Sunday, 31 July 2016

Clear Water

Last nights first dream.

A friend of mine Mark is chilling out a in a pebbly ravine, it's a really interesting setting.
The rocks in the ravine are an orange colour, on the ground are small pebbles like small beach/flinty beach pebbles of the same colour. I'm following a stream of the clearest water towards Mark, the water is so perfect! I get distracted by the purity of the water, it flows up and down bumps. When I get closer he is talking to my brother so I wait.

--- (I get the feeling Mark was the Magician of the major A cards in the dream)

It jumps from there into an unfamiliar house... same people in the dream.

This part seems very symbolic but confusing.  I now have a pool in the house, it's not my pool but I need to look after it. I've never had a pool before and don't know how to keep it clear. The chemicals that came with the pool are empty and I don't know were to get more from.

I make a partly ironic comment to the other two guys that 'The defining moment of pool ownership is when you have to call another to ask were to get the chemicals (for clearing) '
The house we are in is on the edge of a city... now we are back in the house we seem to be selling 'drugs for enlightenment' - we have no money, people keep commenting on the fact we are on the edge of the city... we have no money but wisdom.

- Second Dream

A large Lorry is outside a wired other worldly version of our street, this street is posh and well kept with painted iron fences round well looked after front gardens.  A large Lorry pulls up outside, it has a friend Jack from my teenage years, he swaps a child's pushchair then leaves.
Fay (eldest daughter) works on the lorry, I go to help her.

The lorry is filled with clothing and we are sorting the clothing by codes and sizes.
Next I get text's and messages then Jack arrives back to move the lorry.

Dream moved on and the next part I remember is that we have to wash out large disinfectant drums, (these are similar to the empty pool chemical containers in the first dream)
Another man arrives with cases for disinfectant wipes and then dream changes again to a vet surgery and I'm working out disinfectant dilution ratios and sorting out medications by date order.
Not sure about these dreams :) Both seem to be deeply symbolic in there own way with overlapping elements of /clearing/cleansing/sorting
Water in my dreams usually signifies 'oneness' rather than emotions.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Murdock and Marramgrass

2 dreams and wired validation with the first.

I'm in a massive office block and I know it's a media corporation.  Rupert Murdock is there and he's been called out by 1000's of staff. They can see he's not like them... that he's not ethical/real in the same way they are.

He was young though, a young man with dark hair.... I had no idea what he looked like young and had to google it this morning and sure enough it was him in the 60/70's back how he looked then.

There was a sense all these people including me had been abused - but we all knew now. Murdock and others like him were standing there powerless as we all 'knew' (there was no violence or anger... it was like the wizard of Oz when Dorothy looks behind the curtain)

Dream 2

The setting is two tiny wooden self build cottages in the marram grass on grey sandy windswept coastline. The cottages are a distance apart.
The place is stunning with a hazy light even at night - I live in one cottage with two dogs.

I'm neither male or female but seem to change between the two I'm mainly male when in the cottage.
My cottage inside is dark small and cosy, lit by a fire and gas lamps. Inside is a tiny stage made of driftwood and I'm a performer I run a 'Free Theatre'

Every evening people come to watch my shows, my cottage is small so the audience is only ever one or 2 people.
It's very intimate and the audience doesn't pay but they bring me small offerings such as bunches of herbs. I have some kind of magic over them, and can make them sleep or turn away at the door if the show isn't right for them. I can swap between male and female on the stage to tell the story.

From there the dream jumps to a red brick factory building with people working inside.
It has a tall perimeter fence and then a deep drop and the factory rises up tall in the middle.
You can't walk to the factory as the drop is huge. Between the fence and the factory door way up in the brick wall there is a web of thick red chains.
Where the red chains join there are metal buttons with numbers that can be 'set' I clamber out over the drop and head to an intersection.
I set the number 3.. the dream then swaps again to a 'real life capture the flag game' I have a giant flag pole stuck to my back :P I run quickly out of the base and into cave system to hide, I'm crammed in-between some rocks hiding when a man comes to talk to me about the first part of the dream with the performance.... but the phone woke me up!!

