Wednesday, 6 June 2018

End of May -June 18

Sat 26th May
Last nights dream..  Another long one set at my old high school, it was very realistic and very like it  was when I was there... same layout and rooms/uniforms. 

I'm school aged and best friends with Martha (Who I did become good friends with at collage - she was at my Highschool but we were in different houses so I didn't know her well then)

We are selling drugs at school, mainly her but I'm pritty involved too. 
I'm mostly based in the science corridor and my tutor room is the Chemistry lab, she's mainly down at the Balifgate campus in the language rooms. 

I've gone down to her form room and were stilling in a 3rd story class down at Balifgate when a teacher comes up to search us, they are going threw Martha's make-up she's mainly suspected rather than me, so I sneek out and make a phonecall to the teachers office so the teacher has to get up and leave giving Martha time to move the stash.. 

Next bit I recall we are walking home threw the town on a sunny afternoon together, I tell her 'we need to knock it on the head for a bit as the net is closing in on us'  she's pritty blasé and plans to continue and even though I know were likely to get caught soon I stay involved.

Next part of the dream we are in the girls toilets outside the Science rooms Marths's tipped her stash into one of the small washbasins and I'm rooting threw it planning to take something  (the drugs looked like rolled out fudge and were flavoured like fudge too :stuck_out_tongue:  I was going to have a hit of one that was like a pealed boiled egg! )    I'm flicking threw getting some when I see one of the Male PE teachers entering and I know were fucked as there's only one way in and out. 

I pick up a handful of drugs and head into a cubicle to flush them while nodding at the door for Martha to see...    I know it's pointless though and were going to go down for the amount of stuff we have.

-  Other dream was just floating in space amongst stars no body..  there was one specific patch of starts I was drawn too I could feel them.

Wed 30th May
Dream of jumping between 'reality's'  different versions of people.    Seeing them contrast  -  A prince in a life as a servant, a murderer as a loving husband ..   Huge fat people being breathtakingly beautiful  Iri was in the dream too..   Though it wasn't really like a dream it was like flicking threw an interlife photo album. 

Then a wired adventure dream it was huge opstical courses of soft foam cushions jumps, ledges and I had a basket of eggs with me, we had to get to the end with some eggs unbroken.

Last dream was very disjointed... the British leader of the opposition had a room full of green army style camping gear ... 2 football teams, a radio show that was to loud, 2 young gay lovers that were hopelessly in love with each-other and a chocolate cake made into a castle.

Sunday 3rd June
Night before last was a dream odd.  it was like soul fragmentation but a type of attachment where you could 'collect' bits that were less 'you'  lol  hard to explain.  It seemed to happen at times we were vulnerable/broken    it's all a little hazy.

Then a dream about a type of alien (  Anshar)  visiting here and Canada they liked air it was pure??

Monday 4th June

Last nights dreams. 

A wired under and above water tower/factory it's made of metal and goes deep down and way up.  (I think it was to do with ocean energy)

 The water is grey/dark in fact the whole dream was sort of grey-scale.    It's very hazy  one part I do recall is letting go backwards of this metal structure into the cold grey water..  falling backwards then sinking down down.  I was aiming to see if I could find the sea bed I think.   I rember the light and the shadow of the tower how it looked getting smaller and smaller as I went deeper and deeper.     I was some how recording it/others were seeing what I was seeing as I when deeper and deeper past the base of this structure. 

(It was industrial almost like a deep sea oil well)     I didn't reach the bottom I think it was to dark to see by then so I started swimming up.

Second dream,  I've been taken by some friends to a Jewish temple.. inside it's painted in rich deep colours with symmetrical/interlocking patterns. 

The person holding service is a yongish woman in her 20's  the people in there sitting on the floor I know  (from school friends to people I know now)  (Non of my actual Jewish friends are there though) someone pulls me over to the right of the room...  they point out the men sit on the left and females on the right.  We are cross legged on the floor there is also a pool of water to bathe in.     

The talk the woman is giving is very wired,  people are also talking in a language I don't know and they tell me it's Yiddish,  I'm surprised they can all speak it fluently as I didn't know any of them could.
The woman is now dancing and flirting with me, she has a bowl of almost chocolate moose of something and is eating popcorn out of it while watching me intensely  I stare into her eyes. 

I think next there was talk about money and green bank notes fluttering round.     (it was all fairly wired

Last night 6th

First dream.

I'm in a large what I think I want to call 'student union'  it's a large place of learning where people come together to help/interact/socialise ect   (I should add it;s not earth like..  there are all kinds of humanoid and alien types, there are unknown things in box's too tiny monsters/aliens/creatures that we are looking at some of them are a little like wired sea slugs.   

It's mainly in the open and we are all learning but this is organisational too in that we make choices about what we wish to look at/study/experience and how we do it. 

There are windows along one side that looked out over an old fashioned town  (We seem sort of above it)  ... I recall an old building had caught fire and we were watching it be put out. 

There are quiz's going on and conversations also boxs of fresh fruit and veg are available and being distributed, I think it was like a summer break of something...   we were meeting between lessons. 

There are 3 dragons too there very colourful and serpent like almost like Chinese dragons...
I'm playing with them, I have gold hoops and me and a few more people are sort of dancing with them, the dragons weaving in and out of our hoops.  (it was a bit like when dogs jump threw hoola hoops but a coordinated and flowing  yet free style dance.

Next dream is with a girl I went to school with I've not seen her since I was 13ish.  At first we are all there and this girl doesn't remember me and I remind her she moved to our village with her father who was a police officer when we were in middle school,  I tell her she sat at our table and made friends with me and my best friend. 

The dream changes and I'm in an unfamiliar town with my old best friend.  We are both the children of police officers and moving into a new set of police houses (70's social housing near police stations for the family's of officers) 
We are the first 2 family's to arrive and we make friends, we are given the job of sharing out the new wheely bins and recycling box's to the new property's  (These are more modern wheely bins and caddys)    Instead of sharing them we decide to hide them, knowing we will get into trouble but it's sort of funny so we sneak about and hide them in stupid places. 

Next part I recall is the other family's arriving I meet the Mama of another family and introduce myself she's called Anjak and there British Caribbean she has 3 daughters our age that we say hello to  (woke up there)

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Strange Summoning

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