!  Hahah  so would only cause more aggro....  Ian's game art...  I'm tangled in his dreaming??

'Mmmm Ren'

Oh then I'm in the scanners from the Re-Ed station but lol it's hyper real lucid, I could see the freaking program!   WTF?? 
😂🤣😂   Haha, they are pretty ingenious!

Oh... Haha the dream after still with Leon!  Phahaha I see where this is going now

Next I was shown the Lion Portal... It's linked with Yellow centre?
 'Yes Ren stay'  kk sorry... I'd been ping poinging.
My energy bod was wyrd like all my flow was toes and feet!!
Loci had arrived too.  So we were 4 there... We moved to Greenland but it was so abstract I'd just seen white bright and landed in dreams.

Another long dream ...
Lol we'd started of in old bunk beds like a halls of residence school or prison. 

The beds were covered in graffiti and we had teams with a logo/tag 😆 

Haha it was like an astral hub/school!! :D   But we tended to stick in teams to dream game competitively.

Our bunk room had been slate grey/blue bunks with a neon rainbow coloured logo... And a mess of crazy images.  

We had all headed out to Brighton, was a night out to meet people.  
Dark and raining evening in the city.

I'd made it to the venue early.. It was a strange dark pub, felt like a cellar room as no windows.

Lots of old family there in various uniforms, it was like my mama side before I was born.   That 1930's lipstick curled set hair and various uniforms. 

I'd congratulated an uncle who'd just qualified as a driving examiner
🙄  '😈.. It's punny Ren'  lol I suppose...
He had a new uniform with a shiny silver badge on. 
I was scruffy and in multicoloured tie dyed clothing.
Oh Dolores Cannon had come in... She was alive but didn't feel great.   She had dementia and her carer had helped her to come, she liked it to see people.

I'd gone and had a chat asked her how she was doing.   

I'd had a small bag with me in a heap with some others and when I looked it had gone.
It was a bit of an arse as I had no money, or phone...  I'd have to bump the train to get home.
I was fine on credit too so I'd have to sort it from the other end.

As I'd left the pub it was stormy and the streets were flooded.. I'd found a bag and picked it up then once I had a look... It's not mine so look out for a owner.
It's a woman sitting alone at a corner..  I hand it back and she is grateful.


'See why chips are useful... Especially for someone like you who loses everything?'   Your not funny?  


'I make you laugh'   Astral credit system  🤣 'and you know it'  Hahahah 😂  suppose... 

Next I'd woken at 616....   With a jolt....
I'd been dreaming with Inka and lol he'd been licking my face like a dragon / dog!!

🤣  FFS, this is so stupid!!   

💜  'My dreams are more fun??'  lol Yeh...  It's SUN day?  'Time Bitch, fickle remember.... Come back here'   


The others had jumped back and Left me and Inka sitting on snow....

Reminding me to take him with me when I go.  
We wanted to find a way therw the snow and Ice.   A melt, or something that will get us underground.

Wake again at 636 a lot had happed in that 20 mins...   Inka had bit my finger...

Like bitten it right off!!  And started to crunch it up!!
I was angry as it hurt and it was a good pointer  lol and also my bloody finger!!
He drank some blood then told me thanks I feel better

I didn't cause I was pissed of about my finger so we formed me a new one as he apologises there is nothing else to eat there!!  😒

Oh he'd wanted the energy to look for a tunnel?? 
'Mmmm kind of Ren😈'  🤔 lol  ok, wait I come back.

Eh???.....  I'm in the local Oriental rug shop? At the loom where they repair stuff??   Oh yeh.... Hahah sheesh!!
😂  Man....  I'd jumped bk to Inka, who said... We'll have sex as dragons, as it would make my mind fracture!  Once fractured I was to find the underground volcanic entrance that's around there!!  
En Trance?  Lol your such a shit
😃  Instead I was seeing the fabric of reality...

Life interwoven like Celtic dragons..

The carpet style illuminations  -- The loom and the shuttle from the carpet shop was the other dreams as I know how this works.

We were in the fabric again????

looking for trouble 😜

Hummmmm??   Eggs in the Volcano?? 
Greenland?  Is where the first evidence of bacterial life is found??

Also the possible location of the place that could have caused a biblical style flooding?

Time now right? 
'Yeh Mouse'  Oooooo    ok...  The baby dragon dreams??
Oh..  That purple lightning too... 
🤣 with a dragon and egg!

We had jumped back to Darth Dad.... who was not anoyed at both of us.. 

I'd been reminded of a dream a year past Jan...  a soul covering sock

He suggested that we could be married if we are intent on breeding..  😵 

It would mean me pledging obedience to him and Inka...   'Symbols Squeaky' 

Haha this is fun game...  'Get up mouse, decode to play'  😏

I don't wana fucking marry... honour or obey anything? Let alone Saturn & Darth Dad 😆


'Why Bitch, you fucking adore me?'


Hahah that's beside the point and you know it!


'Good I like you on chaos.   Mouse, we just stall him for now.  Neither of us minds the fall out.

Know where your Alter/Altar going?' 


Yeh...It's but mid summer though?  'Darkmoon first Ren, were flipping fast'  Oh.. OFC.. that's only a few days!


'Yes, sort NOW!'   Hahah  Emm kk I'll look




Inka...  I just read the sock dream.... 'Mmmmm'   glanced at the Axis Mundi?? 



Errrrr what we up too??? 'Playing?'  Hahahahha this like Hamlets mill??'s_Mill

Inka the long games..... Mice in Windmills??  😲   'Told you Ren, were playing.... your the competative one'  

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