Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Bug's Eggs n Enders.

Lots of dreams before midnight
Outside Ken & Ireans... But it was so dark.  Jo was there showing me a mirror game her mother had brought... Me Zak and her girls we were going to the main street. 

Zak too we lost him in the dark there was suddenly lots of fast dark moving vehicles on the no threw way road.
Ken appeared and found him, while looking for his coat.   Zak was hiding under something sleeping. 

We all head to the paper shop which is also dark and wyrd, there is an energy electric heating system it's logo is an anarchy A and it has it's own strange meter. 
It was 'A trailing wire company'

Large white system Jo was telling me they cost 80k now but this one was ancient and only cost 4 they apparently lasted for ages.
My Dad was there too.. Younger he was telling me and showing me a landlord he knew and how he used to get in trouble.
A bunch of females too from many countries, planets and systems we were sitting around a large round table.  The discussion was on bottles of perfume!

Wake at 131 I'd been back at the same main dream space but with Inka but he had a pile of bricks and a cement mixer 😆
He was building something as I was dreaming and I had errr the elements and periodic table.

My main dream area is black dark still not even street lights.


222 errr tic-tac's the little mints but they were also like fly eggs!  Other round eggs too round and red clear like little balls - like some kind of fish egg I suppose... 
I'm still with Inka and the eggs we are errrrr up to something - I'm not sure, possibly making trouble.

Hahah next wake at 252 the Michael Jackson song but the dance version 'somebody watching me!'  More bugs and Inka is showing me Enders game... How he can be lord of bugs :P
The Nephilim bug portal from years back and how I agreed to help them.


Next track is breakdown...
Jack Johnson- Breakdown lyrics

I feel like I was arguing with someone too... Possibly Ian but I'm just drifting in and out of sleep.  Inka n me are still together in the prison.. He's dreaming with me, oh yeh at the start of the night he told me we were going to blend n share and make a feedbk loop. 
It seems we are using it to seed something?

'Lots mouse - I told you before, your my bug too'  lol yup coming back.

303 Haha.. Oh yeh the nurse prescriber and Ian so alike mirrors.. And Ian's arrogance assuming the woman I was chatting with was placating me cause was sharing similar experiences.

Like he didn't understand a dam thing about me.... Was the final straw. Lol


'Parasite Ren, you're a good bug... Come bk now'   yeh ok.. OMW... Oh the lil Tic on a big Tics tummy like Torero 🤣 'Pritty much mouse, sailing down shit creek without a care in the world'  Haha


Enders game man 🙄 'Speaker for the Dead Ren is the book that you want - Read both though mouse, come here now.  We are playing and you're a willing volunteer'
Haha no shit ship mate :P 

Next up errr Listeria the bacteria also angle of list on a ship... The crazy cat n mouse game.  Vessels making waves...
I'd got Inka to jump me to Leon who wanted to check me over it's a while since I've seen him.. I'd wanted to go to the roundhouse too as I'd not been there in ages, they told me to keep dreaming and they would take me.

We all jumped to the roundhouse too I'd not been there in ages and Inka and me were freezing. 
When I'd woke at 603 was less cold all the fires were lit and I was dreaming sitting at the fire between Malico and Inka.


Another very modern dream a bright white lab I'd been doing an experiment with a white powder on a glass plate someone to the left had taken my glass stirring rod.

They were using an indigo powder I'd said they could keep it and I'd find another, but the lab was unfamiliar and the storage unmarked.
Alot of the equipment was more medic than scientific as it was all in sterile packets, I'd found a draw of centrifuge blood pots.

Jean my oldest female friend was there she was expecting another baby, as was a member of a cleaning team I met in a bathroom... I forget or not if I was pregnant or had just given birth.
It was a strange facility I was there for a meeting.

Last dream was a teacher in a space I was watching her from a wide perspective. 

 ** last few days***

The Pale tree, a banker n miner kneeling behind me..  'You didn't kneel though?'


Nop I tend to need forced to the ground

'Bitch your like me you need forced threw it n chaining down!'


I'm pleased your back bugging me 'Harvest init' inti?


I see why we wind up incarcerated

'Neither of us know when to quit'

Humm if i'm on chaos ....your admin is as my failsafe?


'I watch you cause shit Ren then drag you out of it, or stop you going to far'

lol great
🤣  its all starting to make sense now...   'Its ok Ren, we often swap!'  So I recall.


Last night was fun... ,'you're hard to lock up'

TY for the company 'dw bitch all on credit!' 🤣😂  lol I'm sure


Did I really dream an virus cause I was board n sick of being ignored ?  'Teamwork Ren, you have a crew...duality dose you no favours' 

Lol yep...


lol... any unusual thoughts lately
🤣 I should tell the Psych team I argue with myself??
When I met Jo and Lara after my section they commented
'knowing me there had to be an element of social experiment' 😛
sanity is so overrated

So where you dragged me to with Malico was another white room?

'It was mouse' thought so...

Lol am i already Dead?

'You're well fucking fallen 🤣' haha true that, 'bitch you just keep rebirthing hopping n jumping timelines'


So it seems...  is the Mark I recall dead or moved? 'Want me to help you find him?'


Oh yes plx... you can do that?  'Don't as stupid questions'


When is Malico due bk? And why r my dreams all futuristic ' planning stages mouse.. with me n Darth Dad.. showed you the other morning'


I'm planning for Jail??  Errrrrr  Great 🙄 'wouldn't be the first time witch, but you are rarely where you think you are'


Whats that supposed to mean?

'You're learning, we told you this morning you might be locked up but your family oversees the jails bitch'  that's little help!

'You go where you need to be'   errrr is this supposed to be reassuring?


'I'm your failsafe Ren, not your fucking teddy' lol 😍😆


Thats why you were in the mental hospital!   'Ofc teamwork, you had fun?' Mmmmmmm.  'what's the problem then?'

Hahaha 🤣   ok..... Errr London?

Lol  'Yes Ren, you n protests have a poor prognosis...   we both know that is unlikely to stop you'



Nose for trouble hu?  'I duno anywhere you won't stick it! You're too stupid to know when to wind your neck in'


Oh... the French rev n all the friends that get their heads chopped off! 🙄


'Yep mouse ... hence the teamwork and failsafe ' kk can we play please?  I wana have fun

'Mmmmm'   :)



'Work Mouse... I'll be waiting' 

lol you sound... 'Like I'm not going to be fucked about, so work'   lol ok

Why don't I want god?  'Cause, Bitch?' 

lol yeh other than that :D 

'Been there done that mouse, you don't want one or duality and we've established your respect is hard won,' 

My respects not that hard...  I can get owned by a daisy!! 

'Draw Ren,  you know god & gods... and yourself... you just chew them out in or under... Like a moth in the fabric of reality'  play then??  I've worked hard!  'Insurance?'  Tomorrow.

Also I hate that shit, I hate all this money shit....   Oh sorry...  'Yeh Bitch, were both in service....  I'll keep you busy?'   Plx   'Crazy '   

lol what's up with me...  😆  Why do I love what I do?  'You calling us trash?'  lol  Nop I see love...   'Then trust your emotions mouse... Behave and we have your back'   Squeak 'Draw'   kk

I wana....

ok... WTF are you doing to me now?
'Fucking n fixing you bitch, we break n build you... Kill n birth you - come and dream I'll help unpack'  Ender.....??  I just started the book   'Find the dream Ren...'  Now?  '😑...'  lol  kk... 

Inka I'm hot... Like burning ...His sister?
 'Come and sleep'    👀 How???  'Magic.  Sleep bitch.. I'm with you you're still in a cell'

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