Wired very visual and tactile dreams.
In one I'm in a bathroom but one wall is forest/trees/jungle and there is a huge caterpillar it's a good 35cm long and fat too, it's face is cartoon like very sweet and human-ish but with a long green pointed nose like Pinocio.
It smiles too it's skin is bright green and very soft I'm stroking it and watching it climb up into the tree.. as it climbs it falls but saves it's self with an impossibly thin bit of silk - that easily holds it's big weight. Once on the branch I watch it turn into a chrysalis face first while still smiling at me.
Although I don't see it emerge I know it will have red/white/brown moth wings.
Next dream is another huge residential school, I'm leaving the block I've been in. The building is red brick with lots of windows and doors - I go outside with my friend Emma she's doing somersaults and handstands on the grass.
Next I'm in another part of the school, I tell them I want to stay it's my home - but I've been there 7 years and I'm ment to move on.
Next bit is odd, me and Emma are in a high room at an open window. Around 3 storeys up there are 2 different airflow's meeting - the top one is light and cooler the air is moving fast.
The air below is warmer and denser, - it feels like an invisible foam mattress. We are pressing it and wobbling it - far below we can see people walking and driving and we are wondering if we can make them feel the vibrations when we wobble it. I remember being kind of surprised they were moving threw it so easily as to use it was almost solid. I was shaking the air to see if anyone notices us.
Interesting link...
Last night..
Really intense dreams last night.. In the first I was visiting or in South Africa or at least that was the name for it in the dream I was in Johannesburg.
In the dream it's visually out there it's modern or even futuristic. There is a big hub of trains/tracks there.
I arrive at night I'm met by some friends (who I know who are South African) It's night or kind of dusk the skyline is pink/purple but the hub I'm in is huge with so many tracks meeting and crossing. There is also something ancient there -- This bit was crazy sci-fi stuff... it's like a vast area in the center of this hub with no floor (space) and these floating ancient / magic tech.
It's middle eastern in design made from rock and metal shaped echoing sacred geometry but they are impossibly woven together they float too, It's almost impossible to describe how epic this looked, pillars of interlocking stonework and metal with bits floating and flashing. (The knowledge of what/why/who/how) had been lost. They remind me of when Corrina use to dream about Dwemer ) The monuments are feared and revered by the locals... I've had dreams of similar areas in London but they've been inactive/destroyed crumbling. Here they are still alive and powered. I'm very curious about them and want to explore more.
There is also an electrical/lighting storm going on - the lighting is purple/pink. I'm staring in awe into this abyss with these floating other worldly creations - while the purple lighting is all around.
Next part of the dream we are being 'rounded up' from where we are at this 'hub' there a group I want to call them Nazis but there was no affiliation other than 'authority'
Were taken to underground rooms and ID is requested - there was a sense of 'order/function/control' we were not miss treated but I was keen to get back to the hub and the dream jumps there again.
Next it gets wired - (As if it wasn't already odd) but I'm back on the platform and it's a game/trap.. Everything's closing in.
I know it's a dream and I'm in my mind, all of the other dream characters turn into ancient statues and first one wants to help me it's male... but I'm also very aware this is 'my dream landscape' all the statures turn into the same male stone being and as I move threw the hub of tracks/trains they start to close in on me.
They are trying to capture me becoming more and more twisted (gargoyle like) - This is very cool, and I'm aware they are all 'me' too but I'm staying with the story and not getting lucid as It's fun and I don't want to wake myself up. I'm chased a bit more and then I come to a space with battered open cardboard box's on the side of each are stickers... On the box's are lol 'spiritual gifts/skills' things we've chosen to move/play with. I reject many box's instantly and then find one 'spiritual warrior' - reject that too. I find myself in-front of a box that says 'Shuttle / Trixter / Empath ' I know that's my gift/box. --- I win - but I'm keen to play/fight again.
In my second dream is all set under ground.
I'm being held in an underground pawn brokers/money lenders shop. I own them alot but I'm a carer for a baby/man with downs syndrome.
I've looked after this man since he was a baby he's large now bigger than me, we owe money as I'm a carer... I'm happy to be tied to what I own but I ask to take the Downs guy to his family - this is agreed then I'll return to work of the dept/owed.
Again I'm in an mass of underground trains/network/transport hub. The guy I care for is vulnerable and I want to get him somewhere safe.
We are mid journey and getting a connecting train to take him home when the doors start too close with him on and me off - I try to force the door but they won't be stopped - lock is in place and the tube train is moving.
I'm aware that the person will be confused and lost- not able to get of the train at the right stop or get home.
I go to a counter where there are 3 Indian women - they find it amusing that I lost / got separated from the male in my care - but offer to put out a notice to the other stations hubs to look out for a disorientated loan male traveller with learning differences.
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