Wednesday, 23 June 2021


'Giant arc' stretching 3.3 billion 
light-years across the cosmos 
shouldn't exist 
By Adam Mann - Live Science Contributor 1 1 days ago

Adam mann!!
The Northen Shit powered windmill has a  crazy big anchor how!! 

'May Tree Arc     and He told you 'Happy Landings?'  Hahah!!!

lol  to late I fall hard
😋  'Stupid Ren........'  

I woke from the ripples of my own dog barking... Then I hear Kef outside.  
It was almost 11.30 the rest must be coming to bed.

'Yehhh mouse, were ridding the echo's of a shit storm ;)'   Oh... Hahahah ooooff.

Rub a dub dub??   'Ren, you are the barrel, and you are over it! ' lol
'You know who's in it'  

The Squeaky???  
'Yeh with another load of shit heading for your pink windmill you're going to be on clean up for Aeons 😉'  Hahahaha  'Help?'   Yes please.....   💕   'YOUR ON'   Pahahahahah 


'That's the kind of help you get stupid, You know us!'   Hahahaha 🤣💞

👀 Yehh...  'See what we did'  Mmmmm I duno how??

'Teamwork and Harmony'  Wowo   'How all the best things are made'

I'm speechless!!
'lol bout time Squeaky  -  Just stick with pack a bit ok'

'Yeh...  As Devils Punch goes, you're pretty sweet really and we have a big bowl full here 😏' 

Hahahaha  The Dish and the Spoon!!      WOW  This is
😍  Magic!!  'Intention Ren, it was surrender'  
Sur Ren Deer ??

Hahah I suppose it was.  

Take me were I need to go, show me what I need to know, teach me what I need to grow...  Please ;)
 'Hahah you actually asked nicely entitled brat'  Haha   I am nice mainly 😏

'We fill our devils punchbowl with magic symbol soup?'  The beeching cuts.. 


Beeching cuts 
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
The Beeching cuts (also Beeching Axe) was a plan to 
increase the efficiency ot the nationalised railway system in 
Great Britain. The plan was outlined in b,vo reports: The 
Reshaping of British Railways (1963) and The Development 
of the Major Railway Trunk Routes (1965), written by 
Richard aeeching and published by the British Railways Board. 
The first report identified 2,363 stations and 5,000 miles 
(8,000 km) ot railway line tor closure, 55% ot stations, 30% ot 
route miles, and 67,700 British Rail with an 
objective ot stemming the large losses being incurred during a 
period ot increasing competition trom road transport and 
reducing the rail subsidies necessary to keep the neb,vork 
running. The second report identified a small number ot major 
The overgrown viaduct across Lobb 
Ghyll on the Skipton to Ilkley Line in 
Yorkshire, built by the Midland Railway 
in 1888 and closed in lg65

'Yeh Ren, you added Beech trees to the Ogham and made it about friends.. The roots run together and they hold stuff up!'   

Oh...  Ahahah  Alnwick the station into a barter books!!  
Swap old story's for new!!  Knowledge shared for free!!!

The snake used to hold the benches on stations...  Haha now there holding
Hosepipes!! 🤭



2 females arguing their religious shit.... 
One 'New Age' the other 'Christian' 
They were arguing about a demonic snake. 
A rack on the wall for a hosepipe real, 
It was made out of 2 red and white S shaped snakes. 
They kept sticking out their tongs and winking at me!!

Winky Snakes
🤣😂🤣   One and All Bat and Ball  O 1

💜  Ooooo I love games!!  'Bat and ball!! The 🦇 was only to make a point!!'   💜

The Bat man sign we beamed in the Air??

💜  Needed the friction to Ramp it up!!!    Haahaha   Heist...  I had some crazy Grandads!!

'TIME NOW BITCH' The crazy mouse in Saturn's pocket..

'I told you you were in service Bitch'  Relentless curiosity!! <3 

Stupid Sniffy noises!!

I'd wanted to know one side or the other 'Why not both!!' 
Hahah  I was both... But we blew up earlier!
My recall is bonkers!

'Fucking Diamond' 
You laughed your head off!! 'I made you a ball'  I stuck it on your ass  

Hahahah Told you we were cheating Bitch!! IKR  I knew the outcome :P 
My Nana was the fiddler!!  
She had a silver locked with all the female lines in... Like Russian dolls box in box's

Bat and Ball one and all crazy Love story... Gnomio and Juilet! 

Hera Tic!!  Hahah  I hop till the flam burns purple then dance or wriggle!!   'Irritation!!'

Buggy or tickly 
🤣  Tic !   Oh Tic Tok  :D  Hahahhaah  
Is there anywhere I've not been?  'Don't ask!'  Hahaha to late :P

Twitchy Eye'd Loony :D    Yeh <3 Sorry.... 
 'Was fun, thanks for the Fish 😉 '

Oh the hitchhikers guide!!  Hahah Long Poles

Hahaha 505

🍩  I need to run.... lol will come bk later even my days are do-nut shaped now!!   Need filling in the middle😂


;)  ant d.  My mam was O- im B+ the Happy bee.  She needed anti D so her body didn't attack a brother!   Anti 'd war   the d war f 
D war off! 


