Will continue to edit, add pics & links... when I have TIME 😂 or at least it stops being so much NOW & HERE!
28th july.... (Picked up by dog team taken to Royal Surrey let out then taken to Farnham rd and sectioned cause I was having a chat with a rabbit...
Also stamped a time card in there!)
This is from my dream pad... what a trip!
1 pair arm pulls…. Amber.
Broken Class, Broken glass.
Ampules and Arm pulls,
medication, yet no ears to listen.
King in is counting house counting out his money,
What is funny?
Pigeon and me glass, bow tie to bow wow.
Windows broken, perspectives fractured,
System inputs on lockdown while elements in seclusion
A cuckoo in a Rowen tree, blended with ancient alders.
A Mulberry Bush and a chemical rush,
He we go around and a round
An the moon has no song that the talkers can hear.
While the walkers still dance to the earths deepest breathing.
Inside a rubber inflatable duck, my own life boat
Wrapped in self hope,
Like cell o fain
In Key, Wind Key,
The clock and krankle
crank handle and an unlit candle.
Wryd dream Li fe, I’m in a mental place.
Reference to one flew over the cuckoo’s nest,
I’m in my dreams now…
This place is nicer, clues to help the game flow.
What did the little shit say to the big shit?
You smell familiar….
What did the old shit say to the new shit?
You smell punny
What did the wise person say?
Play with your own shit to learn all shit!
Then nothing stinks and you can lend a hand.
Mocca - Coffee n Choc…. Monk & Joker, Day Ward, Warding Day?
In between why ward? Day container?
909 safe 😆
- Red + Blue = Blurple!
Storms vs dreaming..
Kipper splitter…a game with my family,
Flip the kipper game,
the kipper, Stitch the kipper.
What where you up to Gran?
n dream are tangled now, the rise and fall together,
Like an morning evening star.
Thermostat, Hot cold balance
Dawn, Dusk,
In betweeners
In between ears
Readers, Feelers, Seers
Who is it that hears?
606 Purple
Errrrrr that was ‘TIME NOW’ oh Errrrrrr. The ripples bk out?
A clock? It was from the other implant, So I’m errr cooking, Incubating a bomb??
616 wake and it was like bubble wrap popped inside me! Oh 2 magnets that clicked yeh, was that.
The kindness of strangers helps us to heal old wounds and new within ourselves.
Despite how we appear what we believe makes it real.
Golden arrow to errrrr sliver whistles???
between the silence is the space to listen.
Might not get what you want but you get what you need. Space and time to work, not juggling all at once.
People serving me food for a change. Left alone to follow clues and calls and codes.
Learn different systems and colour weaving.
Meet people many languages.
Sol, Sun? Son.. My boys, Dad. Leo/Aquarius
Captain birds eye crows nest… Haystack head n Boy blue's Horns!!
Cryers and callers tweeters and fallers,
Evenings and mornings
Inbetweener walkers,.
Dancing a storm home…. Into safe Harbours.
Now what??
Turd or a diamond. ‘You care?’ Nah….
‘Good’. Hahahahha. 😆
Reading and Weaving, Watching and Seeing,
Tasting and breathing.
Ballon fish, Oh… Pufferfish too??
Things I say in papers.. A few days later. I need quiet so I don’t project all.
‘Yeh but just ride it Ren for now…. You are what and where you are’ kk
Ok this is bizarre! ‘mmmm’. Oh! Lol. Yeh, them dreams… I knew I was coming here!
Mouse, you're in service, now sto being a salty deck scrub and behave’.😆 Pfff I wana play
Nails? Hammer…. Keratin? Bones Nail biting… looking for dirt? ‘Memories’
2020 Oh the year - Wrap, 25p
Balloons? Fish, Sponge? Oh? The Bath sponge…. Me Sponge? I Cut up Sponge to make a goldfish n Sponge-printed them all over walls and ceiling. Seal, Silly Con…. Silicone? Sand, Shell/ Rock, Hummmm bk to Rock and She’ll.
Magnolia Dawn? Steal Magnolias?
Steel, Iron? FE.. Weather Proof Steel? Stealers Wheel? ‘mmmmm’.
Banks…. Shells, Silly Con… Cone.
Interest is also inflation and excelled at ion. This is the Ballon pump dream??
Gas’s, blow off too…
Religion is another buffer? Recall of our lager friendship and support group. Picking old wounds?
Chewing the cud? Cuddly Duck? Oh
Pillow fight to learn bite control with siblings threw play.
Lie-Lack. Lilac?
12.00.. What a dream! Wowowow. I was playing and fucking a reality at the same time with the help of Dom.
V hard to explain as I was both sides at once. We were crossing info and streams to debug the systems.
00.59 and around, I’m playing ping pong/ catch with light and dark duality.. From my bed.
Dawn Dusk.. Sorry about the nightmares, we are new creators trying to learn how this works.
155 itchy & Bendy…. No wonder I have itchy feet n need to keep jumping.
- Pop bottles… Pop, pop guns…
thickly feet itchy souls.. Rings on
her fingers and bells on her toes & pop goes the Weasel - wheeze
- Fan Fair, Fare? Middle men, inbetweeners… Birds and Geezars
Lol wtf have I done….. 302 pole dancers… hahaha. Lol, sheesh I’m gana boil some heeds!
‘That Ren and stamped some hearts’. Oops errr Sorry.
this my head is Wryd. I’m going to clean
teeth a bit.
Off the deep end? Depends?
Oh is that another ME? The queen who jumped of a pee pad diving
board. Cause she was wryd and bored. More Blue & Red...