Pondering the second dream, I realised that houses normally represent 'self'  So this seems to be hinting at play/performance. 

That reminded me of the poem I wrote back when I was a teenager. 

Up – down
Round - round
Living in, life’s play ground.

First it’s your go, then its mine,
What have we learnt after all this time?

Live for now, and lighten up,
Give up the searching for the cup,
The grails inside just stop and feel,
Allow your conscience time to heal.

Play the game, it’s in your hand.
Learn your special role on this land.

Shed a tear, smile a smile,
Stop and think a little while.

Our time is now, that’s what we’ve got,
We need no more, we hold the lot.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

A visit from Moth

If last nights dream was a film it would have been in the action/adventure genre.

It started of in a large auditorium or collection of lecture halls and music rooms with 100's of people in.
In the dream I was having premonitions of what would happen next and that there were planes and helicopters coming to drop bombs.
I was trying to get people/kids/animals out but I was aware that I couldn't tell people what I knew as there was no way they would believe me. I was left wondering what difference I could make or reason I could give for getting people to safety. The buildings were filling with smoke that only some people could see (Fire was spreading again not visible to all)
In the end I just rounded up children, dogs and people who intrinsicly trusted me, some people were giving me there children but didn't seem to know why.

(Dream then zoned to energy and symbols... I felt I was clearing and blending energy's of animal and human and there was a kind of natural current almost like convection were stuff moved to were it was needed. )

- My next dream I woke up into...
I was in a bed in a relatives house the room was clean white and light and the bed and me are covered in orange balloons. Some were floating and some were on the floor.   There is a swimming pool close to the room, I'm ment to be washing dogs in the pool that is there.
There is also a large wardrobe in the room too in it are 2 robes that are mine.  My relatives want to know which one I want, but I don't recognise or want either of them.

After I stop washing dogs I find myself in what looks like the small animal inpatient room at a vet surgery, I'm working there looking after rodents - but I'm needed to care for a large green moth that
everyone else finds  unpleasant.

I'm sent from the vets on an mission to a Mayan Temple that is close to us as I'm supposed to be collecting something from there, I'm also ment to pick up some friends children. Travelling threw the clean modern city I find myself in manage to collect the thing from the centre of the temple and get there in time to collect the children and then run back to the vets to move the rodents around to make room for the Green Moth!

After writing this down...I think the very last part of the dream was is insight into my current life :P Dog walking, looking after kids, cat's and rodents ... I think the green moth might be my heart.
Moth photo

After a quick look it seems that Moth is a powerful totem animal of spiritual search for our unique truth, using dreams and insight to find our way I feel very lucky to have so many spirit animals helping me at the moment.

All the stuff in the earlier part of the dream I will need to conciser more.

The strees are paved with shirts?

Wednesdays dream.  I didn't think to much about it in the morning when I woke,  It was when I was going to bed again in the evening that I took a moment to ponder it. 

The dream scape was a a beautiful sunny island with impossibly blue sky.  It had a feeling of a Greek island in the spring.   I was in a small rustic work shop, with a group of people waiting for a balloon ride.

The man who owned the balloon was an acquaintance, his balloon always stayed afloat and to get it he climbed way up into the sky on a brown hemp rope.   We waited below until he arrived with the balloon and a small wooden crate for us to stand in.  
Air Balloon
As we climbed aboard until the create is  full and we were hanging over the sides. I was aware way the distance there were very futuristic air planes fighting, triage shaped. 

As we started to move we were instantly flying low threw an empty city, the buildings appear modern and clean, as I looked below me I realised that the streets of the city were paved with a patchwork of fine cotton suit shirts.  

It wasn't until last night I realises how this image perfectly blended the sayings 'The streets are paved with gold' and 'The shirt of my back' 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...