Were opening up a can o worms! 

Bean can?  'You exploded that & kicked it over! '




Awww Simba & Belle  their Dad is ???  Abyss in  abbisinin

Abyssinian cat


From <>


 Spell witch? Witch with?    Oooo 💜 Haha He keeps sneaking in Star seems to like him!!

In terms ot the domestication ot cats, analysis has found the Abyssinian to be one ot 
the oldest types ot the animal in existence, with mummified cats in Egyptian tombs 
studied by archaeologists appearing similar to the modern breed's standards.


Zula, the so-called •first Abyssinian"


The Abyssinian cat as it is known today was bred in Great Britain. It is 
alleged that British soldiers deployed to North Africa in the nineteenth 
century returned home with kittens purchased trom local traders.



Thomas the tank engine..   lol I gave him some wellies yesterday 😅

AlL the storys?  'Every ones' 🤯🥳


Fairy stories & Fables... they took the money you guys nicked the bafta


Oh mann


What day is it?  'Its Now Ren & will be later'


Lol 😆

Not again...  there playing over watch I'm on under tail/tale.    The asshole...  Why do I have to play Mars & Uranus!  'You're the stupid ass that we keep standing up and you keep falling over!'  Hahaha I'm wobbly 😂

Am I trying to literally raise the glass ceiling and everything on it?? 
'Wait n find out mouse 💜'  You're High n low like the tide.


Sheesh bendy and the ink machines. Christ on a stick!  Pritty much Ren.. sheesh

This history is twisty!!  That's why we dance it 🤣🕺


. lol press E on doors


What about Aeons ??  ' They hang round waiting'  like daft bats??? 



Zaks teaching me Bendy...  Hahaha he was impressed with my bulls eye 🤣


Stop 😆🤣😆🤯 


Squeaky Bendy  - silly visions   a bit double...

Ohhh  Hahaha


WWhen'Now'  Sheesh


Hahaha 🤣 🤣   Zak tried to save me... 'you're hopeless bitch.'


I can't play for laughing...   'Idiot' 


Windows Settings 
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8LetccthE printers; mouse 



Don't press button with axes... don't fight me for it then I forget what I'm holding 🤣


'That's why we disarmed you 😍'    ouch...  poor  Inkas 🤣


Were even stupid 🤣🤗


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Zak man....  Lol wants me to watch him play... I don't want spoilers 🤣  'Neither of you has the sense to back down!!  Hahaha IKR  'See why were trouble!'  Yes 😆  I can't help myself!   'We know...   Music and plants....   Your story for now we don't want a train wreck 🤣'  Hahaha  💜   Yep!!

Root 66 & Root 69!!   Brilliant!!!
❤🧡💛💚💙💜   Once in once out.   The Long way home and

Hahah Dad joke Reality!!

A69 road 
The A69 is d major northern trunk 
road in England, running east—west across the 
Pennines, through the counties of Tyne and Wear, 
Northumberland and Cumbria_ Originally, the road 
started in the centreof Newcastle upon Tyne then 
later near Birtley, but since the creation ofthe Al 
Western Bypass around Newcastle upon Tyne, it now 
starts at Denton Burn, a suburb of Newcastle upon 
Tyne. The route from the Al junction to Carlisle city

OMG  Denton Burn!! 
'Were both irritating Ren!!'   Hahahah  Yep  that's why we make good energy!!🤣 Phahahaha 

Lets just keep popping in then!!  Pfffff   Ooops that was one in one out!!   
 'Worlds Witch you've got more than one eye!!'

I'm pretty sure superhero's do it how ever they ducking want too!! 



We beamed the Batty thing last night.... But this time it's a batty mammy!!
Pussy's in a Dell and a Well!!



I really am in everything!!

It's no wonder I can go pop!!

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'It's ok Ren
🤣  Save points!!' Oooooo  We've spilled the beans and kicked the can!!  

Hahahaha  Sheesh...  Plantery stabilising system...   Lol

No wonder I have so many wyrd memory's!!  I'm starting to be a more I deer!!


Pop Goes the weasel or Pop goes the Pole Cat!  😁
The Pa Rat... The Bat, Cat   Oooooo the Extinction rebellion!  
 'Fighting it in!'   

Blugh.... Mouse out...
'Fraid not your still a windmill!!'  Hahah Suppose it is fun! 

Rocky n bull winkle are we done with that now??  

I've never danced ballet and I'm pretty clumsy!  

Oh Em!!  
😍   Hahaha  she has that covered!!  Sweet!!!    'But a little Salty😛'

Pfffffffff   It's getting hot!! I'm burning up!! 💜

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