Wednesday, 5 February 2025

2 then 3 + Feaver dream


Neon batteries, they looked like printer cartridges with tubes of glowing liquid.

Inside a game, with walls and locked doors.  
Felt like an escape puzzle.
Once outside there were things in the sky.  Big floating things, but being eaten/consumed by black dust... It swarmed like insects or murmerations of birds then the structures fell. 

The sky things looked like the crazy floating fairground rids I've seen in other dreams.  But one of them was a prison colony. 
There was a man-hunt of sorts and I'd been selected to go as I had a connection to the guy who'd got lose.


Next dream I was on a coast, a baby seal and narwhal had washed up, the narwhal was ok.

The seal not so much, I'd put it back in the water and followed it out but it couldn't swim so I carried it ashore again.
I'd gone to find it water to drink and was going to borrow a pot from a garden shed.  
A woman, the gardener stopped me.... Saying not this one, this is the one with the worm.
She pinned me against the shed wall, and brought the worm out. 
It was black and segmented like a millipede.   40cm long and a cm wide, she was waving it in my face till it touched my lips.  
Was grim. 
She put it back and lent me another pot.   I took the seal to a sort of half room I had with a brick oven.  I lit the fire and gave the seal water...   Woke up before I found out more.


I had very long blond wavy hair, coloured with purple so it was stripy up in bunches. 
I was at some wedding for a cousin. 

Flying over Scotland from above only it was mirrored.  I was following the Tees river inland but it was on the west coast.
I had a twin bro, and we were washing muddy ducks.

A strange creepy organ in a catholic church.


Then a dream about a large Victorian house, arguments about decorating.  There was a beautiful blue study/library and the new occupants wanted to paint it all white.  
Was sad as the room had amazing atmosphere with an old desk, book shelves and grey/blue walls.
A shared bed with another female and 2 guys.

Tonight was 3 guys and another 2 females.  We were friends and lovers, all the others were Indian/Bangladeshi some Muslim others Christian.  Not sure what I was.

They stayed in my dreams through the night.  
At one point we'd broken into a supermarket at night and were playing football with a large dried noodle cup. 
At one point I'd turned into a large floating deamon/dragon thing that was flying in a whirly blurr... Sucking the others in till we merged.

I'd been climbing a cliff too, I had pointed nails that were jagged from the climb and my finger pads were dirty and raw.

We 6 had eneded up in my Aunty Ireans house in main dream scape... I'd got salad alover the floor and whent to get a brush to clean it up.  We were all sharing the bed there, had a small PC set up in the corner.

Then the dream spits.   I'm in 2 places.

One I'm in a cave system with the people, an older white fam live at the bk.
We Ask them to stay, they agree and we are left to inhabit the rooms nearer to the cave mouth.

The other was a large manor house, this time it's just me and 2 of the guys.   They are bro's and their parents own the house.
On their land they have a lodge.   It's small and basic, we go to the kitchen, and make toast with fresh sliced plumb tomatoes we'd picked on the way there.
Was a tiny kitchen, with blue and white plates. 
The 2 guys lead me to a back room at the lodge, it was an odd science lab. 
I recall I'd been looking for a kidney bowl, to clean a wound on a woman's foot. 
But I couldn't find one.
While looking I'd unscrewed a bolted unit at floor level, it had a metal door with clamps. 
Inside it was empty but it smelt like an autoclave... Only it was being heated by a furnace or heat source below. 
I spent ages trying to get the door back in place when the boys father showed up and helped me to bolt it bk on. 

(Inka agreed for us to go bk to the others.....  Was the 2nd I think.  I had a fever n tonsillitis.  The others said it was left alone we destroy each other if we mean too or not.   I'm not convinced this isn't cause they hunted us from the tree though.   I guess I'll find out) 

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