Thursday, 23 June 2022



Ability to love, be excited and see beauty and fun dose not need Abilified

I will not defy my abilities

I will learn from them how to control and use them harmoniously.


Harmony working in rhythm with the cycles of what I am,

Respecting not pushing others.



Observation of others like I observe myself.  


I need to be less playful and more observant with others.

Learn to take my clues from them as to what is appropriate.


Hospital caused a layer of my sole to come off.   To much floor bleach.

Soul & Sole.

Pealing of one more layer of skin.... - one step ahead of the persecutor within. 


To follow.... Hummmm.    Following your own steps yet also ahead.   Makes sense, as dose the 2 heads.

I miss the voices, it gives contrast and colour to my own musings.
Another reason why I don't need abilify.ed

Oh yeh, I was to easily amused....  I need to observe that aspect of myself and keep it in check.
Meditation... strengthen my observer to remain detached from the amusement.
That's what I did in hospital.   

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