Tuesday, 1 June 2021

Comparative Mythology and Fragmented Aspects.

Yesterday I started reading a book I'd asked for for Christmas.  It seemed to be same thing I'd been shown multidimensional recall in DNA...

The Cosmic Serpent.. 

Anyhoo it's fascinating starts of all about Peru and the Amazon shaman, freaked me out a little after the dreams there and stuff I've seen... 

So was chatting to Inka as I read. 
The night you kept blowing smoke on me??
'Find it'

Oh.. Purple.. You told me to take
amethyst last night we bk on Star again!!  Oh of Course the 2 temples from the nights dreams!!!  Squished into starshape...

Spirit not for sale hu???
'Trajectories aligned bitch'  Trying to understand this... 'It's ok Read Ren, we show'

You can speak Spanish, Leon Latin... Loci Japanese..  Where dose the Sanskrit and the German come in???
'We share as you need to know.. Keep reading dreaming asking'  lol kk.

Medicaments?  That word a pre-runner to pharma? The rx? 
'No accident you've studied what you have Ren'  Mmmmm 'Read Ren'  You'll answer though?? 'I could just kick you?' 😆lol 'Stop the stupid questions then. Games getting interesting'


'Inti Ren'  
Where Leon grabs my toe???? 

But Inti is south American Leon usually Latin.   Is that like the dark sun light sun? 'Follow that thought flow'  Archetypal duality's? Wobbly planet? 

'Globe squeaky... Use stickers or bluetac... Mark were your fragments are at'    lol ok....  'Go then'   pfffff ok on it 🙄

That spot on my foot were the itching is, there is much surface blood flow
'Globe Ren, I know your blood and exactly where it flows'

So Globe and the places I'm splitting... atm.

Oh wow.... 👀  lol!!  Hahah that is freaky!!

Hum… So

Hunters room HolyIsland was the Indigo gold numbers.

May tree hawthorn, is the Deep purple, pink and gold beetle.

Darth dad deep greenpurple Ink blot

Leon white, pale pink light green flowers

Malico light bluegold stars

Kaylo Yellow and Orange. & Ur
Inka Red & Brown...  Farseer tree dryads.

--Sleep early..

Sort space mouse you know where we are heading for?   Mmmmm 'Amethyst & reverse that light.. Your onboard?'  lol  or a vessel?

'gg Ren, I won't drop you just come ok'  kk

😛  Why do I trust you?  'You don't you just love me'  Hahah suppose.


Hah wow, that was some jolt my my left leg it jumped right of the bed!!   'Sleep Bitch, jump agreements to make in astral next' 😆
I'm not meeting you...
'Nop Ren, astral entity big data'

I didn't wake for a while after.

The dream was 2 horses diving to the bottom...  Taking it in turns looking for something.

I sort of recalled the temple in the jungle the one with the snake down the side.... I knew I'd been there before at least 2 other times. 
'Time Now Ren, ripples'

Inka jumped me to the top of a temple right way up this time.

As he'd killed me I'd just gone back inside him...  I was sacrificed to the people, land and Inti - I was seeing the temples from my dreams the pyramids and how it was also that triangle yantra...  
What we did ripples threw our timelines - I was seeing the symbolism and geometry mainly.


The 2 horses??... 'Ren that was lake Titicaca we are activating earth chakras for our crew'


Then I'm back at the far seer tree where I had that recall of being in a herd of bison.. The smells and vibrations and recall 'Shaman timelines the O in your family DNA groups.. '  My Mam was O-

'Back to Europe soon Ren sleep more' 


Next I wake going over handlebars on a bike... I hear this track.




Lyrics -
This old man I've talked about Broke his own heart, Poured it in the ground. Big red tree grew up and out, Throw up it's leaves, Spins round and round. I know all this and more. So take your hat off When you're talking to me And be there when I feed the tree. This little squirrel I used to be Slammed her bike down the stairs. They put silver where her teeth had been. Baby silvertooth,she grins and grins. I know all this and more. So take your hat off boy When you're talking to me And be there when I feed the tree. Take your hat off boy When you're talking to me And be there when I feed the tree. This old man I used to be Spins around, around, around the tree. Silver baby come to me. I'll only hurt you in my dreams. I know all this and... I know all this and... I know all this and more. So take your hat off boy When you're talking to me And be there when I feed the tree. Take your hat off When you're talking to me And be there when I feed the tree.