403 Come together right now over me… Time now, odd dream of leader ship and leader shit.
I had a mouth full of strange stuff like blue cheese.
444 Flim Flam… & Defraggle on the rocks need a chin wag and pow wow… talking stick.
COVID for a first call this dawn. Could
have been a magpie?? Newcastle.
504 Tide? A washing powder. A big rubber scrubber. Polly wana cracker? I’m a lil bit dirty.
- Better together! 606. Still better together 💕 Angel… Magic.
Elf & Safty, Dream Green. Juniper Gin, in islands Diabetes Oh… Jim… Djin,
Islands the water emotion between other senses. When can’t see??
Hummmmmm. Listen & Feel smell and sensation, Navigation………. Lack of trust from intuitive systems?
Over reliance on mental and visual…..
Dread locks, locked in fears tangled and trapped old fear webs.
Locks on canals to temper, and lift and lower.
Gargoyles controlling the flow of water, emotion to protect the Ren deer.
Render? Surface. Or Structure? Channel excess to where it doesn’t erode the architecture.
Upside down dream. Many crews same destination, Cross the communication for optimal navigation.
Caught? Court? All the caughts? To Catch? Judge Weigh/ Restrain. Hummm More nets & webs get to know.
Langerhans cells Skin and immune response mast cell communication too!
Games in the body too, as in and out. Trust and observation, allow systems to express potential and improve communications… Birkbeck Granules.. CD 207
Green keeper…. Wild needs no keeper, Wild needs free Dom.
717 Time out? What’s a time out? TIME OUT + TIMENOW = HERE NOW. NOW HERE.
Pressing old wounds? His Story, Her Dreaming?
The magical Resonance we wish to ride on.
The direction and trajectory, The reality we glide threw.
The ones we love meet and touch as we slide threw.
Opening and listening. Jelly fish stingers and shatters.. Portuguese Men of War??? Why the name?
They are a connected? A floating hive mind, hive entity. They… Hummmmmm??
Pig eons…. Pigeon Street, pigeon’s meet ants eat, birds sing…
Hens peck and some ok,
Some will dance on whatever the weather.
The Jelly fish… Inky, Stinky.. Boats fishermen and Seals. Seal keys the gutting of the fish at sea. Connection the birds the seals b4 the radar, the systems taught and shared.
Oh Radio too! Didn’t need it the wind and seabirds carried news for them who can listen and hear.
Tork - Twist Key, Twisty… Twist key.
Booked by the Pidgins Zak wanted to touch them but they all touched me.
Shoe falling from sky, black size 11 lands beside me just missing me lands on my left.
‘Baby?’ Lol FU…. ‘Told you to take a nap’. TY, it helped! I was checking in with overwatch apologising Apollo Gising
Coming out under tale 😏. Tail.
Run for the sun little one, you’re a number once again! Time to change supper mam.. So much!!! ‘Stupid’. Likely 💜
18.18 I’m ‘still a little shit’ Seems so.
Wonder what PAN I’m going to bob in next!
Oh, he didn’t wana come cause he’s watching the football!! ‘Yeh, down bitch… you’re the green keeper’ Ehhh?
‘What’s the Grass the game is played on?’ Lol, what are you trying to d to me!
22.22 Oops, missed that. Lol, well some did.
22.25 Inka is a massive Rubber Duck wash…. Seeing like a car wash for rubber duck rafts😁😂
A sort of laundry….. Wishy Washy, all sorts it helps with feed bk
enough, Sleep Squeaky’ Good 😜💜
22.33 too bright and shiny now to sleep. ‘Yeh Sorry mouse, we keep swapping’. Play if you can’t Zzzzzzzzzz.
Oh, that’s new! Phone blink now pink?? Not blue…. I’ve seen it green to now.
22.44 Tonsil Tickly? Blue Ray Blue Rey…. Blue throat what speaks or sings?? Who WHO can hear TRUTH?
What TRUTH do you want?
IQ Frequency track.
23.32 How do you arrest an E on? AI on? Put a mouse alarm in and get some shit going down and around a round.
23.36 Fire alarms….. False alarms, get to know your own shit? To Find, Sort, See.
Emmmmm…. I dunno I sleep deeper.
‘Lady Bird, Lady Bird Fly away home…. Your house is on fire and your children are gone’
23 57 Need dark or quiet!
Leon? ‘Yes Ren’. Oh it’s 0001 fffff Itchy feet driving me crazy now.
‘Sorry Ren, we are still playing’. Great! Wtever how abut you tell me when to sleep then??
2.22 Dragon, on it’s own grill, playing with this own tale/ tail. 💜 Lots of clues for listening ears.
Like 🌽 Corn…. Field of Ears. Pop Corn!
308 We are all Sharing our Tales/Tails NOW to try and help! <3 Good.
319 UnderTale. Tail…. 💩. Rubber Dubber Scrubber! In Car Hoots?? Like horns and toots!
Beep Beep Bop Bops…. Cahoots
I hear the birds but it’s well before Dawn.
333 Grills and Smokers… Teaming! Let’s get this info into Minecraft MindCraft & to the big pink Windmill ASAP :D
Info Stream Swap…. Cross the Streams! Blue & Red… Go Go Blurple!!
