Friday, 24 January 2025

Storm Dreams


First dream I was sort of here, the storm and wind keeping my awareness semi in the room.

I was with a family with loads of kids, they were all very close and I was some what of an outsider, they had a large off grid place with their own mining facility. 
My kids were welcome, but I was kept at arms distance from the large extended family.
My shed was in the dream, I woke when I thought my bed was blowing across the room wizard of oz style :D

Second dream when the wind died down a bit, was our work place with a vets below it...

It was kinda like chestnut view dumped on one of the vet places I'd worked in.
I'd not realised I'd taken a job there, it was a new vet that had taken over, he seemed unconcerned he had no patients and had procured Abi & me to work for him from the care home above.
I was mainly trying to get the kettle to work to make coffee!

The building opened onto a wooded lane, there was the most amazing golden pink sun set at one point the sky looking like rolling fire.

I'd worked in the place before he'd taken it over and it had been changed, I was looking around the theatre that I recalled from other dreams and where there had been several vets working there was now only one table and anaesthetic machine. 
Oh another guy from work started too Basil, was odd as he wasn't keen on animals at all.
The vet was odd, a guy mid 40's with wavy brown hair, not someone I've ever met... He was sort of tall and aloof.   Preoccupied with things much of the time, and while he'd employed us he barely seemed to notice us or talk.


Was again at the tree place with Inka.   He'd wanted to smother my awareness from Leon after he'd gone to get stuff. 
I've been transforming the area under the tree, it's got glowing mushroom shelves now and a glowing errrr looks like a cross between moss and a trailing air plant but it glows too when the light is low.  
It's not dissimilar from the area under my soul tree, but way more refined.... and the area outside is amazing.

It's cosy.   The awareness smothering was cool.   He'd warned me it might feel odd, but it was them waves of energy I was familiar with.
My body felt electric, not unpleasant at all.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

New buildings and a Decent to Hell in a City

22nd Jan


Multiple layer dream.  Here with a fire engine the lane out the back, or it was mixed with a bin lorry.

Stuff hanging from ceiling spinning, odd glass lanterns and ornaments.

Then on another layer a dream of a massive house i had been gifted. It was a converted ancient chapel to the mother Mary.   Was Celtic style stone work with amazing stuff inside, laid out with gardens like an old Abby.  The stuff in it was now mine too.

The area where the alter had been had been converted into a crystal fire place, the crystals growing from the stone, the floor had crystallised too and the light from the windows made everything sparkly.

A huge stone table was filled with old fashioned candelabra things, and the effect of them lit with the fire made it look magical in the dark too.   Loads of Interesting old chairs too, carved in various designs, I would hold meetings and people could select a chairs they liked to bring to the table.

In the grounds was a massive area that had been gifted to native Americans,  i hadn't met any of the elders, but would see the kids running round the grounds and gardens.

I was new to the place and explored a lift that was surreal, it first went up, then along..   a massive tower i wasn't sure what was at the top as the lift shrank as it got higer up.


Enter into a similar dream, the house/chapel was in the dream too.  And Em who had birthed twins, a boy n girl.  I was with a guy and we had this time been gifted a stately home.

I wasn't sure if i would like it as much as the other place but i was looking forward to exploring it with him.

It had been open to the public and we decided to honour the tickets purchased so as we unlocked the glass doors at the front we were followed in by a crowd of visitors, the staff that had worked there too were still inside and a restaurant was preparing the days menus, fish from all over the world was served along with 3 Corse meat meals.

The kitchen was amazing.

There was so much stuff, a beautiful garden at the bk that led into open countryside, it was summer and warm.  Kids were playing in toy still carriages, they were sort of wild west style with canvases over hoops, one pink the other red checked.


A big stone fountain a Greek style with dressed up staff from different ages doing cooking demonstrations and offering samples of traditional and ancient foods. 

I'd got into a fight with an older man who was trying to take it all for himself.

Kicking him in the balls n returning the food to the crowd.

A large old fashioned military type guard had arrived to to meet the new guy i was with as they were now under his command.

We looked around the town where the 2 houses were based, and knew the new owners of a 3rd large house that had also been recently acquired, they were close friends of ours and we would visit there place next.  The town had them odd upside down African trees too.  

I was aware it existed on 3 planes at once, 3 at least I could acce




Woke at time stamps...  Vange recall of dreams till one long one.

In my head it was a place called 'Warf Keys' It was in London.

It was such an odd place, like a kids playground/chavy town/mall....   
So many rooms, and no way out...   I knew where I wanted to get to and I wanted outside it.

But it whent down and up on so many levels, a huge strange maze of games, puzzles and shite.

I found a guy who had the vague idea of the way, we were to go down first....  The feeling was I needed to leave to the left of the building.  The guy I was with was friendly, we were prolly both 20's he had blond hair, easy attitude.

