Thursday, 14 December 2017

Dec 2017

ren [10:01 PM]
Main dream from Sat.  Again it's my main dreamscape, there is a house that's a guest house, I'm outside looking in.  (My first dream was a wired fun adventure game with Keifer Sutherland working in a hot dog van) ?? 
Anyhoo the gueshouse swapped from being one run by  a friend of my parents to being the hotel across the street were a friend of mine lived. 
I'm still outside looking in to Mels old bedroom (She killed herself at 21)  I'm looking at the changes, then Mark arrived (a friend who seems to play magician archetype in my dreams)

He's taken over the hotel and asks if I'd like to look round see the changes he's made.  I go in threw the window.  The places is all painted white, very zen and unclutterd with large windows.. as we walk threw we are no longer in my main dreamscape and the room at the front now opens into countryside.   There are large open doors onto a pattio now and then it's open to feilds,  in the feild there is an odd heap of ancient monuments   piles of standing stones all heaped on top of each other, I can see part of a massive old Celtic cross stone in the pile too.  
He's taking me past a small animal petting zoo,  part of the hotel he asks me to check the animals and but I'm detracted by a flock of large parrots all different colours I follow them to a waterfall and they are joined by pink flamingos too.

ren [10:10 PM]
I was having a long dream this morning. The setting was a long sandy beach and a sea with a small island of shore. (The setting seemed back to front or the sun was setting wrong as it seemed like main dreamsape but the sun was setting east.  )

There is a new largish building on the beach, it's like a school hall.   There are 100's of other people in the dream, many are camped out on the beach, but some are still in the hall...   I'm being a go between. 
I have friends on the shore and I'm out there meeting people, but Ian and Fay were still in the hall so I kept popping in to give them updates about what was going on.

There were storms coming in really quickly and the beach was ripping like a wave it had bunched all the people and tents into a small pile in the middle of the huge sandy beach.    Then the sky would clear again and I'd chat with people again... it was funny to watch.  No-one seemed to mind though it was a bit of a muddle.  

I think Ian had decided he wouldn't pitch our tent till the storms had passed but I preferred it outside not fussed about a tent.  

As the sun was setting there was the most epic veiw!!   The sky was pink purple and blue and the Milkyway was impossibly close and bright filling the sky and going down into the ocean then golden fireworks start coming from the small island...   It's beautiful   :heart: 

I'm excited and in Awe but I want Ian and Fay to see the show too and the sky so I run back again to go try get them out of the building.   When I get them to come out they have left via the wrong exit and we find we are in a harbour area were the veiw of the sky is obscured.  

I'm frustrated and am trying to find my way back to the shore using the stars but they are struggling to keep up.

ren [10:16 PM]
This last dream I think is telling me alot.   When I get in touch with my higher-self spirit things go bonkers for me, it's lovely and awesome but It gets faster and faster and I struggle to ground it or stay attached to the world around me.     To many people I'd easily come across as a total mental case :wink: 
I start to drift...  (it dose wired things to my family too (It's like our versions of reality become incompatible for a bit, like cogs turning different speeds and they catch until one slows or speeds to meet the other. )

I almost need to shut it out, deaden myself to it....    then I realise I'm not complete without it and find myself flowing again in that direction. 

This dream seems to be about that.

----- Today December 14th, 2017 -----
ren [10:38 PM]
I'm recalling my dreams but they are so non nonsensical that I can't string them...  

There has been 'Pool maintenance'  A massive conifer forest in snow.  
Friends flashing in and out of WW2 Nurses.    Being asleep in water, a grandfather clock and then a shcool were menstruation was being suppressed.

Last nights dreams were the same...    Hazy...   I know I'm dreaming deep, but the recall is wired.
One I did remember was a room full of women with 'Rainbow dresses'    So They all had silk ball gowns in the colours of the rainbow.  One was wearing purple/ultra violet    I talked to that one and she sang to me about individuality. 

Next I'm a 'tour guide'   The setting is the old medieval town I went to school in.  I'm taking people round the country side in Northumberland, first the town then,    to wrecked castles in and out of the sea,   to buildings I was acting as a historian guide to a group... taking them threw destroyed buildings

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