Thursday, 15 March 2018

Start of March 18

Thurs 8th March

More dreams of grounding souls/shoes.

I'm in main dreamscape in a shoe shop (Not sure this building ever was a shoe shop)  it's been owned by the National Trust for as long as I recall.   In this dream it's a show shop though, my old best friend Em is with me again.  I could remember how this fitted with other dreams, we are older and the shoe shop is bespoke  - it has a bedroom too, it's a bit like a fairy story were the elves make your shoes by night. 

Em is having some awesome shoes made, amazing dyed leather hearts, flowers laces...

I'm in awe  
I don't want them I want something soft like I've been told I need in other dreams but I have no money, I think of asking my friend to buy me some but realise although she has the money it would embarrass her. 

I tell them I can't afford  (get a message about ballet pumps on ebay)

I've realised that ballet pumps are what I need... all leather, soft grounding naturall but don't cost loads of money.  I orderd some today of ebay!  Well cheep.....  going to look like a nut job wearing pink  ballet shoes round the woods in mud up to my ankles!  But at least they will help stop the sweet chestnut spikes poking my feet :stuck_out_tongue:
Second dream, I'm also with Emma...   this time she's opening a restaurant.  We are to be 'staff'  she's picked these white blouses to wear as uniform but then realises there really see threw. 

I'm refusing to wear anything under it, when someone else suggest second hand dresses.... out come these 60's style floaty sundresses and we all put them on.

Thurs March 8th
I've got slight strep throat again.. not bad but niggling.  I kept going to sleep in my dreams then having wired in dream dreams. 

In one of them was a wired old angel head in a gold fish bowl full of soup.    I was writing up the in dream dreams in my dream with a blue pen.  I know we were packing up to leave something again and a man called Mr pig had come to collect our old Christmas tree, but we'd already got rid of it and he was annoyed.    I went to apologize for wasting his time. 

I was also in the papershop in my main dream scape again, I was laying on the floor trying to sleep... there was a new carpet there it was scratchy and smelly.

Monday 12th March 18
I've been dreaming but to lazy to ill to write them up.   

Last night I had a dream about a local friend and her house. 

We got back to her house in the early hours of the morning..   I had in my hand belongings of hers some small children's toys and some pink purple gem like sweets. 

It was dark and she'd gone into her bedroom and I needed to put stuff away, I went in and she was at the foot of the bed with the duvet up licking the soles of her hubbys feet....   she pulled her head out and said,  not now...    close the door on your way out.

I did..   and went into the girls room with there toys to try put them away but it was dark and I accidentally woke them,    dropping everything....   muddling the sweets with the toys.   

Then I was all scrabbling round on the floor tying to sort things out. 

---   I met the friend today, she told me that yesterday they sold there house  (they moving cause the neighbour is making her hubby crazy)     me and our friend group are all sad for them to leave.

Tuesday dream..

Was an game type of dream again.  Its a team battle/war.   I'm with a team we are battling with portals and things.  Were outside in a sort of energy tower made of cubes and spheres of light. 
We are using fairly complex trigonometry to locate the portals and i'm drawing on rock with chalk lines and curves to work out openings.   Dream is mainly non humans... I woke at the end of the dream where I'd captured the other teams mascot, it was a small pink chicken / foul bird and I was ringing it's neck to wind up the other side.   It was wiredly real the sensation of it's tracheal rings crunching in my hands.  I felt mild remorse at the poor bird who didn't really do anything wrong but I knew it would up the game by pissing the other side off. 

Wed Dream 1.

This was a grotty dream, I'm in a huge building with Zak a school I think, we are ment to be getting the train home but were to late to catch it... I remember we have a room there anyway so we can stay the night we want to have a shower but all the bathrooms are horrible with shit allover the floor and over flowing toilets. 

Dream 2

With Emma, we are discussing religion / Christians heaven.  She's telling me in the dream she believes in good/evil (rapture assertion) and God. 
I shrug and tell her I trust in love - to look for the love in all.   As we talk we are around a conifer tree on fire, as it burns it turns into a kind of firey acorn and it pulses like a heart beat as I breath with it  (I think my friend was scared of it) It was cool! (edited)

Last nights dream.

