Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Spiral Buildings and Dark Hunts


Main dream space.  I was walking from the harbour carpark.  A train track ran along side the road.
The dunes to the north were honey combed with arches, that were being excavated.

After walking a while I took the train, and wound up in a strange dark carpark.   Kef was with me...

We were seeing a vet about his inflammatory gut and the Dr wanted to try liver salts or something similar.

Odd spiral room with a photo booth.  Cat's on leads being walked to shops.  Jumbled odd stuff.


A bowl of food burning threw a wooden table.  Old fashioned pc's with disks like bank cards.   Mine was sticky and someone had put it inside and it was stuck.  Swimming in a wide river with a strong current.


My primary School head, Mr Evans.  A public bathroom, he was there with 17kids, they were his grandkids and family.  We were all going to a fate and he was asking me how much money he would need.

Most stuff was donation based and I tended to take £20... That was when he told me he had 17kids with him.


The toilet had a waiting room too, filled with people with dogs.  A large GSD dog was being dragged allong the ground on it's harness where it had laid down.  It was oddly human too, like scooby doo.


Dream area here, the fairground carpark.  Camping and caravan rental... Lots of guys with tats and people I knew, they'd all lost weight much thinner that they usually are.
A stunt festival clean up.  Running too.

Next was my main dream area, the road was closed to traffic café tables all in the road.  I was working at the Seafarers with Joan.  Else was there with a family... Not her usual one.
The order books were large more like the drug records from work. 
They had bought Joan some strange woollen red boots.
Were ordering sautéed greeg    - I didn't know what Greeg was and when asked was told it was a mix of green veg.

Odd dream at work.   A strange dark multi storied place.  
Lisa was there from work, I needed to help her shower as her hair needed a wash.  It was a strange space with alarms going off and loads of people moving about.
At one point a snake was loose going up and down ramps. 

Other dream at work.   Potted plants, I was in an attic type space.  Dark and dusty but with sky lights, I was moving tables so I could put the plants in the light areas. 
Someone moved my table to set up a DJ rig.   I'd helped them swap the spaces around so the plants could get the light they needed.

Next star turned into an odd fish.   Other fish were swimming in and out of her mouth, her sides were glass and I could see stuff inside her.

Bikes appear, like chopper style motor bikes.   I'm outside in the dark and there is a raid going on, young guys in jackets all running and an elite hunting group of non humans.
I was helping hunting down the runners and stopped a few.
At that point more typical emergency services appear. 
The commander of the hunting group of the hunting group starts to give orders.   She's blond and unusal almost human but not.
She states... 'Ok this is what's going to happen, I'm going to mark each for the cages were they will be broken down into components'  speaking about the guys in coats that had been running.
As a normal officer goes to check one for weapons, she tells him.   'No need for that, our pray are always armed and she turns to show the side of her neck were there is a glowing scar of a series of claw marks.

It was all a bit X-files. 

Friday, 25 August 2023

Pretty Potential & Stained Glass


Work dreams...   First Anoob at work was dancing ballet.  Then an odd mishmash were Ian had been called in to do my shift and I was to do his notes.

I was a story fairy - Jumping about. Points in time converge.    Helpers, meeting others.

Planting a small bight blue flower... It spread, it's leaves like butterfly wings. 
Odd dream, Suzie & the twins.   An accident that had happed with 2 old men.  We were all being asked to go and be checked out - the people who'd helped. 
I had a room, like a terra experiment I'd created a habitat with the help of a robot.   There were 2 robots and one had gone off protocol. 
He was called 'The One'   and they were coming for him to reprogram, I was trying to warn him but it was to late, they had already picked him up.


Long strange dream were I was bordering on lucidity for most of it.
I was asleep at work when the fire alarm goes off.
There were loads of people in the building, it didn't seem to be a drill and I was told to leave by the fire escape. 
I couldn't walk or stand though... It reminded me of dreams so I'd thought meby I'm dreaming and went back to sleep...  Woke again still standing in the same place, it was dark now with only the green lights showing the exits.
I tried walking again, but was really slow.   Like I'd been drugged.

