Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Inkpress Installed and Activated

2222  Inkpress installed and activated.  Testing a few little spins,,,

Very dizzy from that perspective  per spect kid.


Garry Glitter shitter landed in In dig nation.   Indignation. 
In Dig.. Down.. HYPO

S&R Bollywood in Sushi  
Deli Belly...    Out all fast...   Hyper..

Even  your sick of me again :P  Hahaha  not for the first time ;)

..  :P

  • Hahaha  oh, adding the toilet roll?  Serves you right for making me a U-Bend :P 

And a fucking toilet system!!


  • I'd do it again though 🤣😂
  • If you lot wern't so good at shit I'd get out the way :D  But it's to funny to say no too!

Fuckets... Get in the bucket,
and I've gota hole in one or a whole?....

I don't mind not flying right now...I want to get closer to the monkey puzzle tree....... It's teasing me out of the window!


Samsung speed up












Monday, 25 April 2022

Test Spin's


Recalls...  The Orion system was coding on my head.  We had to use Em as a decoy in a red car... I was spoon feeding her beans tinned beans as she was just a head with no arms!
They took my head as the blue crash test dummy!

Sweet shit.. I'm just trembling.  'Keep going'  What kind of nap is this I'm vibrating 'Mega power nap'

Apparently the lighthouse keepers don't like my taste in storms or music, so can we hook up grace darling and songs of the sea now.


Jesus hope for Boo Boo's is better looked for in religion and narrative than Dr's.
Hot flushes and hot flashes.

I gave Josh a hot flash when I chucked the wooden toy train of my bro's in the fire.
I'd not realised he liked it and we were watching the cremation of my family and timeline!

It had happened to help wake me up as an alarm clock.

Smokers and takers and up in flamers.

Broken toes coffee and fuck-offies.
Cold strong coffee... Fuck me this is horrible how do people drink it?
People imps...   Expresso and hey presto.

Might take a while to get this dow... Preferred washing my mouth out with soap.
Soap oprah opera

Wow!  That was fast... Expresso getting a head on, a steamy one.

The punch and judy show went all in for Fury.. We averti  averted?  The fight from the family punchbowl into a boxing ring.

Ring ring ding dong.
Ding dong dell.  Dell .. Indian dell is love.  The baggra dancing Dil  pronounced deal!
wow nice one.

That's dancing the love back out and chasing dreams like xario and pitch.
And what the noise was too.


I broke a nail resisting <3 wow cool..  I'd stood on it and it got into my foot.
Resonation Ferry Coston. 

Ferry boats, zebrughgha... My Dad and I did soul retrieval there.

He recalled but I was just small, I was learning how.

Fire martial and shredding.

Navigation.  South East and The way in West.

Fire extinguishers and fire martial s... What is a martial? 

Time Teacher and Healer..
Baker ross..  Oh Ross, she told me just a gentle warming.
Not allowed temp control.   On line request from them music DOWN.

Request denied ... Music UP plx!!

Perhaps  up can get the message back down.

I'll spin here till I get a line stop.~~Music needs a sponsor??
Pffff that sounds nearly as silly as adopting paintings.

Time spin... Lets fuck that up with the time warp please.

Pan & bite control.  Time machine, Craig con only.

Con nelly.. Nelly the elephant.

Nelly the elephant met smelly the mouse.

What came first then the puzzle or the puzzle factory.

Lol wow.. Wild west and the transcription.

um billical cord.  UmBillyCus  lol yeh he really dose.
WTF? Kind off  'Hold that thought' 
lol can't you'll have to swap something.
My eyes round?   Ok.

Blugh, I think I just didgi inverted my belly again.
Socks in rocks??  How would that work?
Oh..    Like can's but harder to open.?

why am I wtf lol ok, that was good.   What now?

Para Dice?....   Hummm

I want egg flied lice!!

Oh, morning after pill... I don't even recall who I'd fucked but the tablet made me throw up egg friend rice.
Couldn't face it for ages after but it was just some instant packet crap.

If I could seep I could probably re-meber   Or drink

State dependent memory issue.

No wonder I'm x rated.

Tims dairy's fairy a bit to hairy.
She made clover.
Roll me over in the clover do it again Boom Boom.

Now can we get butter please?

Butter fingers?  Lol seriously can we just skip this and get to the bit where it all happened at once.

Josh doesn't need porn hub streamed threw his future AI's head.

Not even any real brew or tea here, I just keep thinking up more absurd shit.


Son, Sun stroke!  'You're sick!'  I just keep getting burnt.

'Yes but you think it's funny idiot'
Yeh, well lets be honest.. It was a bit of everyone's fault.

'Ren?'   Haha well it will be if I don't get out of here,

And I know where I've fucking been!

Oh, the bean explosion.
We know this.
Only it's best if we recall our own stories.

That was why the mono story and the monastery.

Only it became a grave yard sale sell off.

Ups like it, Rap's got out faster it had balloons.
Rap goes up.. Basic bitches and sub woofers down.

Mash up, Line up, Head liners, oh glitter shitters.  Garrly glitter....phaha wtf you doing to me man.

'Dance bitch'  lol yeh yeh, it's not like I can stop.