Really long dream it starts in the countryside somewhere with a round table and people sitting at it, I've made a meal to share and I'm moving round the table speaking with people.
One of the people at the table is a guy I know from school, he was born with a genetic illness that's more disabling over time (a few years back I got in touch with him and apologise for how I treated him at school  as I felt I could have been nicer to him, but he was really surprised and said I'd been one of his friends and way nicer that most other people)   anyhoo
He was there and as I was chatting to him he turned into a younger male Japanese guy.   I mentioned oh I have a friend in Japan and suddenly we were in Japan and the guy was a girl.  @melody I've a feeling this might have been you. 
The girl was Japanese too and we were in an old Victorian English style building (I think the brits put them somewhere in japan after a war)  It was old fashioned decoration and the girl wanted to show me something we were going up and down rectangular spiral stair wells until we started going down and down coming out into a what was at first like small courtyard in between the dark buildings at that point I recalled where I was...  everything's is mossy green and dark, old carved stone structures have crumbled to the ground and are covered with moss ferns so damp and green  the dream gets more vivid.  I can feel the pull of the 'portal/membrane'    I'm of the floor now and have wings but I don't use them to fly I burst threw the membrane into lol
Well,   'word'  it's all water with a swamp like tree growing up in the middle and round it are humm  they are like floating islands of moss they are representing the continents on the planet but being used as seats and cushions by other 's like me.   Were wiredos (this is very much like the 'reality bomb' dream were I meet others who are so so real but totally of the wall wacky,  I rush to the nearest female we hug as I start to remember she tells me yes, your remembering now we are hear for the planet.  It's so nice to be amongst them we arrange ourselves some flying some swimming around the tree and mossy islands.  I'm chatting with a guy next to me his face was so clear in his 40-50's ginger hair small blue twinkling eyes wings.

I 'm remembering how much control we have here and I  tip the ocean  just cause I can, we are all sort of amused but then someone points out that will cause a tildel wave.  I tell them I can confine it to the sea someone points out it will effect ships so I decide to go out and calm the ocean. 
opening a portal and I'm back out in the dream world.  Firstly in a city again I'm like wind flying people can't see me but there is a breeze as I pass (this is like the game I've played where we are wind)  dogs can see me and I wave at them. 
The dream world is wired some of it is like human city's but as I get out over and ocean there are also wired rocks that I've never seen they have fires burning on them I can splash sea water on them... they hiss and go out but reignight as they dry.   They almost look like they have holes with burning tar or something oozing,  I also pass an odd looking thing that i've a feeling could be fun (it has a creepy/dark vibe to it)  but I head out to were I was going to settle the wave but woke up before I got there.

Monday, 5 March 2018

End of Feb 18

20th Feb
I was with 4 people we all had a different skill, 2 male 2 female and we were on a journey to the north pole. 
It started in a car that wasn't really a car but a whale O.o  but we were going to drive it to the sea further north before we would start swimming  (we were going to travel in the whale) 

The other female is doing the transforming of the whale and she also has these wired oxygen seeds that will allow the wale to stay longer underwater once we are in the sea.   

We travel further and further north up a coast line it's getting colder and colder until there is snow on the beaches and rocks and then we go into the water the other female tells me thank you... that the Whale hears my feelings and it's grateful.   (I loved the whale and was greatfull to it for carrying us)

Second dream is an old shed.  There is a family with 2 young kids a hippy woman and man  (I'm not sure what I was or why I was there)   They are turning the shed into a home but are getting discouraged as it's hard work and a stream flows threw the building. 
Some workers were ment to have put in a sink but all they have done is make a channel and the water isn't flowing correctly. 

The woman is upset and is saying she can't let her kids live there with all the wet...  but the building is amazing with awesome potential.
Set in countryside... It has an oak wood frame and is all glass with open panes where the air flows threw.  They have made a thin cotton tent type hanging that gives a little privacy and protection from the strong sunlight. 
I show them how to dig a channel below the floor so the water can pass under the house and back out without making it muddy,  I also do something to the water coming in so it flows better first coming into a bowl were they can use or collect it and then down under the floor to pass out the house and back to the stream.

22nd Feb
I had a dream with @melody and @guy Guy in...  or about them. 

In the start of the dream I'd built a 'church'  or it looked like one it was like mincraft so made out of cubes and I could fly.  The church had a huge tower with rainbow stained glass windows on each side so it looked like a tower of light. 

Then Mel and Guy were there too and we had another wooden tower that floated on water, it was made of wooden planks a bit like a krait tower in GW2.    It went up into the air and also down below the water level spiralling up and round and round and down. 

Mel was under the water trying to get Guy to come down and Guy was on a plank above the water  (possibly procrastinating)  I don't remember what I was doing I think I was moving around allover as I remember being under the water with Mel but also on the tower too. 

Next dream I have a fish tank with 5 or 6 small tropical fish in, the filter and heater is radioactive and I'm concerned it's not the best way to heat/filter.  The tanks systems starts making unpleasant smoke so I take it out with a view to returning it.