Made my way down a fire escape, the building lay out was wrong and it was were the social club sits.
When I got outside a male nurse I didn't recognise had the fire register. 

I told him I couldn't wake up and showed him 2 matching square light cuts in the skin of both wrists.
He nodded, and told me a name of something I didn't recognise at first.  It was like I'd had an odd catheter placed in them both.
Another nurse later told me 'They were pretty potential'  This made me fully lucid for some reason and the building vanished to be replaced with a maze of huge and varied medieval walls.   Above them I could see sunlight hitting a large gravel/stone hill.

Next dream was a hospital.  A mix of people I knew on each floor.  I'd been on the bottom sharing rooms next to Dave & Tom.
I'd been taken up to top floor were they had done a blood test to check my sugar levels and I was lethargic in this dream too.    My bro was on top floor and Liz. 

The unity was locked and I could see Roz outside.  I was trying to get out and talk to her, but kept falling bk asleep or being taken for more tests.
Tom was taken up to the top floor next were he became some what a celebrity with people coming in and out to interview him.


Last dream was more surreal.  Dog cake carrier and caves with hubs inside them.  I was watching various scenarios. 

People were dying, we were planning the optimal times for their deaths and exits.

Broken sleep as cat was bugging me all night.
An odd dream.  I'm in some kind of Victorian institution, it's a large building many of the inner rooms have no windows, the walls are decorated with plaster arches and stuff.   Dark lit only by lamps.    It's not old fashioned, there are drug vending machines on the walls that people get there medications from with scanners and an odd way of prescribing.   Different size cubes are rectangles are measured and the volume entered.

Michell is there and getting stuff out.

An unusual posh older lady wants my help to move.   We seemed to be in London and she wanted my help to move into a place in Maida Vale.  When we got to the building she wanted the staff who were all surly didn't  accept people in her condition.   I was wondering what to do with her, she seemed to have a property of her own in Bakerloo so I was planning on taking her bk there and making sure she was ok before trying to help her find alternative accommodation. 


A small church with rose style stained glass windows.   So many colours the light coming threw them to the centre where a strange clock stood. 
It was also made of coloured stained glass the mechanism under it was in a stained glass box, it had 4 balls looking more like some weather station than a clock.  I think Inka was with me, just watching as I looked around.

A grand stately home in the country side.  They were for sale and I was looking around them as a perspective buyer.
Horse and coach rides were leaving from outside to local villages.
Quite a few people were viewing the property. 
It was within my budget but needed a lot of work done. 
I liked the space inside and the lawn at the front were trees in autumn colours stood. 

On the second viewing the family were still inside, they had 3 young children.  The youngest daughter was very fair haired, almost albino.  She was playing with a pet ferret on a harness and had some other rodents she was cleaning out.

As I'd stood looking at the ferret the mother had come to talk to me, she was confiding in my why they were moving and her concerns over it.  Her family were of some aristocracy, though there name was Slater which I associated more with a travelling/ Gypsy family.    
She told me they were to take the youngest daughter to her family in the Maldives - but she was worried about there intention, she couldn't have children naturally and had been given the children.  They wanted the small blond girl back now.
She was asking me if she should go.   My feeling was they would be happier overall if they stayed put, but I told her it wasn't my call to make and she should follow her heart.


Next dream I was walking a viaduct, clean clear water was running over wilderness in a raised concrete channel. 
Large crabs and coral like seaweed was growing in the water.
I was heading for a meeting....
In the meeting a group of people had gathered to take naked photos.  
Inka was with me hitting my arms with a thin stick to make a pattern of stripes... It hurt and was pissing me off, but the stripped pattern was interesting so I let him continue. 


Friday, 18 August 2023

Dad & Ddad - TimeLines


16th Aug


A long dream in a strange open space.  It was sort of a ritual, a therapist an shaman and others are there... There was a disturbance in a family line and we were going to follow it back.  It was blocking happiness or something for someone.

As the thing started there was wind around me... Blowing and lifting me up it spread thought the group.

It had been found in my father... But it wasn't his life.   We were viewing a life it turned a bit game show carnival at this point with glowing images popping up on sticks like arcade totems.

