Thursday, 15 July 2021

Up & Down

14th July

Wake between 1&2 I felt like I'd been sleeping for ages.
I'd been in a long dream where I was stuck so I'd been making pizzas and getting people to deliver them for me.

 Inka had shown me the dream that lasted lifetimes with the elders... I'd been taught to swim then swim in the ocean.
He told me know I was learning to become multiple elements at once.

3.59 A puzzle game!
I was in a large complex and trying to solve each room to get out.  I was using smells and lights to navigate.  
It was fun, we were trapped there the game was to get threw and outside.

404 'Dawn coming'  Oh yeh... I'd asked Inka to dream someplace fun.  I'd met him at his portal room for the dream above.

It was familiar but different I was in a team of 3.  I'd been asked if I would fight and move into combat but I didn't want to, the stakes were high and I wanted to game not escalate to violence as both sides were the same.

The clues were fun.

Next up we'd been in a ravine, we'd climbed up the sides and were leaping over!
We were leaping and falling learning to fly!
We'd push eachother of the side too..... 
We'd drop and collect one another too so we didn't mind falling.

434 Errr Thumper the bunny was it a friend of Bambi?   I've not seen it.   Also punch n Judy?


444 I was still with Inka at his mono-story portal hub.  He called me Bambi as my Mama had died , I'd shown him my Bro and he'd just watched me as he knows!

15th July

Woke at 3 and it was like all my dreams had been on top of eachother.   All at once.

Back to sleep and I'd gone back to this building here were I'd been given a key and a bed.  I'd been shown the box under my bed and how it was like the storage in the mental hospital too and the other dreams showing how I'd been told I'd go there.

This time Darth Dad was with me. I don't recall why he was there but he kept hitting me... I wasn't me or formless and when he hit me it was energetic each time it was a colour.

I was seeing the energy centres as colours and  exchanges threw them it was like I was defragging... Oh  dfraggle rock too.

He was telling me about the dream were someone was moving reality's to fast and her heart was strange (The jolt sensation and this was also ECT and the machines they use for cardia arrest )

He's showed me the beam of white torchlight from where I'd been hiding in the building below I'd had to navigate with my eyes closed.... Now that beam was like a lighthouse we were making the building into a lighthouse.....but the other colours were all online too, it would have rainbow coloured floors.   

I'd seen that dragonfly again laying eggs in multiple places I could hear this track too....

'It took a lifetime living in the jungle to find your tribe'

I'd thanked him and he'd walked downstairs with me and as I go out onto the street Inka is leaning against a wall outside smoking.  I walked over to him wondering what he was doing there and he grinned and said 'Wana go down now?' pointing to a manhole/drain cover and showing me that we would go deep. 

I'd laughed and told him sure but I got up to run as it's such a lovely day.


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