Monday, 11 March 2019

March 19

7th March

A huge beach or desert an aboriginal woman and living smoke  sort of wispy soot sprites I've seen them before in dreams sort of think and changeable very black.   The foundations of something new being built.  Plants being planted and grown.

8th March

Aunty Betty,   bread baking lots of different loves and a large grass garden,  feeding the bred to small birds on the grass the birds are singing.   

Zooming in and out dream, threes planets waterfalls.  Sun setting the trees are wired very different. 


Small Spare room at Aunty sheilas Vacuuming up bits of metal lots of iron fillings and unused staples drawing pins and paper clips  they are covering a floor.    I'm using our yellow Henry  he's upside down and too full and the lid comes of and stuffs going back onto the floor again. 

Friday, 1 March 2019

Feb 19

I've had lots of dreams threw Feb but days have been so busy they fade before I keep track.

One was a dream of Aunty sheila and a silver sword.  A spaceship too A hall of res and a room on the 6th floor lots of artifacts. 

House moving again... packing up and cleaning before going.

A dream about shirly and her passed mum also 2 dogs...  2 dogs to women all at night.

One weekend there was a flying car  it was robotic and magnetic like a transformer.   Emma and Jack with me we are flying over the UK the car keeps reforming.

A dream with aunty Betty and Fay, she is looking over and after us. 

A dream of many females  underground doing handstands.

Night before last.  

A  house in a valley rolling winter countryside around it.   It's a strange house many things at once.   Old young/social/horrible and wonderful all patched together.   At first it looks ugly and falling apart but it's changing all the time.  There is an old cottage aspect very old and a huge wrap around panoramic window with a wrap around veiw.    It's full of antiques and a old leather sofa filled with giant caterpillar type of bugs.  There is an old antique breakfast table layed for 7 people.  I float around in the dream watching and looking.

Last night. 

Underground big dark city station end of the line type of place....  it's dirty and grubby late at night, dark before dawn time.
I'm with Dom and and someone else.   We have been dancing all night but are to tired to dance more and are heading home.   
In the station we climb down onto the dirty old track...   walking down it, we can see lights coming from the train in the tunnel and hear it.    We laugh and head back towards the buffers to climb out   when the train lands it's a space rocket and it lands in a pile of ice on the track. 

We are in trouble for the ice and  us being on the track people are annoyed that the time table is wrong now and departure delayed.   - the security is a theater crew and opera singers they are looking for us so I make us invisible. 

I leave there and find a coach  I'm heading north to main dream area.   It's a night journey  out of the windows I see packs of dogs all different ages breads and sizes but all brown.  Fox's too in groups the bus is driving on grass tracks and trails sometimes hitting the animals. 

When I get to my main dream area.... the bus goes all the way there right to the house.  Zak is there in an ambulance he has iv lines going in and out of his limbs -  I take him from the bed and remove the IV lines.  I carry him away from the ambulance and he gets down onto the grass where he vomits and poops clear white liquid thick like jelly.    I carry him into the house and breast feed him I remember wondering if I'd still have milk but I did the milk heals him. 

Woke up there.  

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...