The images at the top were odd.... Centring on my Dad. 
It was a life were he'd been a promising art student and had been forced to leave the art school when his father had died and had gone into a mechanics work shop to make money for the family, stopping art.

After this we wandered around...  I played a game in a large tent.. Flying round on a rope bashing panels of the canvas to turn them from white to black. 

Then we were heading to Cuba to a club..... Heading there on a raft. 



A dark gang dream.  Movement and flux with Ddad and London Rachel.  David was there too.... Familiar but strange.

I was seeking out others who understood.


Another dream with Ddad...  Layers and sorting.. Portals.   Time lock aces.. Chorology compartmentalisation. 


Code cracking...  (My writing is so dyslexic in my dream pad it's hard to read)  looking for familiar lines.


Yet another dream with Ddad, this time it was the same thing, but playing it forward.  Organises the times and places to meet.  Like making & placing the nodes to weave between.


Long dream...
Started with a game scenario, MMO style world I was in.  I'd not been there for a while, but and expansion was due to drop.  I was refamiliarizing myself with the style and world.  The platforms used outside the game for communications.

Near a spawn point was a free code thing...  Only it was a stone tablet filled with metal sword, dagger pommels.  The idea was to pull one and see what came out. 

Many broken pommels lay on the ground.  I picked a handle near the frame.  Pulling it free I was surprised to find a whole sword in my hand with a written message attached.   Surprised as the angle of the sword was so close to the edge of the sword it shouldn't have fit.  It was for a free item on expansion drop, a mount of sorts the image showed it as a sort of cute R2D2 style flying craft, blue and white almost Lego looking with a face.
It had the code I needed to retrieve. 

I'd met male me in an accompanying world who was a little like Marcus but different in looks and personality.

He was trying to find accommodation but struggling, despite earning a good salary his wage slips were old written on  red and black printed paper sheets... With his debts deducted.  No one would trust his credit.

We were wandering around pubs, having sex in them and moving on.  I was trying to find/recall a missing gap from my life.  Recall of 5 years between the ages of 9-14 were missing from my mind. 
I'd been kidnapped with my Mama I'd retuned she'd not.  But I had no memory of what had gone on.

I'd visited a woman in a strange round wooden house, a trapdoor opened into a metal spiral stair that lead into a kitchen and store room below.   The woman was a hypnotist and I was asking her if I could have been hypnotised to forget the period from my mind, but she didn't think this was possible.
We were wondering if the period was lost from my mind due to trauma.

last dream also long.

Main dream area...  Martin & Simon, we were young but my Boys were there too.   Sex in this dream too. 
Betty & Sheila were in the dream too.
A shuttle bus linking it with another space, a cat would take the bus each day.  We would take the bus to compete in team games.
We were to go camping on the islands of the coast.  Waiting for a wide inflatable life boat type raft to take us over. 
We had to sleep in a hut in lines, it had the feel of a scout camp but with people of all ages.

Strange stuff too, metal grids filled with humans and aliens... We would walk into them and be submerged.  Some were trapped here, other were allowed in and out.   I was usually allowed bk out but others were kind of imprisoned., being moved from one section of the grid to another.

Monkey was in the dream too, he was dressed in a martial arts outfit, had come to my window were I was prepping for the camping trip.  He passed me a plate of crystallised mushrooms of different shaped and sizes telling me 'Make some time & come find me when your bk'  We were going to trip on them.  


Monday, 14 August 2023

Puzzles, Key's and Patterns


Bugs all-over, hovering up cobwebs.   Choking on a mucus plug.



Team games the type of which I don't remember playing for a while.  I'd made the 2v2 & 1v1 stages.
Good fun, puzzles and teleporting set on floating platforms.


More dreams in the morning but Hazy as just done a second night shift.



Dream with Mel & Ali.   Mel was dead but we could still see her.  In an odd world, rent rises and a woman locked up as crazy..   A 47 year old cycle with Jupiter and Sirius A.    Was about astrology and astronomy..  I was seeing the binary but somehow there was a pattern with Jupiter too. 



An odd dream, Greek writing English side by side.   Young boys were being trafficked to work in factories in the UK from south America, being abused while here.   Odd puzzles with tiny gold keys and with notes attached.
Clues too, I was dancing from key to key.

