Tuesday, 8 June 2021

Axsis mondi & Wobbly Windmills

Long hazy dreams with tricky energy I was being lazy about writing up and recall.    I was with Inka and Loci in the hunters room.. 


A puzzle in a swampy place then a violent crazy woman. She was being apprehended and going down for life… not happy about it she’d attacked someone else too.


A guy I was annoyed with,  I was trying to leave on a journey… but he was grabbing me and telling me to stay with him here.


While the dreams were gritty I was content just to dream them.. 
After a while the 3 of us whent formless in astral.


We were moving in airflow sharing symbols.   The Holy Grenade Antimony, Axsis mondi, Cross and box’s the polar axsis on the planet the tree of life a massive Ash tree.


A Monarch butterfly wings causing ripples….  I was flipping the holy grenade up and down inside me. 


A planet with a cross on… the tree of life, inverted love/Venus sign.  I was recalling the Pluto symbol with the horn, like the moon….


A sword inside… the cross in the heart, the 4 chambers like a battery and energy flow.


Needed to revisit Antimony and the Ash tree.  We were formless and large perceiving a symbolic planet.

Hamlet's Mill and Mice in windmills!!

The Ash tree of life and the Ash from the Phoenix, 

Reincarnation, Stasis and baggies…. 

Wombs and recall….

The veil in the mind - I can target it’s location. 


A dream with Darth Dad…

I was with some people in a garden….. A version of here.

There was a Maytree but all the roots except one had gone.


I knew this Hawthorn wouldn’t last long.


‘Next tree soon mouse’.   Oh… an infant too and a series of animals.

I was clearing the garden.. It would be replanted. 



I was seeing the world with a cross, the world in a box.... Squaring the Circle but the square is a cube.


The male and female rendering of reality.


The real I tree or the illusion we see?? 


Hum the wyrdwolf?  

The Dogs N Bitches?  Gods/Dogs Siris? 

lol your kidding.... date posted!  April fools day.....   IMA going to bite reality if it dosn't stop trolling me!!   'Long time fool Bitch!  Anyhoo, I told you last night crazy bitchs best on short leash'     lol I'll just bite you then Inka!    I'm pleased someone else saw that changing real time too or I'd just think I was bonkers.... 😆 


Monks Bane 😆 I've been lol....   'Yeh Ren, Illuminating??' 


This morning...

So....  lol today.... From the bok of Kells!!  😆

'Mirrors Mouse... you a good aim and don't miss 😈'  Hahaha  IMA get bk in my box?  'Any colour preferance?'  I'm still going to bite you...  'I don't doubt it'

Ooooo..  That's the one in Iona... 


Hummmmmmmm   Jupiter   - It was Malico who was with me in Iona! 

Oh.... also came to the Hagai Sophia when he asked me if I wanted to what was the word...  Desecrate a Temple. 

'If you need further Illumination or Elucidation  Ren, you know where to find me'
    Hahah  nice, TY!!

Dose Jupiter start moving bk to Aquarius after the 21st?   'Ren, you gave me an open pass'  Hahah I know, just curious...   'Then I will show'    Hummm...  You were the one....   It's easier to dream this hu? 

'More fun too Bitch'    cool... I'll sleep soon.  


How did this all change that night??  'Hopping Flea?'   pfff kk I'll sleep.   I need to jump somewhere less confusing!  :D 

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