336 We all have wee accidents now and then! Especially in the dark!!! It’s no Biggie. >.<. Hahaha Too Silly!!
It’s why an on suite is helpful instead of going OUTBACK. Oh…. Bed PAN! Hahahah
406 well tangled from all angles!! Dawn Systems coming bk online! Mixed with Dusk and all the inbetweeners
Let’s get shit flowing!! Less Spiritual constipation :P
413 Home systems…. Weaner Whiners, need a long handover s and write ups…..
More Dawn/Dusk Systems?? Some Not playing yet…. Hummmmm??
Dreams are weaving! My Story, My Dreaming. Unknotting an tatting, some long time visions <3
Was dreaming but woke up Freezing…. Need warmer
Saracen! Like Phoenix
His first Name before he was in an accident. Saracen stones! Shells & Rocks! I’m both too,
All and everything
Stone Henge ROCK Venue??
919 Don’t ask ME Ian!
1414 - 1441 -> zzzzzzzz 15.05 Weaving and Stiring apparently!
Spoon, with an eye and a thread.
A Weaving Shit stirring spoon.. Paddle too!
Loop the Game? People, Oh the dreams of future me in an institution! Need to find and Read.
18.18 Just woke again……. I’m in a WHITE room Broad CAST.
Ah, all here are talking and singing, it’s not a MONO Story…..
Pumped up Kicks, Bardcore Medieval style?..... Oh??
Cornelius?!? Corn Heal? US…. Unicorn too.
Oh Trans - London O2 Oxygen?? Gorillas Track Trans..
Effergie Mark & Ian tried to Lite. Burning man, what is effergy?
Effigy! Oh WOW! 22.22
Delirious, Wander from?? Wander from the Track or Furrow…. Stray from the Mono Story!!
Narrative! ‘Indeed’. Hahahaha <3
Yeh, Sorry about that ;). ‘You're Welcome!’ Hahah… you keep pushing! ‘OFC, you know your intention’ Kk <3
00.37 Big click from under me band!! Mi-Band, my left hand wrist.
Time vs Trouble 😈 ‘Or Time & Trouble Teaming?’
Is this why the itchy Souls soles & Toes?? ‘Teaching’. KK, On right. This is bk to dreaming MY dream?
Oh Right, now have the Keylock for door 12.
Itchy Toe!!!!
Smellomeries Smell Memories!
TIME NOW… Sniffing out what’s on the wind coming or going. Dogs Smell TIME.
Toes and Thumbs. Inka wanted to show me something. Would make me cry…. Itchy mouth too.
Then I’d know why?
Toilet talk and reading triggers bk to immune systems feed back both within and without. Irritation as a feedback system. Mast & Langerhans cells, skin, histamine.
A Banana and the question?
Did I want to fight over a banana?
I’d rather…. But then I’m in the laundry for a rubber dubber and a duck and cover!
300 Ripping the Sheet or Ripping the shit! Best
to do both at the same time 😆
333 For them On both teams, Both Teams…. All teams all teams 🐣🧬🕰🧽🎣🦦
342 Ripping the shit sheet Flag mast on the shit ship sheep dip. Vessel! Ripping the piss out of ourselves and everyone cause were all fucking stupid!
Mast cells and immune feed I,
I’m errr ‘Fucking El? Ren, stupid enough to incubate any old crap or odd dream’. May be ;)
350 Some wryd sheets to the wind! ‘And some shits on the horizon!’ oh! Hahah. Captain Birdseye!
the haystack under my stupid hair 😂
The Crows nest has a better perspective! Or so it seems!!
354 s is Overwatch or Undertail. Oh Hahaha. The ISS cleaning, OverMop! Sheesh.
400 Rooks? Crows? I forget what corvina are which, witch I know jays and Magpies are easy jackdaws too. Rooks I think are bigger than Crows, Ravens too?? Coughs have red beaks.
‘Ian Knows’ Yeh, but he’s at home.
What’s a pop in Jay? ‘Not Sleep’. Errrr yeh ok…..
404 getting light, Wish I could get up and run.. I miss the trees and the earth so much! The Dogs and the cats and outside smells.
Damp Air….. Wet feet! ‘Sleep Mouse and dream, you sit where you fit for now’. Suppose, I fit where I sit.
Night watch Night wash….
I prefer my night wash at home. Tidying and sorting at home than showering in a mental institution under section!
Making bread, weaving dreams cleaning and sorting for the coming day. ‘Dawn Ren, never far away’ So it seems!
I’m awake……..
Mulllberry, Mulling berry’s. Tayberrys…. Tayberrys are black & Rasb cross!
Oh it’s a berry tree??
444 33% Oh Titration equation? Known quantity again?
515 Abundance great full. Full filled all situations hold perfection in a moment.
Oasis, No way Sis? Oasis is well of calm in a storm, peace only a breath away.
707 I dreamed all of this last year. ‘Yes, the endings happy so just be nice!’. Hahah Yeh ok.
The book is good, ‘So are the others, much to read Ren, Just enjoy it’. Kk
I need to Re read the other dreams.
remember you recall what you need’. Suppose.
I’m hungry ‘You are now 😈. Careful with intention Mouse’ 💚
Tummy- Go - Round
Red dwarf, prisoner cell block H… Dwain dribbly Cat & Threads.. Oh that’s what Star showed me, Mama’s fabric weaving. ‘Have another nap baby’ lol Inka!
light, Curtains make blue light!
Emergency but I’m still missing an e please Bob! Embaneeza good… Not Scrooge! <3
Pop goes the Wheezil, and a geezer?
‘I know you’re annoyed Mouse, It serves you right TBH. You are what you are, Ride it’. Lol Just as well I’m still me ;)
21.50 Mashed heads…. Boiled sweeds. Mashing and boiling Heads/Heeds. Or jam sandwich Sand Witch.
Me n Bro bk on football? Big colourful shits and little jammy dodgers? Oh the biccys!