Christians and a group wedding, I'd suggested it.  Was an odd version of the Methodist church in my main dream space.. The people in it were local to here. 
As I'd left I'd met my Aunty Irene, she's really short..  Other family were there too and I was going to use my main dream house to make a meal to share. 
Was odd, my bro was living there alone and I needed to clear up a bit first.   Fatima was in the space with my cat's too.



Friday, 11 August 2023

Ear Ring's and a Tower that Can't Fall.

Not much sleep or dreaming when on nights..
Packing up and leaving dream only we are using cars and rafts.. The roads have been filled with water, we are packing mainly food.  Bags of bread we could find and other scavenged stuff. 

Buildings had crumbled into jumbles of stuff and we were just picking up stuff we could use.

The space around my Nana's house only it was open shared accommodation.   Rooms that had a wall opened onto a shared corridor with glass roofs for shelter.  
Looked more like modern work cubicles. 
Each segment had a family with kids.   We'd set up zip wired and play equipment in the communal areas it's surrounded by woodland.

Next dream a futuristic city, dark with huge skyscrapers and narrow damp streets.  A family I was with, we played an indoor racket ball game.
I was staying with a family, I seemed to have a close relationship to the mother.  We were both young, interesting clothes steampunk goth vibe.


A hotel, on the night team.   Was with people from work and also a nanny with a posh accent and old fashioned blue coat that looked after children.

I was to sit in a stair well and listen.  We had blankets and vapes.   Was an odd thing, on our breaks we would dance outside.

Next dream I'm with crew.  We are taking psychedelics together.

The back into the first dream, Abi and Daniel had a baby.  I time jumped into an odd world I shared with Zak.

A train journey with Shirly and Hazles family.
Was a long journey up north, I'd gone into a shop on a station and was looking at some earrings, a female sitting on in a group on the floor wanted me to find some silver cross ones, but there wasn't any like that.

They had a silver fork one like I had when I was young.

Last dream, a futuristic space hub.  Monkey was there from up north.  We visited a club in the futuristic city and watched a house being bombed.


Odd night of many dreams but all quite abstract.

Dot with V&D in a restaurant making a mess.  A bishop sort fighter cleaning windows.   Like a ninja cleaner.

Missing oil from medi bays.
Jumping onto the back of a blue hgv that was carrying a small metal red underground train engine it was heavy... All Iron... Clinging to the side as it was driving.

Dark train journeys and time jumps.  Sleeping in old metal bunks.  Ontop of a tall stone tower, but it was built into a rock face and wasn't going to fall.
I was hanging over the top as male me held my legs... Then a kid tried to do the same....  I watched the babe fall and a woman I know standing on the ground and looked up and caught her in her arms.

2 fish with red and blue eyes.  The red needed to find the blue... They were tentacled like octopus and left pools of ink around them in the water. 


Last dream was main dream space, and Alnwick..   A party in the dark, Stephen fry was there again, he was holding a garden party for local people.   Had a large shed in his garden that we could use and stay in.

A train line that was used by trains and also floating people. 
They used the tracks to fly down teleport into waiting crafts above. 

Old friends, we were using jewellery as tags, I needed orange bunny earrings.  Face make up that pealed off and could give you an entirely different looking head.

The shed was a safehouse we would make too.  Male me who was a version of Jack had given me a roll of cutlery and a thin metal Champaign flute to put in my bag.



Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Wild Pools and Sentences

Country house that had been turned into a hospital.  Wards in sections in large rooms.  Roll mats on the floor rather than beds.

Odd people I've never met, me and the other staff had abbreviated names.  In the centre a squared long spiral stair connected all the floors.   The lower level connected to my main dream space. 


People under my care were young, they wanted to go to the shops and I was looking for a way to take them.  I couldn't find a wheelchair but for a kind of trolley I could use.

As I was taking him down the floors the level before ground level was all water.  Like a natural pond with plants fish and a small boy swimming in it.


I take them out to my main dream area my main dream house is now a shop and we go there to collect stuff, while there I'm stopped by people I vaguely know in the dream who are asking me about soul retravel and how it's done, I explain what I can and offer to take them and show as they are looking for someone who'd died and hadn't arrived and was still attached.

