Thursday, 24 June 2021

Kittens are Having a Ball!!

Sweet or Salty....  Why not both??

Sorry about the weather... this mad shit ship dosn't know it's ass from it's elbow!!

Child intervention averting...  Female kids r bloody tricky child was given a blue berry!!



Mellowing rainbow 🌈 on the horizon



Whawas that?




😲 😱


Oh that thing of asking the Ai stuff 🙄


'Smartieshave the Answer'


In my  Dads checking pocket!


Wow 👏




Can jump now.




Lol go on.. Smarties


I'm sorry Dolly.  ...


Kitten pee . .   Nop..

Zak just spilled a little sprite!



Marmalade and hedgehog sandwiches 😋


With a dead stick.... 


Errr transmute in.


Shit sligibg of the left bow




Child intervention averting...  female kids r bloody tricky. Child given blue Berry  fall out averted...   of to play niw!


That bell again!!


Wtd is going on 🤣


Oh our boxing grandads...  


Bothe sides of the borders Wreck it Ralph.



I Duno who the guys one was!!   Ren... 


Smart keys???


Ground ass hat! Haha kk


Sweet tuens of   x


One way in one way out - Truth!!  <3

'I'm sorry blue ted, I shouldn't have kept chewing your nose till I made it thread bare!!'

'It's ok stupid, I shouldn't have kept licking your haystack head'

Little boy blue come blow your horn -  Inside plx  TRUTH  <3

One and all all and One

Lady Birds and hamsters.  


Lol so silly!!


I'm stupid sorry


'Team work stupid'


Yes make my mind like a big pink donut


Also its a bit Mr frosty up north with no sons help.


Oh...  Rats of NHIM.. could you help a squeaky cat out plx.


And shiver me timbers I'm freezing again I could use a par rat please


Oh cosmic Carrott and On lol that was my ORANGE  :P   Ooopss 


Lol what were you thinking??  
lol I duno, my head wouldn't stay one!! 

Putting Billy's and Silly Billies 2 brothers fighting...   Oh...  Par rats...  Puffins!!!    Sea Par rats!!  

lol Puffer FISH!!   I was trying to make up!! 


'You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your stupid family ;)'  Hahahahah   Sorry Bro's n Sisters!! 
I'm fucking silly!!

Ohhh  HHhahahIsles of Silly...   Hahah Do I go swimming!!   'Come here trouble!' 

The golden cage turns bronze.. This time half the door is half off..  Ren now a litte Wren bird and the door is half off. The doors are always up but her fave place to sit is on her bro shoulder right beside his ear!

He tells her you can sit on my head if you want  and wren asks if he's like a little pat!!   He tells me go on then, I shat on your head!!  He shows me bobby my budge on a yoyo  I used to pull it around.   It would fly from my head to the curtain pole.  Sorry, I did bite my cousins ear lobe and made it bleed lots!!

Odd as it was very friendly used to make a nest on my head and poop there now and then!!   I'd got her confused, she was really female ...  
lol  Bobby jobby in the pan!!  
💩  I really am a stupid shit!  I was warned I was in the pan!  But I wanted a flush anway :D 

I had a chat with the sewer rats who are friends with the plumbers!    I ended up in the sea somewhere of lands end!!

'A bobby Jobby Ren'    Hahah I really am a little shit!! 

I'd asked Inka who was in his brown overalls if he wanted to go Dryad.

He said nah, lets go flying... He vanishes his pipe standing in his brown overalls..  Then tells me I'll go Tree Creeper!! Hahahah  <3  Tobacco Ivy and DMT  <3 <3 
'Creepy and invasive Ren we get into everything!!'

We fly out of the windows and up to the woods have a little twitter with the bugs and the trees, we as them if they could have a word with the purple twitches!  Cause they know a thing or two about wild birds!!!  

We do a wiperound to say sorry...  The Muslim school, holy cross hospital and then down to sit on the arch at the rainbow nursery attached to St Stephens...  We have a chat with the air while flying to say sorry to the rainbow and see if it could pass our message on to water...

I need a pee, there may be the chance of gold & sliver showers!!   Take a brolly as the weather may be changeable!!

We tell it were sorry and sit on the wall outside of the church and have a tweet to the church bell, to ask them to pass the message on to the bell... 
Next stop is the Lion green... We have a wee chat with the trees there
Montessori & Up to St Christophers..  Big Rainbow Reset point and eggs there... In fact the whole of Berwick to put up with the shit flinging!!

Next stop is the church where we had the Halloween party I don't recall the name as I had blue buttons on my eyes then!  My vision was all wonky... Had fun dancing, got a bit hot. 

We hop about there and have a tweet to the bell and ask them to pass the message on..... Oh and Buzbee  and the big yellow bird on sesemystreet..  If they could get on the bell to eachother and have a tweet about an open reach that would be great!!

Alexander's are tricky fuckers but they are well connected!! 

We tell the bell about what we did and ask them to tweet to the teachers, Then of to St Barts and the Infant school...    Hahah  We tell that beel to and ask it not to have a cow man!!