Get up at 1am for a hr as to itchy to sleep!

I was awake for another hr or so just with so much energy I could feel Inka and Leon... Was side nodes legs lower chakras then all of back, crown then front.

I wake again at 313.  

I'd been visiting my shattered fragments it was mainly Leon.. He wasn't talking to me just letting me breath in the setting.
I was a child back in Budapest long ago playing on the grass with errr like carved wooden peg dolls. 
It's a almost fairy-tale cottage - with a veg and flower filled garden. 

He was smoking this time an unusually shaped pipe with a twist in it.. After a time we went into the cottage beautifully decorative and very old fashioned. 
I'd slept on a wooden bed and dreamed there - The dream was strange and also abstract. 

I've a feeling I was splitting with Malico too, I recall jumping into a few of my aspects.

A black and a white Hen had laid Black and White eggs.   One thought she could sit them better than the other...  I'd watched the Hens who had used the same nest fight over the eggs breaking most of them.

Only 2 remained intact with dead unformed chicks littering the next and after that they agreed to share.  Taking it in turns while the other was feeding.

A black arrow sign post, made of wrought Iron It was errrr Apollyon and the sign said Artemis this way.

Oh also a WTF dream I had a massive tortoise!!   I needed to wash it as I was taking it inside to dream with 😆
Also a bald Hippo like thing, a cat and a cuddly teddy.

I'd had to tag team with Em who was heading out with a message for Wolf and Mouse!! 😆

A watermelon coach.   On wheels! The seeds inside were like tiny bugs or rodents!

I was supposed to meet the others but I didn't seem to be getting much further than the hunters room, once there I'd dream again.

So much dreaming..
In one I'd arrived back in my main dream space in a London cab. 
Marie/Middle me and my bro are there they were young but they'd also not seen eachother in many years since childhood.

They greeted eachother then headed of in different directions.

Stray dogs in the estate.  Some had been drugged and dumped there I could talk to them.
A guy I knew was helping me to feed and check them, one was in a sort of black rubber body bag we had to break it back out of.

Then this crazy dream... Like a futuristic horror sci-fi vibe.  Looked and felt amazing!! 
I'm mainly formless 3rd person observer but I can experience the perspectives of the various dream characters.

I start of seeing a Mama and young daughter kids meby 5 or 6...  She's been in the centre of a futuristic car wreck.

3 strange all metal vehicles have smashed head on.. The front of them all completely destroyed.  In the crater in the ground caused by the impact the girl stands unharmed deep in communication.

There is a round stone portal that to others looks inactive but the child can look trough it.

The Mama is running to check if the girl is harmed but the girl just chatting to what others see as an empty portal,  

The parent drags her away as things are going bonkers.

Despair was next or Doom??  Humm  That was what a voice had told me as I was observing from above.
First I'm buying noodles and a set of wooden chopsticks..

Then I'm walking a guy walk threw a darkened desert....

Hole are falling where his feet are treading.  
I'm splitting now too and a part of me in a blue overall is sitting on a step waiting I can observe the whole desert and the males progress in my hand I have a powerful water pistol.

I'm squirting it in the are the water in an arc is forming dark rainbows in the black sky.  

I listen to the guy singing and a track I'd not herd playing...  
It was beautiful and sad I can see a hidden electric grid overlay.

A tall black male approaches were I'm sitting , I apologise if my water pistol wet him.

He didn't mind and sat down too.

He told me this is Doom or Despair... I forget.

I just kept on squirting dark rainbows!
I'd laughed and asked what is Hopes timing?

The overall I was wearing was blue like here.... But it's very dirty now.

The whole setting was dark, the portal, grid...

Oh the only thing bright coloured was the packet I'd bough of prawn flavour ramen noodles!!

They are bight pink!! 😆

What this fuck is the Prawn...  Ohhhh  are they like the grubs bit Pink?!?!?!? 

Oh they are grey... but chucked in enough instant hot water they turn pink!!  Hahahahaha 😆

Homers Oddesy?  -  I need to look at??... Lol I'm all-over!!  'Get up n Run Ren, will help to ground you'

Inka had just been chilling....  he's still stubornly stuck on the far left of the bed.  I can only Lay with him left of me and I'm his right!

I'd sat on his chest as he was a little more awake and he just blew smoke in my face told me to 'pack it in bitch' then made me into a gremlin!!!' 😆


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