When I get back with the guy I took out I'm told I shouldn't have taken them out.  Confused I ask why, it's a hospital - I'm told they have been sentenced.  It was news to me, I ask if this is in the care plan and they tell me of a room on one of the higher floors where I can check how long they are in for.  


I go to check and find Inka and Malico there too, they are also sentenced. 


I go back into the same place, I'm with Inka in a room with a dartboard.   He's passing me darts to throw. 
He was waiting to be judged, and watching me throw the darts.  I'd hit only trebles and doubles.  I was waiting with him.


Next dream was long.  I was in main dream area again, Stephen Fry is there, his legs are weak and he has a wheelchair.  Chris & Sandra and kids too, Zak and my cousins young.   I have a bunch of wheelchairs and buggies all attached together and am supposed to push them all, but the bit I'm to push is so low down it's hurting my back.

I pushed them to a room filled with freezers with the same kind of desert a frozen cream cake in all kinds of flavours topped with nuts or various fruits.
It also had a supplied of tents and freshly washed used clothes.

In another part of the dream space a school bus had arrived, the children get off but don't go home.  They eat food from the fish and chip shop and stay out till it's dark and the moon is way up lighting the carparks that are now empty but for playing kids, passing people on foot and a very large black dog.

I find Eloise there and take her to her Mama who's finishing up in a strange clinic where she runs energy scans on peoples heads and brain, it' makes a sort of rainbow pattern.   She shows me on her daughter and I tell her it's pretty.. She shows me a darker area in the centre and tells me her daughter has a headache and is dehydrated and she'll take her home now. 
They line of people waiting to see her disperse and I walk back threw the strange open rooms.  A group of guys are talking about channelling. 


I make my way back to the people I'd left as the suggestion of dawn is lighting the sky. 

I'm to help the people move on, there is a boardwalk over a massive pond....   One side is shallow with rocks and plants, like a freshwater wildlife pond and a waterfall drops into deeper sea water blue and filled with all kinds of invertebrate sea life.  Zak has dropped a sock into the water and I tell him to go get it but my uncle points out it's in the deeper salt water side so it's going to have to be me to retrieve it.

I dive into the deep water and it's so full of life... Huge plankton loads of baby octopus that start to stick to me fingers on my hand... They sting slightly but it's hard to remove them with out damaging them.  
There were huge groups of the similar creatures floating in swarms. 



More Casltes

29th July

A blue old kitchen, it had been painted..  A bowl of butter.  When I disturbed it red ants flew out and into my hair biting my scalp.

Long dream in a hospital.  Odd ranks, 2 Asian guys arguing, one had asked the other something.   There was a strange vibe, and the higher rank hospital guy was angry.  I could see the younger guy had asked for his help as an elder rather than hospital rank. 

Getting a flight to the sun, trying to pack but all my clothing had gone.... Duno who or were I was nothing familiar, a strange room strange building.

31st Aug

Another castle dream.  This one is built on a land peninsular with a bridge a bit like Tintagel but it was lower to the sea.  Kind of mythical. 
I was a friend of the royal family, a king queen and their children and was to go on a tour of their castle... It wouldn't last much longer as there was a fire in the rocks below it.  Lava that was unstable, it would cut the bridge and separate it from the village inshore.
A fantasy type world with 2 robot people too.  An old friend Suzan was there too, in a really deep sleep we couldn't wake her from.

Next dream I was on a farm growing beans and stuff... A big tar lorry too, I had a flam thrower and was considering blowing stuff up.

Last dream a strange world with lovely buildings and a large glass bridge.  I had a big red and gold butterfly with a human type body on me.   It was called a golden promise. 

2nd Aug

Yet another castle... 

This one was smaller, on a rock similar to Holy Island castle.  It also had a royal fam, Malico was the king.   There were wizards inside too, I seemed to be there as an apothecary making and blending stuff.   Cleaning too, removing dust.
We all had synchronised watches.


Number 8 infinity thing, turning upside down and inside out... A strange mystery puzzle that was hard to bring back to waking. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...