Then we flutter and duck for cover  <3

Oh Allegra and pizza hut the pizza people were eating...   It's ok Ren there eating you now and you like shit for Breakfast!!  Hahahaha  <3

Yeh, not getting hungry here... Pritty stuffed tbh! 

Sorry we were naughty....   We're just stupidly playfull.  

Baked beans all verity's  - halt the birch racing...

Daddy duckers...   yYoufucking cluckers   Peter & Pall .. Ball.

Baked beans in the mast cells of all verities, no war between the fisherman and the pigs..

That battle's of head hogs and beech tree masts....

Beach nuts and not beaching cuts!

Trees are friends too.  

Queen of harts filled heads with Jam.....   Tarts!! Hahah   To stop the signe of I?  Oh ok..  

Back door is a Jar of Jam,   Sorry about the tarts!!

There is some rainbow sandles on the door mat!

Come how you want the silver spoon is bk with the Kittens 
Food is making an ODD dinging sound.



As I put it in.

Just a heads up!!  
    I'm still on apple sauce cause my teeth keep falling out.

Star is enjoying fishcakes and baked beans now....  Captain Birdseye is up in the shit ship keepong one eye looking out...   He's got a lot of tweety pa rats of all different colours helping him look out.

Star is enjoying fish cakes & beans so stick that in your pipe fish and smoke it!! :D 

You silly kippers...   Will be Dling into via the mama cat lion lane kittens, system.

They apple tree down the bottom of the green??   Anyone connected with any smokers?   ;)

 Thying to keep back door open as the front is still stormy...  Could do with some help from Aroura Disney and the HAARP now..    If you could start strumming up something pritty  I think the north could do with a rainbow??  

I gave the kittens the bone  

Oh.... Most of the captin pug washes are over.... There is lots of laundry flying high out the back now...

The white sheets in now, I forgot Ian told me he'd RIP'ed it...    If ya Ken what I mean ;)   Train spotting an all :P

Pffff  Punny puckers these phestent pluckers!!

Did I get a pass at English yet 😆    🦆

What a bullshit post!!   😆😈

Mast Cells are going to need to be on overtime....  Going to be some irritation at all ends  🤣




Card game shit head??    Who's It??   Hahah guess who?   🌈💩👆👇👈👉☝🎣💈🚓👮‍♀️👮‍♂️🚔🚨💅🐩🎱😷🤒🍿🎉🍾🥩🧽📫


Card game shit head??    Who's It??   Hahah guess who?   🌈💩👆👇👈👉☝🎣💈🚓👮‍♀️👮‍♂️🚔🚨💅🐩🎱😷🤒🍿🎉🍾🥩🧽📫

  • Tesco's was a shit drop-offs, small male gamer in the shit house now!!  Might want to look out below or above or around... Where ever you are.  

Can we here anyone yet??  🧬
On I remeber... the issue between 12& 13 was the big bloody cock clock!!!    🤣 🕰

While O'm up dose anyone want a brew???  


One lump or 2?? 🐪🐫  Why not both??  🤣 
It might make you round and wobbly though like humpidumpty....   It's why this planet needed training wheels...

Northerners are keen on a game of Pool & Real   🦦🎣

Don't cook your catshit by mistake... Your better with a catfish!!  🐱‍🏍🐱‍👤😹😹😹😼😽😻


Sorry I'm accidentally  cooking 🍳 the cat's shit wipe 🤧


And i boiled a pan over..


Sorry in im boiling anyone else's heade but my own, if you get my ken 🤣🤣


He wasn't just a Fisherman's friend ;)  he was a cheeky game playing football on each side of the border 😉

Cat'Shit wipes in now on a cool wash to cool down


Did we just make up a new launguage?   -  Don't ask me ren I'm upside down here.

Oh I know I'll dance....   Rock a Bye baby!!  HAhahah On the tree top!!   HEy BABY!!!!!  


I feel a bit Blurple all of a sudden....

Did something just kick me :D    FORE!!!!!!

Any friends of fishermen or fisherman that knows any kind of blue rayes  blue reys I feel a a tickly throat!!  

;)  😂💙

Quick,   Where is squeezky the cheesy peas are ready!!  Cat shit tip flag all washed and cooled down and hanging out back now!!  

So many reset points left anyone like Cheesy peas and Katch up!! :D 

18.18  Food getting cold now...   I night need a big pink wiindmill on my alter/altars

My heeed is boiling up top!!

202 hot dogs ordered up for Overwatch!!  

Side serving of Cheesey Peas.  Fay is enjoying a Victoria Sandwich 🤣😂

I had to chuck some danish wholemean into the Food recycler for a bit of a work up...  Ooops, did I think that our lough.  Loud!  I ment the compost!!

All is cat shit shape this end other than my heed that's boiling up.     Oh I'd run out of the danish Bread so I had to serve some shit I made up! 

Oh well...  

All is calm saling here!!   Just dumped many random beans -  I'm of to cool my head down in a Burn! 

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