Monday, 3 September 2018

Free Falling & School.

Night before last  a wired game of crazy golf with 3 miss worlds who were men in drag and the Crankies (wired wife/hubby comedy thing from the 80's the wife played his son)    -  After the game I'm flying along a river in a run down city area.  It's an industrial area but disused  lots of empty warehouses.

3 dreams last night

First me and Emma are in Berwick it's cycling night/day very quickly and at night the sky is filled with thousands of stars many of which are falling .
We are walking round the town going into bus offices trying to get timetables and tickets we needed to get to a place beginning with S  (I forget where now)   We were also caring for a young male with learning issues, he was physically very big but mentally like a young child lots of people found him intimidating because of his size.

Next is a big school or Uni -  I'm in a class of people aged 27 and the new intake were all 22.
The school is floating and is a series of platforms  around a main hall area is a rectangular walk way high high up.    We are jumping of it into the centre where the air is 'cloudy' looking.  The air is different density's meaning you can free fall...   Fast at first then slowing down threw the denser  air and then speeding up again to land.    It's fun the new 22 people are playing a sports type of game on the platform below were we land - I see 2 females that are upset with each other crying and one of the elders is mediating.

On the stairs on the way up there is food layed out for a birthday party we need to step over it and round people....

Dream hops and I'm in a strange landscape with hovering stone cubes some of them have entrances into them.  I'm climbing down one to get into another.   Where I need to put my hand there is a thick bramble/thorny runner but it's the only place to hold so I grip anyway feeling the thorns pressing into my fingers.   I pass it and my hand is bleeding red,warm fresh blood.

Last dream was wired --  It was in an underground religious meeting place and there was a ritual that was like a funeral and christening rolled into one.   I'd been invited by the mother of the baby for who the service was.   I was ethereal made of black smoke and all the children and babys were made of the same patchwork.

Sunday, 2 September 2018

End of August 18

On holiday so crap dream write up.. 

Sat 18th,   a love/sex adventure with a father of a friend of a son.   I was pregnant...  but was aware of siblings the child couldn't know of without upsetting people.

Sunday 19th August

Ballet dancer, dancing sad/happy  have some eggs.  There was a coat dance and mirror dance.

Huge funeral  with kids and dogs,   the kids are watching 'love actually' 

Monday 20th

'Plane' journey but not really a plane,   like a island travelling.  Dream started with bossy people and trying to collect wild people.    We flew the world on flat island plane,  penguins and wales.
 I had a relationship with the pilot. 

Wed 22nd.

Old cats - some medicated...    then a 'killing spree'  an accomplice to a murder..       Next dream an art exam.    Connection to the examiner,   exam on 'line'     

MY answer was 'there is no line, only  observation of within and without...   'line' is a margin.

Friday..  24th

Amazing dream last night.   Was a school setting again....  A vast live in learning town with buildings and fields.    It was futuristic grass trees and stuff with floating lesson platforms colourful brick roads between set in a sunny country side.   I moved about on roller skates as the area was very well spread out across meadows and hillsides.  
A change was happening to the world.  A vortex  ..   this was a fractal fragmenting of everything there.
I was really excited as that is what id gone there to be part of.
It was really amazing hard to describe like a planet took acid and was turning it's self inside out.   Visually stunning.   A friend comes to get me, she's freakes out and wants me to leave with her of world.
She's taking me to a tower rocket to the government and police to leave world.    I'm angry and telling her no, I'm staying.
We argue and she drags me into the tower - rocket.   She tells me I'll be a slave if I stay here.   I don't argue but know she's confused and I tell ger i will break my way out of the tower.   I lay my hands on it and bits vanish...    She's annoyed and upset and I tell her to let me leave.   She won't so I keep dissolving it by touching it.   Until nothing is left and we are back in the otherworldly countryside.....

She's very angry I tell her I'm home here,  I'm sorry I destroyed her tower but she shouldn't have taken me in.  She'll fine another.   We part ways and I fly up into the sky vortexSat 25th

I meet and have a chat with 3 versions of myself.

1st Sept 18.

Carry was at home alone and had changed the locks... there was a cat house party going on with cats raving!

2nd Sept

In my main dream house lots of amazing moths and butterfly's and then I have a small white budgie in a nest with eggs and young.   There are also black and brown small rodents with thick long hair and then a big grey and white friendly rat. 

The garden is filled with brambles. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...