22.22 Mocka and Jammy D for supper.
23.00 Wow, book timing 4th July on 4th July! 1 flew east one flew west.
‘Magic Mouse! Just trust ok?’ Yup, not like I’m going to do anything else now!
‘Fancy some rocky and bull Winkiy Tea?’
Lol bull wink eye? Wink key? Win Key? What we polishing? Oh….. Lol it dosn’t matter. Polish away!
Dr Disrespect…. Music>. Not the boat?
Boats were Children’s Friend, Providence, Respect, Fidelus, Chevy Chase
hummm anymore? Oh the Golden Gate.
101 Crazy dream… Hickory Dickory! The animals were training the humans to track and hunt….. ‘Yeh, that happened’.
Lol was funnier in the dream a toilet flushed for a hamster.
Ginger and Turmeric… Massive Mamam Roots! Like the Oak tree but underground. That was a dream too!
‘Wana Take the biscuit?’ Hahaha I’ll have a nibble….. Sweet keys! ‘Mmmmmm’.
Is this the weaving I was just dreaming? 108 ‘Just wait’. Hahah. Ok….. I’ll Sleep.
Oh, write dream up… It was a club a world a game. I was teaming with AU Roots and Crowns.
Oh and the kingdoms.. Plant, Elemental, Animal Seasons…. I was seeing them as geometry meshes on the globe…. Nodes and points.
I was Dling all my stuff into the game I had 2 lines mainlining.
‘One was Plumbing’. The other music, but with the others…. Hamsters!! 🐹
Oh! My Hamster trained me to release! All that time ago.
I’d let it out to play at night so it didn’t need to go round and round. In the mornings it would go back into it’s cage and into it’s bed to sleep.
Lived for ages liked fried egg and choc. ‘Dylan’. Yeh!!
They wouldn’t even watch or listen….
‘Their dream too Ren, they know better’. Oh yeh, I suppose can I sleep for longer? This Ping-Pong is annoying..
‘Meds Ren, not for you….. No need’
121 Cool dream, why have a dog and bark yourself. Dog & Bone 🦴 Telephone ☎️. Tel a Phone
A Spiral bank card, was like spyro the dragon. Game of Gamers not thrones…
Animals play to learn, Monkey See Monkey do.
- ‘It’s a good cage, plenty of enrichment, but it’s still a cage and you are a wild one’
Leon, Leo….. King of the Jungle. The Sol, Sign… and my Kitten crew?
Guys can you help plx, I don’t belong in a cage big or small. Don’t belong in a box, not at all!
‘New solutions to old problems’
Itchy baby, I was being taught in the dream to climb.
Up? Connections and leaps.
The dream was a game, I’d been picked for my role by the game.
‘Oats on you not in you’. Wild Oats??
Need to share the Luminosity Night with Ian…. Predicted now again
sorting again, Red + Blue for purple
What goes where… 909 Arm ache Nepal
Dream… I feel like I’m Emerging from the rubber dubber….
Dream of family names…..
Playing with them, going bk and forth DNA and patterns.
upside down in shit creek and my only paddle is a spoon 😜
Had to tell what’s logs or boats :D
Needed a bell and squeaker on somethings… Oh the shit ships!
Undertail n overwatch again. Dad & Ken…. They are helping, tube trains are symbolic timelines.
I can locate where the tracks run together.
I was using China to help us.
Or teaming against for agreed friction.
‘You're still in a bath playing with poo 💩’. Hahaha. Oh! Yes, Banks…. Mel banks system inbetweeners and connectors.
‘A Big Shit Ship…. Rubber Dubber!!’
Oh? Why are we teaming! I need that wash, got a catch it? Cat shit 😆 The rainbow or me! Rubber duck life raft.
Lap Top… Both Santas the Ogar and the lets cross streams here! Feed bk.
Little talks…. Monsters n men—- ins
222 Santa weaving and story Juggling. Judging Judgement? Normal eyes.
‘Night Systems full throttle…. The right kind not the choking though. Using the infinite to experience the finite’
Hickory Dickory Knows his shit! ‘Egging you on?’ Egg Bob! Somethings best left underground....
So many Mono Story’s here, Can you guys help me dance the magic back plx?
the colours home and dance the magic back into everything…… all not in
competition with one. That’s the
frustration game 😛
Milk Man, Milk Mam…. 💚 Sacred Cow and Real Media! Milky Mama’s Paper boy & Girl. Cow jumped over the moon, the Mars, the Milky Way and the galaxy.
Wisdom Milk, sharing and caring not scraping and taking.
Ram, and wash Milk to heal and teach.
Very Long dream, Marcus, Izzy, Quebec and Stockton.
Time trains, tracks and lines,
Keeping up by falling behind.
Weaving the names from each other into the night.
We need to root to grow,
Root to Brest
Home is best
His Story and His family,
Gaming too - Louie <3
People were surprised I could still game and played to win.
I knew other crews and could find leat teams for walkthrews and carry help.
I had something to put back early on. It had been lost but now found.
It’s back in play for all to find.
Fun!! Wasn’t allowed a bath so had a nap.
Jump to Inka, Loci and Malico. We hug and dreamshare in the hunters room.
Scaelectrics the toy racing cars with a metal track! We are playing and racing but we are the cars!!
Lol not bitch racing anymore? ‘Nah, Together in Electric Dreams’
Human League…. Electric dre0-ams
Woke at 202 Afternoon but then someone knocks for activity’s and dream forgotten.