I swap it to an old fashioned pump and tank heater element.... I'm worried for a while as the timer seems wired and the water is to cold but I sort it out and the fish are ok. 

Third dream I was the girlfriend of a man who was part of a rich family.  My partner was eccentric with unwashed wild hair and an untamed beard we wern't much liked by the rest of his family we were at a formal meal in a large dinning room with red velvet chairs and dark polished wood.  (old fashioned)  Dream swaps and he is meeting his cousin they are pirates of sorts they have a massive old fashioned boat and we are arranging to sail and join them.

First part of the night was wired.  Wasn't like a dream so much I was just 'with' male me, it was relaxing and healing.

close but not sexual,   intimate and gentle..  I had recall for much of the night but hazy on wakening.

27th Feb

Night before last they were really fast moving everything was shifting, walls appearing disappearing people merging and morphing. 
It was like a communal building but as I walked room to room they would change walls moving fire places vanishing.   There are 3 or 4 cast iron bath tubs in one room filled with people smoking pot and talking each bath has 3 or so people in...  I'm walking around confused watching the walls move and re appear...  I go to make my way outside onto a balcony and am surprised by a kid there he has white iphone headphones round his neck - it was so real and surprising I startled and woke myself up. 

Last night...   I was 3 people all females I kept having false awakenings where I was like me but not be things were just a bit of like I was on the wrong side of the bed.    I kept wondering were the other me's were. 

Oh there was also a long dream where I was a music student I'm at a high school felt like it was the USA somewhere. 

I'm quite large and I have dark skin, straight hair I play piano my friends are also doing music.      My music teacher is male and married, he's tall bald with dark skin and bright teeth.  He likes me, but I'm not comfortable cheating on his wife.  The teacher is holding an end of term party it's at his home and he has a pool,  I'm not keen on going.   I feel awkward around him and he makes me uncomfortable - all the other kids are going.

His wife had turned up at the party she was beautiful and angry.  I'd left and was travelling threw a town alone at night, I knew he was following me.

Oh there was another dream too that was like being in a game..  we had to carry a colour into a doorway

1st March

Dream of being in and around a large square building It's an art collage, but also a cafe, gallery shop museum and dorm.    It's massive very modern and square it has outside bits inside and huge paths In the dream I'm wearing roller boots to wizz round. 

It's very busy with lecturers and students and we are all learning from each other  - it's so eclectic there are fine tailored men's suits next to rock bars,  a person lecturing on 18th century fine wall paper and then other students doing rubbings and modern takes on it.  One of these is lovely it's got roses in this black iridescent geometric pattern it's all rainbows and black at the same time,  modern and old fashioned. 
A guy is lecturing on foils and the focil record and students are making rubbings and art from the geometry style shapes of shells. 
My area / display was on an upper floor all glass walls and my stuff was dyed fabric hangings, fabric for clothing and hammocks.  The colours were amazing dip and hand dyed some were tie dyed but in amazing detail all marked out and then tied at regular intervals and dyed layer on layer moving the ties to make amazing repeating patterns, I was explain the process to someone.    After that I rolled of to go join a class on paper rubbings.

3rd March
Dream in a dream  the dream dream was of a cave underwater in the sea the walls were covered with gems and crystals... the dream I woke up in I was very far north somewhere in the arctic it was cold,  snow but also sun too I was with a group.. we were doing something with blood and tubes.  There was also a public bath house we visited one of our group had been arrested fro drugs or similar but I took the blame for him getting arrested for smuggling.

5th March
Last nights dream was odd...  I was with 3 different females that never met each other..  that I've known at different times in my life.  Jean best friend from 8years old,  Martha who I was good friends with at 16 and Tanya  a friend and neighbour from now.  We are all a similar age and were all our normal age in the dream. 
We are at the house Jean lived in when she was a child and her mum is there too she's our age too but also still Jeans Mum.  We are there to dye our hairs! 

I'm going to cook for everyone to say thank you for the use of the house, I'm making a meal I think there was 10-13 people and I was going out to buy the ingredients.

Next dream I'm also cooking for a large group of people....  but again I don't have the food yet.  This time i'm in my aunty sheilas house.. my Mum has come back to life and is in the kitchen she dosn't want to eat my meal and so is making her own, I'm irritated with her for hogging the kitchen for so long to cook for herself when I've got 15 or 16 people to feed.

When she's finished I go to find there isn't enough food so I need to go shopping, the first shop I head to is closed so I got into a strange shopping mall and into a card box, I get involved with making a card embossed with sliver and gold powder - someone calls me and tells me the food shop is closing soon...  I feel bad as I've not got the food and lots of people are hungry and waiting on me.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...