All we were finding were these densely populated layers, no windows/doors.   Bar's and shops and much chaotic crap.
There were signs but non for an exit.  I knew I'd been there before too, so I had an idea of the way out. 

We did find an outdoor space, after going down n down.... A beach n stall area that was abandon apart from birds that flocked to me and landed on my arms.
Knowing how much Zak loved pigeons I'd asked the guy I was with to take piccys.

There was no way out from the beach, so we enter the seedy building again, going lower into areas that are like shared communal tiled toilets/ showers.

Some of the elevators turn into water rides.
Families chucking their kids dirty nappies in.

I just wanted outside of the mess.   On one water slide I had a woman with fake tan rubbing her bare ass on my face, it was still wet and was making my arms brown as I tried to get it of my face.

Another place we went was an odd climbing puzzle up... At the top was a bunch of stuff scribbled on the wall I started reading 'who is god' with all this stuff after but the floor fell in again taking me down.
I found myself on one of the lower layers thinking I was following the guy who I'd joined with to try n get out but when I turned it wasn't him.

Was a red haired guy who reminded me a little of Rog.  
We were in what was like an Underground station shop, all tiled no light and shops selling wyrd crap..   They guy grabbed my tits and I woke at 444.


Friday, 17 January 2025

Woods & Worlds


16th Jan

I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them. 

Night before last I was on a fire engine.  It was playing music like an ice cream truck. 

Then an odd group of birds that were like a mix of owl/penguin  they had huge eyes. 
A massive sureal church in my main dream space it was like a huge tower with massive glass windows overlooking the coast and sea.
It was filled with lots of school choirs and I was late arriving, I climbed up a wooden stair right to the top at the back were 2 guys from the village were waiting, one of the Spears twins & Andrew.  I sat with them.


Last night a night festival and market.  Odd places, I had a birth certificate with a different middle name on and it was confusing me as I knew I'd never been given that middle name.


There was a royal family, a young king, his sister and their father.  They were tall and thin with long dark hair, they had been in the kitchen when someone had set fire to it,

We rescued them but their burns were bad and we weren’t sure they would survive. 

Inka came n got me from the strange old fashioned village that Ddad had taken me too, Ddad was pissed, but Inka just grabbed me n we vanished into a forest.  
After that we sat and melded into a sort of seed, growing roots and branches...   Felt like we were making a dryad tree.

17th Jan


First woke at midnight. 
I'd been with a hears, but it was for a dying world.   Smoke before fire, a bleed threw reality. 
2 overlays making a sort of charred vale.   Smoke and stumps amid a live world.


Next dream I was going bk into was Seahouses in thick snow, there was snow thingy's clearing the roads.  It was cold.   I'd been at Em's house with her, and Zak was with us too.
We were helping clear paths.

Next same space, a medi teaching hospital.  I was taking some courses there and I'd forgotten my key card to get back into the shared living block.
Before this we'd been making a meal together, me and someone of the other students.  Each was contributing a meal to the menu.   We cleaned up together and I'd got locked out taking out the rubbish and recycling. 

Wake again, I'd picked up my notes from Ems and was studying in a local cafĂ©,  It was mainly closed, but the family and a few regulars were allowed to use the space.   I'd lost my shedual and it was pissing me off.  It had just vanished and I wasn't sure where I was supposed to be and when.   The snow was still on the ground.   The meal we'd shared was to celebrate Christmas.

The campus was large, I'd returned waiting outside for someone going in to follow them threw.

Last dream I'd was in India, there were cats and people all over and I was travelling with my small grey mouse that lived in my pocket.

One another layer I was with Inka by the tree,  It's growing fast.... Time is different there.  In my dryad form I can enter an almost hallucinogenic state and merge with the forest around.  I've used it to hollow out rooms below and grow furniture from the trees roots. 


Friday, 10 January 2025

Trumped Up

 Ok, been shit at keep track of dreams...

I have been dreaming but it's so freaking cold when I wake I'm not keen to stick a limb out of the blanket floof.   That and I'm so tired from work & Christmas.

They have slipped between ultra modern & sort of Warehouse space.

Last night I was assisting an odd tall woman, in my description I just wrote she had legs from here to Seahouses :P 

I can see so much other random stuff I've scribbled down but not got out of bed to process.

Last night I woke at the reg time stamps. 

I'd been having a dream of a woman who was Trumps wife.  Not his current one, she was with child.  (Makes me think of the odd dreams I had after his election last time, anyhoo.
I was helping her. 
We were in a sort of TV studio, with fake cops. 
An odd costume party.
I was helping her to a safe space.

It was a long dream, I know before that there was a river with logs. 

I'd keep track but building work loud all around, and I seem to go days with no sleep them a 24hr crash. 

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...