Friday, 18 August 2023

Dad & Ddad - TimeLines


16th Aug


A long dream in a strange open space.  It was sort of a ritual, a therapist an shaman and others are there... There was a disturbance in a family line and we were going to follow it back.  It was blocking happiness or something for someone.

As the thing started there was wind around me... Blowing and lifting me up it spread thought the group.

It had been found in my father... But it wasn't his life.   We were viewing a life it turned a bit game show carnival at this point with glowing images popping up on sticks like arcade totems.

The images at the top were odd.... Centring on my Dad. 
It was a life were he'd been a promising art student and had been forced to leave the art school when his father had died and had gone into a mechanics work shop to make money for the family, stopping art.

After this we wandered around...  I played a game in a large tent.. Flying round on a rope bashing panels of the canvas to turn them from white to black. 

Then we were heading to Cuba to a club..... Heading there on a raft. 



A dark gang dream.  Movement and flux with Ddad and London Rachel.  David was there too.... Familiar but strange.

I was seeking out others who understood.


Another dream with Ddad...  Layers and sorting.. Portals.   Time lock aces.. Chorology compartmentalisation. 


Code cracking...  (My writing is so dyslexic in my dream pad it's hard to read)  looking for familiar lines.


Yet another dream with Ddad, this time it was the same thing, but playing it forward.  Organises the times and places to meet.  Like making & placing the nodes to weave between.


Long dream...
Started with a game scenario, MMO style world I was in.  I'd not been there for a while, but and expansion was due to drop.  I was refamiliarizing myself with the style and world.  The platforms used outside the game for communications.

Near a spawn point was a free code thing...  Only it was a stone tablet filled with metal sword, dagger pommels.  The idea was to pull one and see what came out. 

Many broken pommels lay on the ground.  I picked a handle near the frame.  Pulling it free I was surprised to find a whole sword in my hand with a written message attached.   Surprised as the angle of the sword was so close to the edge of the sword it shouldn't have fit.  It was for a free item on expansion drop, a mount of sorts the image showed it as a sort of cute R2D2 style flying craft, blue and white almost Lego looking with a face.
It had the code I needed to retrieve. 

I'd met male me in an accompanying world who was a little like Marcus but different in looks and personality.

He was trying to find accommodation but struggling, despite earning a good salary his wage slips were old written on  red and black printed paper sheets... With his debts deducted.  No one would trust his credit.

We were wandering around pubs, having sex in them and moving on.  I was trying to find/recall a missing gap from my life.  Recall of 5 years between the ages of 9-14 were missing from my mind. 
I'd been kidnapped with my Mama I'd retuned she'd not.  But I had no memory of what had gone on.

I'd visited a woman in a strange round wooden house, a trapdoor opened into a metal spiral stair that lead into a kitchen and store room below.   The woman was a hypnotist and I was asking her if I could have been hypnotised to forget the period from my mind, but she didn't think this was possible.
We were wondering if the period was lost from my mind due to trauma.

last dream also long.

Main dream area...  Martin & Simon, we were young but my Boys were there too.   Sex in this dream too. 
Betty & Sheila were in the dream too.
A shuttle bus linking it with another space, a cat would take the bus each day.  We would take the bus to compete in team games.
We were to go camping on the islands of the coast.  Waiting for a wide inflatable life boat type raft to take us over. 
We had to sleep in a hut in lines, it had the feel of a scout camp but with people of all ages.

Strange stuff too, metal grids filled with humans and aliens... We would walk into them and be submerged.  Some were trapped here, other were allowed in and out.   I was usually allowed bk out but others were kind of imprisoned., being moved from one section of the grid to another.

Monkey was in the dream too, he was dressed in a martial arts outfit, had come to my window were I was prepping for the camping trip.  He passed me a plate of crystallised mushrooms of different shaped and sizes telling me 'Make some time & come find me when your bk'  We were going to trip on them.  


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