Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Broken Vessel

I'm so confused, excited and in love with reality!  'I know mouse...  Set intention and come here, places you'd like to dream at yes?'

That Osiris temple Egypt.. Mousehole 'Your well down that already'  Hahah

Isla... Oh bk into the sea too.   Can I learn bout pressure and air systems?

Yeh..... Oh... When i learnt the elements first time round?  Earth first, or fire?  I know Air then Water was last?  'Remember why?'


Balance, would have hurt to much to learn the stuff I needed if I'd done emotion first.  


'E motion...  '   Energy in motion....   Weaponised E motion?   'A Bomb Ren, what is H?' 

Heli no Hydrogen  lol Helium is balloons... Helios..

Hydrogen  Hydro??  Water... H2O  oh....  Hahaha  ok.

is air sign a paw on water and a paw on land.  Emotion contained in a jug to pour out... 

'Or a water gun?'  lol  I'm sorry I kept smashing you on the head with my jugs Inka ๐Ÿคฃ

'Water under the bridge Ren' 
Oh lol,
๐Ÿคจ  One foot on water, one foot on land!!!  

Your right this is fun?  'Right or left mouse?' 

One foot in front of the other??

'Unless I pick you up by your tail/tale'   ๐Ÿ˜‚

It's not my tale! It's His Story!!!

'Who is HE Ren?'   Hahahahaha  you know I've been there....

'Yeh bitch, you can't remember shit! TIME NOW'    Hahahha

'Coming to play?'  

Lol yeh OMW.

22.55 WOW Inka!!
๐Ÿ˜ฒ 'Yeh Squeaky'  hahahah   That was to big!!  Too much,  I was am so many things....      I can't stay awake,  'Don't then, come here your scattered' 


'That was Darth Dad Ren & Judith too.....'

lol WOW, errrr that Judith is 'Not as you know her'

I was dreaming in a haunted house...

Judith the gay head nurse from the PDSA was my lover.

I'd written a song Or left an announcement. 

Her and Darth Dad had come to talk at different levels.

I was half asleep, so there conversations were sketchy.
Judith needed some time and space for healing.
'Family therapy'
Darth Dad was asleep in a pile of black robes..


I was thinking 'Oooops.... Now what have I done!' 

Judith had confirmed I'd offered Darth Dad a much needed out.

He's not have gone of his own accord??


Accord again??  
Anyway now Judith needed some time alone and a space for healing.
They'd both left me a love letter scribbled on some paper?!?

Errrrr Inka Hu?

This was the Punch & Judy show... The director of the old panto I'm confused??


'Come back Ren, were still scattered in the North Sea...'

Next we visit Isla and then the Isle of Aran?  Aron..   Argon?  The haunted house...

I'm filaments in the sea now, fine as spider web.

Feeling it out.


Filaments attachments   Oh, Filaments and Arcs The Helium and Argon that arc spark..  Coloured lights fluorescent.


The blur song..  This is a low... I jumped of lands end too. 

The Blue Ray and Blue Rey   - bay of Biscay...  I was the sea the sea was me...I'm so confused!

Red & Blue = Purple .....  'Sick of fish yet Seal?'  Hahah  ๐Ÿ’œ

'It's ok, just dream mouse.... Helping'     lol periodic table?     'Yeh' 

Next dream I was listening.
A Mama, she was talking to me about her infant that was small and deformed.

It looked like an old stuffed teddy and it kept falling over.

I kept propping it back up for her as she spoke....  It was on it's side once more.
She had been trying to heal it and had thought it was working.

Now she just felt stupid and ashamed.
I was hearing her and listening.

I'd propped the teddy back up to hug the mama,

But it still kept falling over.... 
Then the mama bit it.  

Both were hurting.

Next up a bonkers dream about 2 princes!   Lol They had gold round VIP stickers ๐Ÿ˜†
Both had lots of info on tissue paper...


It was a little like my signed confession.. But that was on vellum 'your own skin squeaky' 

Hummm  (Oh this cycle I??  'Mmmm Bitch'  OOPS๐Ÿ˜œ)

Anyway we'd all ended up in this unfamiliar city.
We'd arrived together by taxi but non of us knew the road directions to our destination.

Now part of the city was pedestrianised.
So I'd got out to walk to our location.

Both of the prince's had left me their details and
One also his suicide note.

There was a walk way with trees, one was Ash,

I was trying to help sort something out.

The Ash tree was odd as it had 2 types of leaves on, Pine like conifer and then the more usual I'd recognised it from it's bark..  ??? ๐Ÿ•?

I needed to contact the suicide prince before a timer went off....
But my phone screen and hands were wyrdly sticky.

lol then loads of boys and kids are having a water pistol fight and I'm caught in the middle!

I knew the suicide prince needed my help and I felt crap that they would think I didn't care.

I'd decided if they checked out NOW..... then I'd just have to jump back and find them again...
But that would mean screwing with yet another timeline...


Hummm, we were in Rome, Roma or Etruscan style ruins

I'm Mainly Dreaming with Malico now??  'Yes Ren, we are round the isles of Arran'

This is so confusing!!!
Lots more but so jumbled...  Oh I'd also jumped with Malico to Iona again... He'd turned me once again into curious George.

lol Hummmm


Eeva was in one written declaration...  It was in the suicide note package... A message to her like a goodbye note.... 

There were also plans and instructions for free energy and another for dimension jumping. 
Theses were colourful on black paper I already knew how to do this....
The timer was going off NOW.

???  So much dream!!  'Sorry Ren, Jump to Inka next he will help decode and unpack'

Oh I was also wearing a red tartan skirt...


I hear that old song 2 princes..  Spin Dr's

Head pop!!.... 'You got spares' 

I'd jumped to Inka but just curled up in a ball and crashed out as my head was frazzled..
I'd got up to run at 333.   Inka had reminded me I was following all the pains in my head from yday and last night.

Fisherman & Lachi - DNA


Inka my heads in bits... 'Chill Bitch, another humpty dumpty day... we'll patch you up later'   

Another Purple Star....   Oh ffs!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜†


Oh  lol Punch!!   ';)'   


Another Puck and the Pied Piper!!    Jester and Fool...   O.o 

The Story just jumped bk to where Inka accidently punched Ren in the face....



Hummmmm   Shit???


The Rat's of NIMH   & Nimrod & the instutute of mental health!! 

All from the 26th another loop!!

All the 26th Date dreams....  the 2018 is my fave!!!!

Time ripple!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

Oh  Solsdice is on the 21st this is upside down boxing day!! 

Hahaha Punch...

You told me that!!


So what's up with the 26th??  Or Down???


Periods..  Periodic table 


Monthly??      Moon...   This is where the 2 geo-me - trees arn't meshing !! 

We can fix inside but the collective mind is still out of whack!!!    12 & 13


That's where I see the glitch?? 


So...    I do this in the collective weaving????


Where we close the gap???  The grails inside...  'Always Witch' 

That was the dead Adam & Eve...  - Snake Apple & Tree in 2016 

2 towers...   lol ffs ๐Ÿ˜†

The 2 Towers... 

A new Eeva  Crazy shit panto!!  ๐Ÿ™„

Inka....   The 2 towers you sent me bk to...  'Who's on TIME bitch?'    WHO indeed??


'Stick with Whom Ren it will serve better our need'  Malico?    Pffffff

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