Thursday, 26 September 2019

Another dream coming true and glass cattapilla

End of Sept. 

Big spider walking on me, spider bite..   A field and playground yoga.

Main dream area, but there are 2 city's one on top of the other, it's on the North Beach.  A big hotel, there is a wired flying road for light vehicles under is older streets - run down warehouses all underground now - service tunnels. 

The hotel has 2 parts too, and many many corridors.  I'm helping an epileptic man.    There is an amazing view of the sun setting in the north behind a futuristic tower. 

Train, it's very busy filled with people in the carriages are bunk beds. 

A man and woman who do dream analysis/research.  I talk to them, he makes notes and she makes art with colourful tissue papers.

A dream where I'm with Dom...  Laying with him.  
There is an opera too it's in Latin - but being translated.   'Regret is one word  & college'    I knew it was to do with spirit group and separation  It was sad. 

From last night the 26th Sep.

I was due to meet a bloke from Australia today with regard to the company I set up 10 years ago.

In the dream we were sitting together talking on a brick wall with fiberglass on top.   He said to me, 'she works 9 hrs a week'

-  Well I met him today not dream....  He said the same words 'She works 9 hrs a week'   Followed by 'The big guy works in mysterious ways(Synchronicity and plans) '    The wall, was signifying 'In or Out'  In as do I want to work with them or sell up to them. 

I'm not sure about the fiberglass meaning/reference yet... will have to ponder on that one.    -  I'd been feeling unsettled about the meeting since I woke up because of the dream, but I didn't know why as I wasn't unsettled before the dream.    When he said the line from my dream really surprised me. 

My other dream earlier in the night there was a wasp like insect had layed it's eggs in my mouth/inside lip.  I could feel it growing - I got a friend to help squeeze it out and out came a totally clear transparent caterpillar it was like glass/crystal.    :)

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