Monday, 26 July 2021

Feeling and Learning

Wake at 303...

Watcher 7A?   Eh Inka? 'Just go bk to sleep mouse... We are all still at Malico's house'

I'd had a long dream too... In a very strange place. 

I recognise the style from other dreams it's almost Mediterranean white style buildings, in and outside places flow but there is a odd dream quality where the rooms are mismatched. 
In this space where are many doors, sections rooms.
White rooms but various shapes 
Corridors up n down, medical rooms but also gangways for room service that were mainly outdoors, flat like rooms and twisty staircases one room I found was that of a young female inventor.
She had a stash of art  books and notebooks, amazing steampunk style magnifying glasses and goggles...   then behind glass some cartoon like pets.
I'd met her going down some steps.
She was in a onesie but her legs were close together she was managing the stairs a little like a penguin.
her hair was colourful woken dreds and she'd commented as we passed oh you also have a tail!
There were flying puffer fish n box fish... Not my fave :P  and patches of some floor and corridor were molten lava.
Oh I'd followed a  rubbish collection that was leaving a trail of used nappies....
Oh that was another dream too? 
Or 2 in one I was picking them up, in another many men had babies and there was a place in a city centre where nappies could be collected.  (Search still borked)

MK7 too???  
Wake at 414  TIME NOW?   We make this shit uo n it ripples out?  'Pretty much mouse' lol kk

The sensations, noise n stuff all that patterned mind control stuff???  'Yes crazy'  Wowow

Next wake at 505 cause the xbox turned on or the fans did but not the x

I know I'm dreaming with Inka at Malico's house but my recall is strange it's just connection n emotion.

Loci was there too then there was so much hip energy flow.

Then I was in a strange dorm style room with 2 unfamiliar men..

I'd been dreaming there a female arrived and I was to go with her.

Prison bars...  I was on one side and Inka the other.  We were looking at eachother, I seemed taller as I could see his eyes.

We were barred from getting closer.   Our hands touched threw the bars and I had on hand cuffs.
My right wrist was red and the left green.   We didn't need to speak, we were both used to forced confinement. 


Next was a signal-box on a tramline I was learning lessons with family...   Bite control, aggression and when to wind my neck in. 


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