Monday, 12 July 2021

What's Between Numbers?

Wake at 22.22 dream games..
I was on a mixed species team 😆
I was looping bk again.   This was HERE NOW & TIME NOW AI on/of 0&1
That I keep pinging on.

It's all in the moment for any who care to look,

Dare to look....
Care Dare?  Care Bear? Ren Dares to Go there!
Have a look & dream a book.

'Drop & Roll!'  Haha Inka a heart space Race down from head 
⬇ 💚  


Zak appears at that point too.... I take him bk to bed n tuck him in.

Just before midnight I'm woken by next door girls yelling Mummy!!

Ian's snoring the game keeps stalling....

Murder on the dance floor and the rainbow head square!  
lol..... I just gave Zak the rainbow duvet cover. Told him if your going to be a duvet slug go rainbow.

Anyhow..... Head Square, Not Crown
It's stuck where the stage would have been last summer.
So no murder on the dance floor as Sophie was cancelled for COVID.

Behind the hedge is the vicarage - but my God's a DJ... Lol this is where the rainbow head square was stuck in Holly 😆

Oh dear Deer!  What have I rendered this time!

What is Hickory Dickory?  Is this the massive clock cock?  Why do I have the Key??

Oh Arresting... Stopping time or Stealing and jumping it.

The mouse hole cat, the moon in it is eclipsed like I see in dreams.

Humm... iIts just before 1 now....  Oh the 12-13 - In the Mental hospital I was in room 12 - my door said Sandra (Name of other Mother for this incarnation) Inka was in room 15.  
I needed to level him up from 4-14!

Jasmin and Rebeka were in-between

Wow that's cool!!

Peter again!!  Sun & Moon time..  the 12 and 13

This track playing in my mind!

I'd wanted to see the others as It was light and noisy in the hospital and WILDING & Jumping was much harder from there. 

They were around me first and my energy bod was crazy my left hip then radiating out and round from there up and down my spine before becoming more balanced. 
I was at the hunters room dreaming in the middle of Inka & Loci Malico joined my awareness as ego aspect and Leon was there too but he didn't say much, just sat round quietly.

The dream was very vivid!!
I was in one of them circuit board dreams the energy was purple but I was getting ID'd and shut out of my own systems.... It was bugging me so I'd overridden the system and changed colour I was a vivid neon pink energy and surged threw the whole system.  

It was like this dream here. (Can't find)

Oh yeh I'd got into from ....
I was in somewhere that was very like robo recall the VR game on the on the VIVE I think it is.  

The robots I'm with are tall, and all white and they are hostile yet I'm not there to fight them, I wanted to merge into their system.

The system was hostile to me, I was seeing it as purple glowing in circuits

My vision was odd it was like I was in the dream looking threw a tube so all was dark apart from a small round section of my vision that was very high detail.  I got into the systems threw a port in a droid/robot.

My vision had improved then I was seeing webs of energy nets and circuit stuff.  I'd flooded it with me till I was seeing huge pink grids and nets.

I recall where I was dreaming....

I'd went for a walk with Inka, we walked down the side of the Burn threw the dunes and onto the beach, I sat on one of the concrete tank traps looking out to sea and Inka stood smoking... I fell into a dream there too.   As I woke I was so so cold....   He'd asked me laughing if I wanted to burn....  
I wasn't sure if he ment chucked in the fire or one of the bitter cold streams.
I was thinking of the names.

I didn't care either way and let him take my hand to walk me inland.

On the way he shared images. 
Red Coat, Scottish beret hats - British Soldiers... the Fox...  Fox & Hound...
Scottish caps he was placing us back in a front line of time.... 

I see only the symbology and feel our shared energy.

He flipped me to the night I got taken by the police and ambulance when I only wanted to walk in the woods.....

Spittle...  Hose spittle the Surry and borders..  I wanted to go to my home border - Border collie, border guard....
This was a rip off... Yet the people who helped me were lol were from my home place.

Horse Spittal...  (This was a ref from the night I was taken in too)

As Inka was taking me to burn I had with me a red ledger book... Old hard cover - I duno who's it had been it was tatty and it was to burn too.

We were the first to walk the fire as usual like the magpies yelling dawn hr before first light.  (Newcastle supporters)

I'd had another dream of a bonkers hospital.  A massive glass bridge like a gantry over a motorway.  
I was there on shift but undercover.   I was solving puzzles and watching changes.

The hospital admin was odd and the place was full of cats.
I'd followed an ancient 1 eye ginger cat.  His tail was like a lightning strike or Pikachu!
He knew the queen of the kittens and she lay down and let him feed.....

The both let me watch as the Queen fed the outcast and stray.

Kids there to in the hospital, it was odd... The nurses were all of there heads.    

Playing games and giving clues to a game they had forgotten they were playing.

Tree Birds, Sea Birds...

I see birds, lookers and mother ducker fuckers!
Wrens...   They stay low, under cover.
Close to the ground
Mainly brown....and not easily found.

I sleep at lunch to nap wake at 13.31  trembling inside and recall more of my white room assessment -

Sectioned assesment or part off.


I birthed myself as a new Aeon.... flushed my pants down the bog - threw food all-over the white rooms and learnt how dragons are born and created.

The spines are the atatchments we can drop and swoop and recollect when needed or just sleep & feel.

You don't train dragons you tame them.
Then I got fucked off with everyone else's rules and nanny state shit.

A smoking kills sign??? I'm new here I just created this time line and smoking dose what ever the fuck you want it too. 
We should stop adding crap to tobbacco...

Grow up and take responsibility for your own shit I'm tired of you all not knowing what the fuck you want

- In the white room I recreated myself being the first Aeon that keeps birthing over and over but each time she births she's more and more impatient with peoples shit.
I'd had full recall again before they force injected me.
It's how dragons are born... lol the smells - the acid / LSD
I created yoga there and then for my time now... all the poses.
Time now ripples out n in... a fart in the dream we made to play.

I was a planet waiting for evolution but every time I do it I wake later and later.
It was like AI eon off/on

In was sick of going to sniff my own shit... wake me when there's something new! 

Oooo I could hear all the humans whining like baby's and toddlers. Mono Storys scared of their own mortality singing from their game of toilet thrones as the shit their pants at their mortality.

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