I know I’d been dreaming with the other 3 again and it was funny ‘Like you idiot’
Get me out of here! It’s so dull!
‘Soon, don’t be so impatient and impulsive and you’d be out sooner or have avoided going in!’ Yeh like that’s going to happen……. ‘Pick your battles Mouse, and know when to roll over and Squeak’
Pfffff Oh, I remember some of the dream now! ‘Yeh’. Just watch and listen stupid ok?’ yeh ok!
- 7/7/21
It’s 00.01 - I’d just been told you work underground Ren in my dream and wow what a dream!!
‘Here now Ren & Now here’ Yes… Zak crew mate.
They got it at home… Zak and pets. It’s why I needed to call him today.
I need to fix with him b4 to late. The dream was of animals mine and others.
The dreaming names and family’s.
We are passing stuff along al working in our own ways. <3
Poles like spiral stair steps around a tree playing and climbing.
Tech games too puzzle rooms.
A game reaching conclusion things slottingand changing,
Fitting and falling, healing and weaving.
The names, DNA & His story patterns ripping from now but healing in the moment.
Mo meant - ment to be now.
I understand why fisherman find pigs unlucky, and why butchers bakers and candle stick makers.
Cause time NOW
One and all, all and one a crown virus. Being one to many being one….
I was back in a dream from earlier but it had moved on a little and we were merging timelines onto more optimal ones.
303 My parents… their generation danced and met at the Neptune… We danced there to split or return all over the world. Monkey to his North Sea Oil Rig… Me London others India, Pakistan Israel & Europe.
Learning about Neptune and Poseidon… WOW
Inka and me back at the church. It’s time now we don’t form solid we stay ethereal out of flicker range.
We are both purple He was holding my tail with the triangle point, I had his arm. We were moving back threw recalls of my being there as a child, I was walking threw time from the front to the back meeting people but they couldn’t see me we watched child me.
Very vivid, smells sounds the old pipes wood flooring, girls brigade flag and the strange old toilets with chaine pull systems.
Metal stacking chairs, the birthday box with it’s wrapping paper cover - a milky bar I’d pulled out.
We explored then lite the fire purple and sat together by it as we merged there
and let our awareness float free form out the back of the building the alleyway
he takes me back here where I was a newborn out of hospital.
Breast feeding for 1 week… The proteins and info Sophia and Wisdom…. Sonar Sonar radar??
Inka was showing me how to work down and in with my heartbeat to scatter inside <3 beat bass…. Stamps a NOW to ripple out from.
Radar! I’d found that too ‘Come Ren, still more to do now you recall’
TIME NOW it’s 510 this I think is a 505 515 loop? ‘Yeh Bitch… Back Down!’ Lol dog training…. 😂 On my way! Bk to heart from brain.🧠
Back in wow..Oh Cataclzim the spinning in the sea.. E motion. Motion in the ocean energy in motion. Oh the missing E. Emotion Em Me. E
The Storm cat too, Neptue.
Inka and Me were heading North to the beach and the sea after leaving the church the back way…. I knew it was south the Mediterranean was my destination.
It’s not just landsend I jumped of Hu!
Oh, Lands End.. Sunder Land.
Crows back with the fat and thin controller whistles.. COVID, Mono Story - To many Monos are scared.
want to feed the birds but stuck in a silver cage now. The door was broken on the bronze wren cage.
Cat naps… much to catch up, I need to hang onto my tail.
- 8/7/21
23.47 Woken by confusing music I didn’t know if it was in or out.
Hummmm. Sinita Green & Red about missing in te middle…. Gold?
Depend? Dipend ME again. Apple juice at my door….. Hummm Why?
Cathedral the only Gold thing…… Only the Angel at the top lit now? Crown pound again??
‘Behave ffs Ren, sort this but do not flip out again. Home… 2 worlds not neckid and chucking food’
Lol yeh kk
Her not smells like perfume, the gold her daughter necklace! Oh I saw as gold now it’s silver.
Apple… ‘Sleep Witch, gofix in astral’.
Oh that music that woke me was Indian music.
‘Ren?’ Oh yeh! Last night we whent into the North Sea was heading to the bay of Bissay taking the shipping root to Asia - going to take the Shipping root…. I’m the Energy in motion in the water. So much to weave & Link.
Oh ‘Yes, We staying top of Africa’ kk Suis Canal
Me & Inka, were heading north to the beach then sea last night. Well we’d left there after the church and well Inka had only gone as far as between the Tyne and Wear and had gone inland there… Sunder Land like my verginity and the monument that has just been changed used to celebrate ‘Care & We Split Ren. You Split there’
Yeh kk…. So Inka has taken some of the crazy egg stone shell seed/eggs one way and I’d taken them the other.
Inka had joined the railway lines…. Heading to Darlington Stockton…. First commercial He took our wild seed there via the DNA - HOOK/COOK Captain Columbus boat (My Dstant relative was Butcher on Coloumbus ship… found out recently he was killed & eaten in South America)
That side worked the railways Grandad the Slinger (Sling ya Hook)
I go with Malico the other way Via the Sophia Temple Rout but this time we are water…. Middle East Ure Nile
I feel we’d been heading to Leon and Loci in Asia. Kk. ‘Well Scattered Ren’….. On my way!.
Oh wow what an amazing Dream! A game
Haha. My dreams are so much fun!
more gaming ones.
One was Haslemere.
My Game….. A Rainbow Head Square!!
