Errrrr? Lol is that that tree that came into me cause
I knew how to get it home?? 'Not telling' lol Go
on, I can keep a secrete 🤣 Can't
spell well though 🤣😆
Lets send some of this spam to play with the cans in the other kitchens
May be hook
it up with the Ooooo can
telepones!! On a string!! And then An alxander bell, that's got lost
in a strange blue potty! And a
much-room dummy, that keeps blowing smoke in my phase face 🤣 How much room is left in this mushroom
Ohhhh The mushrooms belong on the
running tree! 🤣
Santa, a bunch of naughty elves on the shelves some grotbags tinca-bells are
all over the shit show trying to clear this crazy bubble mess back up!
Get the philo shpers and shaman on this crazy coms system... Plug in the mouse code and the squeaker speakers and cross the socials or tie them in the bo? Do what the fuck you feel like to be honest... Lets see how it pans out :D
Phiol sphears and philosophers...
Veras? I've got a loveely old fag
you can have a puff on!!
e seems to know more about this shit than I do ;)
I think the jacks n zaks are having a bop pop if anyone wants there vehicke cranking or cranky?? 🤣
Could we Pulg some road rage into the plug that fires up the witches brews plx??
And prehaps anyone racing towards graves end would like to find and have a chat with Iggle Piggle or Opsie daisy??
uld we Plug some road rage into the plug that fires up the witches brews plx??
And perhaps
anyone racing towards graves end would like to find and have a chat with Iggle
Piggle or Opsie daisy??
Or just have a stem, or a giggle... Or a jiggle cause I think they are all
listening to Or
just have a stem, or a giggle... Or a jiggle cause I think they are all
listening to some one.
Moshy Peas anyone??
Or meby some squeezy cheesy peas??
Or if that's not your thing how about an icecream sunday?? Or a Slushy Pubby?? Slushy Puppy??
We quite like walls over here, but we have a Dylans too and we are wondering if we twist some walls with a blue magic roundabout what might come out???
Is it time for a monster ball? Snot balls, Spitballs... Moshy Monsters ?? And monstermunch meby the grufflow and a grumbel low fancy that?
Meby put that one in it's own special pocket though cause it might really rock it??!!! 🤣
Not sure what way yet, so set a few resets round it!! 🤣