Friday, 25 May 2018

Baby Boggart Dream

22 May 18
I've had a few dreams following on from each other in my main dreamscape.  Waking recall is hazy atm but I know in dream I'm aware.

I guess I need to get better at writing them all up to get recall back. 

3 nights ago it was with my old school friends from when were were around 6-9  it was team searching game.

There was also my normal mass education thing.... I was re-enrolling. 

An odd dream in my main area...   the last 2 nights it's had an 'american feel'  but I can find no reference to the words used...

Apart from this car...  a Herald Triumph 

lol  I'm not knowledgeable about cars at all...    In the dream I was on the main street in my main dream scape heading inland/west.  I was passing threw market stalls and shops owned by Asian  & Indian family's. 
Once on the road again west of my main dream area there was a squashed car almost being carried on a convener belt of metal down the road.  I'm to the north of it.
A 'police/traffic' guy is there watching the car move and I look at it and him, another car beeps behind and looks to move past,   the traffic guy waves it past and nods knowingly to me. 

He says to me,  'it would have been her' nodding to the squashed car.   She went in for a 'wipey face'  and in my mind I saw an American dinner'  he tells me they were after this 'car'   It was shiny  come and the name 'Herald Triumph' 

last night... 

It's the same jumpy round hazy recall but I was another me.

I'm a porn star and my name is Ge Gee it's 40-50's and I've afro style hair but it's red  I'm also in a band. 

We have 2 sax players who are very good... they play at each other. 

Next there in a fast ocean warming and sea levels rise very rapidly... I'm also talking to a friend she's a 'plastic'     Angel  ... I know her but she's been cast into plastic and looks more like a flower fairy  she's a 'speaker'  as in an actual 'speaker' protecting sound :stuck_out_tongue:     ... this bit's wired as there is a feeling of limitlessness   and I'm amused that's she's a plastic fairy.

In the dream I'm also making music
Wired how the car and the 'porn star' were all the same time frame   40-50's  I know it all flowed and fit together but it's hazy now

Wed 23rd May
I'm in Cornwall  or the west country a coastal town it's a beautiful day and we are walking with kids and Ian when we see a VW camper for sale.  It's a deep green/white Bay. 

We impulse buy it once inside there is just me and Ian and I'm driving from the back seat.  It's hard as I can't reach the peddles or see properly.   I stop so I can move to the front seat but when I get to the front seat the cars switched to right hand drive and Ian is driving.   I explore the camper instead.

It's amazing inside, more of a house than a camper.  It's got plastered walls and stained glass windows with shutters, paintings are hung, plants growing and shelves with plants and crystals. 

I try to get the radio to work and can't then realise there's a stereo with pile of CD's racks with books...      -- I ask Ian about the van as we seem to have all this guys stuff.  He's chilled out and said the guy didn't want it, but Ian left his number in case he changed his mind. 

I arrange a beanbag on the floor and flick threw an art book looking at some mind blowing images.   We stop at a hummm    it's a cottage with a cafe, it's like a hippy/art shop and crystals art and colourful clothing are spilling out into the walled garden, wind chimes and sun catchers are hanging from flowering trees it's all so colourful and pretty. 

Next part I remember is that I've got stuck inside a large shopping complex  it's a posh Mall type of place and all the deco is the same....  I'm trying to get out but everywhere looks the same and I can't find the doors or even the windows,  Josh comes and finds me and leads me outside into the sun. 

Next part I'm in an egg throwing fun fight! My brother is there. 

Second dream is my main dream area, it's the first school field, also lovely and sunny there are portals on the grass and 100's of kittens and ducks going in and out of the portals.. there are also large musical instruments made of wood and shells.  I'm floating round stroking kittens and making music with others,  there are also 2 men who can turn into dogs.

Thursdays dreams. 

A large residential school, we are redecorating the area we sleep in, and clearing it out.. It's all organised quite OCD by colour.  Male me is there too and one class we take is taking under water :stuck_out_tongue:
Last nights dreams.

First one is a very high up attic room, I'm there with a female Asian friend.   The room has high wooden beams and lots of roof lights and balcony windows and doors all open to the night air.
We are sleeping there the night air is warm and the room is lit by just star light.. we are laying looking threw the open windows and doors at all the the amazing stars. 

Very long dream..

This dream was one of them that is years long  (I think it is the start of a dream/life from another dream

as I'm an infant version of the same kind of blue creature.)  I'd forgotten about the other dream until waking the on waking realised it was almost the younger version of this thing. 

I'm non-human small with very long limbs, blue grey skin small abdomen with a pot belly and pointy teeth, hairless all over...  As the dream starts with mainly humans  I know I'm 'different'
The starting dream setting is an 'orphanage/school'

It's a group of old stone buildings set in forest woodlands the world is primitive and many different types of entity exist there. 
The orphanage is mainly human children with some half breeds it's run by a half breed man (hes got green skin thick set taller than the humans with pointed ears and teeth not as exaggerated as mine)

It's this male who is a primary contact as the older humans at the orphanage find me unpleasant  ( I was told I was found as collateral damage in a battle and as I was small and helpless brought here but the orphanage is all I remember)
I'm taught and fed communally with the other children there but they consider me stupid/simple. 
I'm confused...  I'm struggling to fit in and keep up with the other children.  I'm incontinent and can't learn or talk like them (I can't make the right sounds with my mouth to speak or hold a pencil)  I can understand them though. 
I'm bullied and teased by the other children as I smell, and wet myself .. and while I'm not 'abused' there I am beaten occasionally and humiliated by being made to wash my nappy's (that don't work well as I have a tail) the harsh treatment is mainly in an attempt to 'domesticate' me. 

The Green man is not usually unkind to me when I see him but is frustrated by my lack of any progress  - while other children are growing fast and learning I'm still unable to talk/write/not wet myself) 
There are communal bedrooms with wooden cots,  but I'm kept mainly in a small room with a wooden bunk bed alone to stop the other kids picking on me and for hygiene reasons..  ( I have no bedding or lights )-  it's lonely and confusing.

I'm taken one day to see the head of the orphanage he's with another green entity this one larger still and his skin thicker and a deeper green (I recognise this type from other dreams)   there kind of fantasy orc types  if I had to describe them. 
The Orphanage head explains that I'm leaving with the new male that he knows where my species are and he's travelling that way.

My next recall is travelling threw forests with the orc type entity.. he's taken and thrown away all my clothing, I'm much happier nakid and outside as we travel he explains things to me about my species  (draws images with sticks in the soil and mimes things too, I understand a little of what he says.

He's taking me home to my forest, my type are usually solitary and live for a very long time and spend years as 'infants'

As we travel the woodland changes the trees and colours until the trees are changing colour and getting thicker and bigger...  They are grey blue/purple like me, the bark is the grey bit. 

Soft thick dark blue wet moss covers the ground.   The light is different too there are kind of glowing lights in the trees but the canopy's is so high there is no sky to speak of so it's darker and the air is warm and very damp. 
I know it's home... i fit perfectly into the habitat.. my long limbs and claws are perfectly suited for climbing the trees and being bald and nekid the water runs easily from me I'm the same colour so camouflaged, though I felt totally safe and at home there.  There was also this amazing fruit on the trees thick skinned but soft and wet inside. 

Wake up at that point.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...