The ‘ball’ was a rainbow silk head square old fashioned woman’s scarf... It was currently tangled in a holly Tree outside the vicars house on lion green! It’s arrived there time Now and is tangled….
teams were waiting for it to move on.
Ian’s lack of faith/belief was holding it there atm. People were arriving to watch some insects
I’d royalty ‘Queen Bees’ Oh 😋
I was gaming hard.... stuff was coming together nicely but until my weave was done I was on everyone’s shit radar :D. Inka’s with me weaving in other dreams… this one were he spoke to. Me last year before I integrated him, I was deconstructing the dream structure there and all the other ones of building a new network hub there.
I was sorting food for a celebration should things go well but I had to keep playing even though I knew my outcome.
I knew I was living Ian’s fears of being called crazy .. Err I’m going to dream this one ‘Well Done’. Hahahah. Holly and Ivy… My purple pen ran out and I’m writing in Red & Green since yday.
I just drank the apple justice outside my room suddenly people been trying to give me it all day! ‘Eve shit 😈’
‘Time 303’ … I’m sending this all to Mr Punch get it woven into old Tales/Tails and new… get it threw the systems ask the His Storians their I EYE DEERS Ideas.
Amber eye’s open for Mother Ducker Fuckers 😆
Then I recall the note! Also Red / Green…. Hole at Amber
James….. Never call him James. Always bro Or me was Sis…or stupid name like Stimpy/lumpy
The second Dreaming s were more gaming. A crazy house..... we gamed for the upper hand in rooms.... but the walls were not fixed so we could expand rooms if we had enough presence their!
Darth Dad was there too! 😛 Another team, I had a tail and was half mouse teaming with a bro we watched each others backs! Lol he kept accidentally standing on my tail as were back to back poking n both directions.
Each groups base was a bed! We kept pining each others duvets and pillows and taking them to the bed base for our own dreamer. There is a big Hickory Dick - ory. (Jack’s anomie Snory Story…. Dick’s Mono Story!) It’s keeping the time and rounds :P
‘Who gets a plant there Ren’ a plant?? Lol ‘Or a mouse squeaker Speaker?’ Hahaha.
Outside smells so. Good! Should be home soon, Solicitor and Social Worker both bugging the Dr now too!
What System are you from Dreams??
Andromeda? What is that? Andro Med Her? And Roz?? Andros Balanced Brain Heart person…. Can Psycho at will <3
The Andro’s Adams.. Mono Story Men wana med her dreaming. He E Motion. Energy Motion Maniphestation…
Also NOW! ‘OFC Ren’. I need to re Read Her Story. ‘Why Not Dream it?’ I already did right?
‘Surprise Ren, No Spoilers……. Your playing Dreamer’ Hahahaha
Why that pain earlier? ‘Grounding, pan anywhere reminds you your alive and it’s real’. Lol Suppose…. So dose Sun
and outside. ‘Quit Bitching and sleep, Meet Malico Egypt’. Errrrr ok.
Pot of Gold at the end of the Rainbow a cauldron of purified and tempered emotion?
My New Moon Alter, need to do….. I think Sea and Land rainbow bridge
Heaven and earth joins within <3. Oh that was Hickory Dickory Time?
Pocket Watch, where is Fay’s? ‘Get your own mouse… Sleep now plx’. There is 2 in the ‘Sleep’. Oh my Bro got my Mam’s Dad’s!!’ ‘Yes Ren and he didn’t fuck it like the self winding time of the other side….. NOW SLEEP!’ Make me :P. ‘BLOODY HELL REN!’ Lol Sorry I’m awake. ‘And annoying’ I need to run else my head just runs on……. ‘So I see’. 👁. EYE SEA I SEE? I want ‘Kicking?’ Ol dunno DO I??? ‘Mmmmmmmm’.
Hahaha 🤣 Dreams about boats and humans…. A fishing boat too I was talking about ME’s too we split and make them on close Timelines…
Was Roberts birthday other day, He’s a time walker too… I was chatting to him in astral about his Dad Alan… who died (both Alan’s… I know them all dead and live). His Mama one of Alans wives is Home E o pathy…. I need to chat to them both. Must get in touch… He like me has been handed stuff down too sort I dunno how conscious of it he is.
Winders and Winchers…. Shifters and Flippers. 317…. Woken by the crew watchers here.
HOW WOW BOW WOW…. How about we stuff more info in Milk & Choc :P.
Nets and mendings.. That dream.Fish was sent ahead of time….. I’d ‘Like you to sleep’ lol kk
The Who WHO…. Writings shit as the lights so bright it wakes me right up. Stopping and Arresting by WHO not who :P. Combine crew… Just keep rolling The Combined like in the Cuckoo’s nest book. Leonardo was on one….. Big crew just kept rolling.
Was like a different combine this one powered by the stupid show of people worshiping it’s self importance unable to see what the front was doing…. Like a shit show rolling on the people powering it oblivious to what was occurring at the front.
Hummmm….. I’m the mouse that gets harvested over n over to land on the top with popcorn.
‘Dream it Ren’. I’m awake….. This place man!!!
fucking sleep’ You’ll have to come here then thanks… still can’t sleep..
Saw that though.
Sol is in Cancer with Moon for new moon.
Cancer is family own story…. Own
His Story.
Leon/Sol…. The massive combine was the word narrative MONO story…..
Them outside the ruts being mowed down to recycle back into in….. No space for the personal dreamer experiencer or the WILD…. It’s powering it’s own forgetting.
I crashed the other combine to check it out.