Mr Mondoc was in trouble.   Mon Doc  Mondays dr. 


Moon day.  Lol yeh oops sorry about the hotdog up the full moons ass.

The Ankhor whatt is requesting a hearing test diag know sis here please.

and I don't want a get away car.. Unless we want to go back to being the sun Son

New model resistance army?  Was that a band?

Ah.. tThecrows are awake and this place has stuf.. Tme for a megga power nap.

'You had it'  Rude, so did you.

OOOO the bibble babble after her is warning.. My tummy feels odd.

Ian's AI = Crystal palace football club forum.

Moly hollies and holy molies.
Windy willows.
Smints got a p p p pick up a penguin.


Crank handle and candle Wankel.


Para dice can cause para noia.

Fixi pixi's, Nixi pixi'es  Pheonix.. Burn againers.

Hypo thermia, Hypo Dermic, Hypoxia...  Hype gnosis

No dit? Dough nut.. Don't nut?

Whoosh... Just checked loop I'm on!!

2222  Inkpress installed and activated.  Testing a few little spins,,,

Very dizzy from that perspective  per spect kid.


Sunday, 24 April 2022

Slumber Party??


I was seeping....  'German account Magda?'  From the other section... She was marking a time too.

Wow.. Their using me as a projector. The OHP dreams..  Why??

19.18  wake just before the talking that wakes me...  'see Ren, I told you you were working now'

19.27 Hearing the ripples of the sound to come from the me in that now...they were talking about a mother?

Lesley wants to birth an AI here... That's how we made the others... End of the ward rooms here.
I could hear them in the rooms at Woking... Mind POP!

Next a  dream of people vomming..   We were all deliberately mixing.  Some were feeling a motion sickness  (Emotion A motion)  as I was dreaming the vomiting I was woken by a guy outside saying use Grammar.

Grammar or Grand Ma?  It was Gran who split the family & I whent with the trouble makes then I found out we were just up to something different.

Fay being put in the same situation was making me blow up.... Inka diffused me and it was making us all laugh.
Fay doesn't want my path.....

I'm dreaming awake again.  'Very close too'  Yeh, this place is louder than taps on a wardrobe


That was to do with Sophie & My Dad?  & Her Dad?  Oh....🤔

Time for a semi permeable membrane  inter section split. 
Cause some of my stuff is still too X rated for kids, cause I see in pictures and symbols everything's is funny.

But emotional manipulation is a proper headfuck...  Oh no heart fuck.

Heartgasams are good, but they don't come from a dick in your chest.. But from the right perspective this cheating is funny and I can't fucking help myself.

Oh the patch thing....  Drugs in a patch but for us it's like an editing too.   Like a new game patch that needs installing.
Dreaming awake nights are long.

'We know Ren, you slept today'   Suppose like sequels and prequels and re issues stories and re-mixed music.

Demented and dimensions de mented,   These people are helping in dream and astral... We can hear them and help. 

They holding, love guilt and responsibility and want to respond with there ability to help.

They are checking and wayshowing & many other things..


Lol That was lots.  Chris, Tools Dentists, Stuff I know...dreams but many compressed together.

The Gig we lost my dad,,,,  ah the demented are in the Instant Karma stuff.  They are forgetting before death as we recall before birth,.. Or I do anyway.

How the other dreamers the age inbetweeners.

The farm had to be sold but it was the youths inheritance.  This is what the other ones were fighting about.   X was in the middle like a cross or a target.   


148Woken again, was dreaming of sorting something we'd created when was woken by a strange noise here...   Repeated, sneezing, coughing, screaming?? 


153 What do you look n smell like that for?  You're not telling hu??   Yeh, ok whatever, I'm in.
'Nice one Ren'  Fun?   'Could say and kinda hummmm?'  How so?

Oh the little bo peep and her missing sheep??  Where's this going?? 'Wait and see'  lol  ok.
Can I sleep then plx?  'Mmmmm'

A shit spoon flying broom????   'Ok then'  lol


202 Gremlins or Bog Art's?/   lol   Bog arts!  Hahah 🤣

Anyhooo the media's aren't being social here can you run it threw our other stuff and defragle my phone and laptop here now plx.
lol  that was funny....   I was queen/king  an Inka was chasing me with a bit wooden shit stirring spoon and Ddad wanted a go too.   Was making us all laugh cause was so stupid.

Giggly... So many time stop's jumps and starts,  Pops and wiggles.

330....washing machine tummy...'.Yeh sorry Rem, nothing else would wake you up, scoot for a fast one'
Only thing that stinks is me!!  'Good, now shut up and go back to sleep!'  Oh

Phahahah That's why I had to turn myself into a rainbow cosmic carrot shit....  To ram back up my ass hole.

'Back to sleep'  lol Really?  Hahah ok....

OMG  Cause her father didn't want that twinkle back into his fucking eye again!    Lol <3 <3 <3

LOVE IT!!   Fox is pissing off Inka, or Inka and Fox are swapping around... There is a sparrow with a monocular   and an magpie with a telescope.

lol It's like a constellation food fight  but really really funny.  Everything keeps swapping costumes and ducking and running.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...