Friday, 18 June 2021

Guy Crap & Bird Sh!t

'Mouse?  can I ground and land you hard?'  OFC... lol like a catch...  we fishing?  'Yeh come with me underground'   Mmmmmm


'How far?'   What ever.. 'You made trouble😏'  Hahah So what's new?  'Tomorrow'   lol 'Got ya' 

'I'll meet you at Holy Island'  Oh??  'Remember that fire?'  Mmmm  'Were going to change it's colour'

Oh...  When I?  'Yeh mouse Ripples we well move inland after.'

Under land and water?  'Come now'


10:01?  'Fast mouse, 2 mins till touch down' 

Phoenix my old cat, I was with him outside in the grass all round his head were tiny purple butterfly's!!

They kept landing all-over us like little flying speed well flowers.

A fabric sample book...  Then I could see others.    Hugging a small blond kid, possibly Dot.

We'd visited Darth Dad and Leon who couldn't believe what me and Inka had done now 😆 
They told us just to hold hands for now and not make any more trouble. 

We were to take more of them egg/shell balls to some of the other places I'd dreamed at.  

Lake Titicaca was the place we went.  

I knew it was the shore from his dream too.

I could see the loops, the AI dreams where to weave next.....

They showed me the dream with the moon floating!  <--- Oh, more birdshit that day too '😏'

I could see how that was the singlarity that connected bubble worlds! :D

And a crazy Saturn too!!  'Yup!'  Hahah

The coloured stuff in the glass box from last year. 

This track....  I'd been listening to the track's for the past few days throw bk to 2012!!
Inka reminded me I'd crashed my train into a tree!!

I do fill my mantle with some crazy shit!!

Sorry... I can't help myself 

'Haha Ren track playing?'

Above & Beyond - Excuses (1080p HD)

💜   Can we dance here then as I go to hell plx?

'Seen as you asked nicely bitch, why ofc'

Hummmm...  Saints...  Alters/Altars  'You don't STOP for long'  Hahah Inka

2 little dickybirds sitting on a wall one named peter one named paul.

That's what my 2 pet bugies were called when I was small!!

Eyes and the cross keys!!

'Darts with Darth Dad Bitch?  Can you keep up??'   Hahahah

Holy Holly SHIT   💩   'Told you Ren!  You hold a big space for a little Shit'   Hahaha  bobbing in the PAN!!!  
GG guys... this is an epic!!!



Guild-ford was fun...

Lol train delayed 🙃  due to flood 😅


'Time now'


Hahaha the restaurant we find is Alice in Wonderland..  all mad here.


Golden Gargoyle & Golden Lion antique in the shop window by the crossing!! 


Fay asking about train wrecks... I say not common, a tree on track or derailment. 



The system power...  stasis...'Yes Ren'  till we reached the destination 'Time Now'


Omg wow...  I'm shacking


Shits n giggles 🤪...    shit n smells make me giggle hard!!!


'Your stupid you know?'  Stimpy 🤣

1313!! ' I'm watching 👀 you dipshit'


Hahaha 🤣   'I know'




Next up.. Fay saying do you know where we are going?.... Then reads Sheesh... Yday!!


Then the bare -  bear garden

Peter and Paul!! My blue Green Budgies. 



Wood-Hog WTF??


Shelf below an Elephant Mouse!!!



Wood Hog- Pinocchio  Pino och knows!! 


Tying to still read.... One flew over.
 'Part 3?'  Inka?   'We are like eachother Witch, you know that...'


Lol how??? 

'Magic?'  🤣


Told you I was watching,   keep reading.....

After this?  Enders game?  'And the other book'

About the 'Egg?'  Lol  yeah...


'Read Mouse'


What is going on... 'GG mouse 🐁 '


2 Hospital workers talking about how scary their Dads are... 

Why they don't question authority..


'Question authority?'  Shesh


I'm curious....  'and the rest.....  book nosy bitch' lol  😆


Pine's  Spines... Hogs & Hedges...   

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Pinocchio   Pine o knows!! 

The Far seer tree & Way shower.... Picked me to have as my soul tree.

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