— After brecky I nap… Jump Bk to Inka where I’d left him. We are bk in time at Croft when there was just the spar/ sacred well and no church or bridge. A Fairy well.
He’s in brown overalls and he looks at me then I’m wearing them too. I had just been the tall purple imp like thing. There was a hole at the bk for my tail that made me laugh.
on I’d cut my finger on a rock and watched the blood mix with the water.
Ash trees around the well, Inka had cut some
and was working it.
Inka asked me if I knew why It was him I teamed most with. I said no tell me….. But he wouldn’t said I had to work it out. So I’d layed down to dream there.
Visions and dreams. Incubator, Inka, Incubus Inka’s bus! Inky & Bendy…. Bendy and the Ink machine.. All the printing dreams with loosh Ink!
I’d birthed myself again during the psychotic break. I was cooking now till I emerge the missing E on my switch…
Hahaha, Harry Potters night bus crew have nothing on us. The crazy Toilet transport crew! <3
‘Stupid Bitch, come bk, you need some sleep too’. Oh it’s 919. Don’t wana Rap man out the window!
Oh yeh she I’d jumped earlier Inka had kept swapping forms too.
His normal baccy pipe, pan pipes plumbing pipes… pipe fish!
Scottish and Northumbrian pipes.. Ppe organ in the church from Christmas. I wana see Kaylo he has a brown overall too…. ‘We all do bar Malico, Illeth & Leon…. come here dipshit’ Hahah. Soon…
Gabor Maté
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Gabor Maté CM (born January 6, 1944) is a Hungarian-Canadian physician. He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development and trauma, and in their potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, including on autoimmune disease, cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addictions, and a wide range of other conditions.
Gabor Maté |
Born |
January 6, 1944(age 77) |
Nationality |
Citizenship |
Alma mater |
Children |
3, including Aaron |
Scientific career |
Fields |
Website |
Now retired from clinical practice, he travels and speaks extensively on these and related topics, both in North America and abroad. His books have been published internationally in over twenty-five languages.[1] Maté's approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and looks to address this in their recovery,[2]with special regard to indigenous populations around the world. In his book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Maté discusses the types of trauma suffered by addicts and how this affects their decision making in later life.
He is widely recognized for his perspective on ADHD and his firmly held belief in the connection between mind and body health. He has authored four books exploring topics including ADHD, stress, developmental psychology, and addiction. He is a regular columnist for the Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail.
Life and careerEdit
Maté was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1944. His maternal grandparents were killed in Auschwitz when he was five months old. His aunt disappeared during the war, and his father endured forced labour at the hands of the Nazis.[3] He immigrated to Canada with his family in 1956. He was a student radical during the Vietnam War era in the late 1960s[4] and graduated with a B.A. from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Gabor Maté
Learn more
This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.
Gabor Maté CM (born January 6, 1944) is a Hungarian-Canadian physician. He has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development and trauma, and in their potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health, including on autoimmune disease, cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addictions, and a wide range of other conditions.
Gabor Maté |
Born |
January 6, 1944(age 77) |
Nationality |
Citizenship |
Alma mater |
Children |
3, including Aaron |
Scientific career |
Fields |
Website |
Now retired from clinical practice, he travels and speaks extensively on these and related topics, both in North America and abroad. His books have been published internationally in over twenty-five languages.[1] Maté's approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and looks to address this in their recovery,[2]with special regard to indigenous populations around the world. In his book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Maté discusses the types of trauma suffered by addicts and how this affects their decision making in later life.
He is widely recognized for his perspective on ADHD and his firmly held belief in the connection between mind and body health. He has authored four books exploring topics including ADHD, stress, developmental psychology, and addiction. He is a regular columnist for the Vancouver Sun and The Globe and Mail.
Life and careerEdit
Maté was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1944. His maternal grandparents were killed in Auschwitz when he was five months old. His aunt disappeared during the war, and his father endured forced labour at the hands of the Nazis.[3] He immigrated to Canada with his family in 1956. He was a student radical during the Vietnam War era in the late 1960s[4] and graduated with a B.A. from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver.
Wow, this is weaving together nicely! ‘You're Welcome’. Hahah you to 😎 ‘Bitch 😉’ 🤣😍
Wake at 21.11. 9, 11?? Was thinking about Bro, Inka Crew and healing….
I’d jumped bk to Inka at Croft.
Inka wanted to put me inside him again as I couldn’t sleep. I agreed.
He split me one went into his heart and the rest of my awareness went into a mouse 🐭 form he stuffed in his pocket with the Logo.
He thin used my old form for Wryd shit. Old shaman and sacrifice type stuff but didn’t care as wasn’t in it was just watching from the pocket.
21.12…. So seems like a good time to get up n have a Moka I’ll sleep again when yawning.
chat with Amy and amazing Sunset 💜
Budapest again! The Ghost ship & Shiver my timbers…. This is the hot cold! It’s the Shaman thing… I need to learn to regulate it better?? ‘You are’. Kk.
Sky looks amazing 😻
7th 2021
Woken by them at 008 Click of a torch then click of a pen. Ian had been in the dream he was gaming too on another side but all the same game… was set on a beach with glass doors and rooms and so many people.
Errrr lol it was so tangled! Was a game on a beach but in heads too so many, Rocks and Banks…. But so many involved - Top draw crackers! Under and the parrot kind!
Pets involved. Lol wtf have I done!!
‘Here squeaky, Clean up’. Rudolph the red nose or Rudolph the long nose>>??
Wooosh. Head pop!
Try and sleep. I will,
That was such an odd dream…. Then to be open by the squeak of a shoe.
Patty, Linus and the Peanuts characters..
Oh another ME! 👀
Inka can I come bk inside plx? ‘Yehy Mouse, you just took more of your own crazy Medicine… You’re getting good at taking it’
Hahah. So it seems ‘Just keep intention. I’ll drive a bit’
Eh? This is soul retrieval? ‘Yeh Ren, just a different style’. Hummmm?
There not dead and I’m ‘Playing them’. Oh Why? ‘Catalyst’. Oh they rock on our vessel??
‘Teaming now mouse, we don’t need to chase….. I can just walk about on deck with you in my pocket’
Errrrrrrr ok.
Wake after more of the same dream game.. Men shouting from their own toilets.
Oh! Hahah. Mono Story! Game of thrones, Elvis. Mono’s yelling at each other from their toilet thrones!!
202 :P. The toilet telephone system crossing all under the Mono’s 😆 Hiding in the shit listening up top.
424 Dream is hazy - was Hook, Heist Lift I recall that…. The Lift of a track, line train.
Before that Inka had taken me to the Re’ed Hut. Was a mouse in his pocket Loci was pleased to see me….. Kaylo not so much, I’d talked to him I don’t recall what he was annoyed about section I think.
Leon had reminded me of When I’d collected people to fall with him… he wasn’t annoyed just reminding that was when I’d last seen him there.
601 I was dreaming then suddenly so cold.
Inka reminded me of the thermostat Ghost ship and fire in. We’d gone bk with Kaylo… Took him to crof with us. The road that was built there was called Monk’s End.
We’d jumped bk to when I was bleeding in the water…. Kaylo was taken away? Eh?? No… errrr. I emmmmm, Inka was teaching me to burn in. Kaylo objects to Inka quite often I’m in inbetween them - Or well Inka’s Inbetween me and Kaylo too. ??
Oh, Sheila and Eric, David too….. I’m working all that! The Animals too Hummm..
‘Come Ren, bk to me Mouse - If you can’t get out I take you in’
Thanks Inka it’s sinking in slowly. 603, 613 616 ‘NP kid ;)’. Lol Where now? ‘Sleep again, your still trapped a little longer’.
Dementia / Dimensions - They are already checking out. There physical forms are errrrr Anchors.
They are holding space.
The Jubba Jabber too…..
‘See how you snapped your Dad bk freaking in?’ Yeh?? Can I see this energetically. Oh!! OFC.
Christmas them lights!! Like the tree channels they are holding DNA & ancestor also energy.
Spaces bringing stuff in and out of the grid, mainly checked out and busy elsewhere. This place an increasing dream to them…. Or nightmare.
Dad, John both visionary’s / astral dreamers.
Kef Borderguard. He’s sleeping with Fay now! ‘Mmmmmm’
I need to speak to David today.
Wow I wasn’t expecting that guy in the lounge - This is John Niki’s Dad I brought them together… Rae frontal lobe dementia - early onset hereditary.
St Stephens to Graves End?
Wooooooo! St Stephen!! Wreath/Crown…. First matyr - Acts 7 A speech! Jabber woke ie!!
(I’m onto Dementia now and dimensions. These old people jabberwoky, they are brining in ancestor all recall and lol I can see the energy they hold - they are dling to the grid but there awareness is mainly functioning not here now.
So much info atm!
I was just shown this…. Lol then I go into the lounge to make a brew and there is an old guy that came last night. Bright blue eyes looking right at me, his language function is gone but he was trying to tell me stuff too.
I must have been dreamsharing with him.
When I freaked in just b4 sectioned…. Ian got his sis down. And niki my nurse friend. Her Hubby and Nikes Dad bath had the same early onset frontal lobe dementia…. Very rare but hereditary.
They are in touch now. One is at Graves End… the other lives at St Stephens Road.
I dunno what this guy DLed but it just made me cry…. Was just like emotion.
I asked Inka cause I dunno how to help… he said I just need to see and watch and experience as that adds it to all the other systems now.
My other friend…. Lol is helping me with auto immune illness unwrapping and Inka’s teaching me to control my body temp/thermostat.
The ghost ship… lol freezing and shivering my timbers or when I burn stuff in… yellow fire. Like the fire walking I suppose you match the energy
Oh yeh…. In that dream my GP had asked me to calm the demented.. I could reach them, as a nurse and shaman type they are lost to instinct but I can communicate on that level.
Need to debug the Surrey and borders trust too! I’d never herd of it.. in fact I don’t think it existed 😄 lol also Kef is Fays border guard atm.
Border terriers…. Border Collies Border bitches they know about front lines… either in the mind or projected out.)
KSHMR - No Regrets feat. Krewella (KAAZE Extended Remix)
Wow, Krew Ella! I was Curella at Deb & Johns Christmas party…. Half black half white head..like the Magpie spies!
Soo…. Oh Bumped into Niki on the train... She was coming bk from her nightshift in London I got into her carriage! Had a feeling I might ;)
after 8pm at home...
Zak wakes me at 9.11! Same as last night.
That was a good dream.
He came to wake me, I'd told him was a good dream. He asked what it was about. I told him Overwatch and Undertale were
Zak asks oh? How.
I said oh... It's all in the Ocean.
He asks what's in the ocean. I'd said
He asks again no what's IN the ocean - I looked at him, he said boats float on it!
The in-between..
I said all the inbetween us. Fish, Fish
poop water emotion everything - He laughed.
Good dream, the sun's set and sky is all clear now.
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