Thursday, 30 June 2022

Cousins Initiative Group


Cousins initiative group

Building works and people making hot chocolate one cup was thick and dark brown more like a soup consistency. 
It was to sickly for my taste.
Building works were being done and I had on big black work boots.

At one point I was standing on a females bare thigh, the boots were the same as from the dream where I was cleaning the floor and I had to enter a big black cube.

The leg was bruised from the big boots. 

I'd realised the sleeping female I was standing on was also me.

There was also a barky dog with me like a security dog and Benny was there too driving a car.


Last dream was jumbled.  Eve from the section hospital was there only she'd not met me yet and I realised we were on different times.  

I'd met her in the future but she didn't yet recall, it was before her run in with the police and her arm was unscarred.

I was younger and we'd kissed.

The setting we were in was a holding space all concrete, it was in a costal town popular with surfers and the waves were massive. 

I had leave to come and go as I pleased but had to keep returning to the concrete place.  I had bags like old sleeping bags that I had to send on ahead of me. 


Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Gold Scrap

27th June
I'd met with Inka again.

Woke 303

Dream of a church I was seeing from above.  It was on a serpent mound and was a church I'd been inside in another dream.  It was called St Peters. 

It had a clocktower and a graveyard but below the graves were the bones of a sleeping / dead serpent.

It was to do with Laylines too.
Was also a baby being delivered.  I was helping.... I could see the contractions the mother had both legs amputated mid thigh.

wake again at 333

Then once more at 404 that time I was seeing concrete or cement smoothed out.

29th June
Shadow my cat, in the dream I'd had a dream he returned... Then he did.

I could see a triangle shape of connection.


Another dream that was hazy but long and detailed I mainly recall showing someone a painting I'd done.  It was of a place I knew.

A modern city in an ancient style. 

I'd been painting the sun setting over a massive scrap yard the scrap was filled with metals including lots of gold and the light reflecting was a lovely contrast to the purple sky and blue/grey stone buildings. 

-- Hummm the gold was scrap 'Awaiting re-use Ren'  Oh recycling then?  There was loads of it. 

I wonder what it was going to be use for 'You'll have to wait and see' 

Symbolic Alchemy... 'OFC' Where was that place, I wish I could recall more of my dreams.  'Work with what you do recall'  Humm ok. 
City is a community...  The gold was communal too? 🤔

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Slime and Blood

A version of James & k's house it kept changing as I looked into it they were telling me about a shop were I could buy number puzzle cubes.

They were like kids toys that fit together a bit like lego but each one was a number puzzle.

Clear plastic rainbow colours, the shop was intreasting and eclectic I'd bought a set of them to learn and play with.


Second was a long dream I kept going back into.

Em's house and the house next-door but not her family.

Something had rushed into the house before us and there was blood and goo dripping threw the ceiling and down the walls.

The father wanted us to sleep downstairs so we did, in the morning we weren't sure if the same things were still upstairs so we were to go round in pairs.

The house had 2 flights of stairs and was old fashioned meby 50's style.

Claire from the hospital was there with a new-born baby and Em had an older bro a big guy in his 40's.

There was a tractor and trailer upstairs too in this odd dark dirt yard.... I was sitting on the back of the trailer wondering if the other people who'd come in were still hiding in the properties.

Friday, 24 June 2022


An odd very long dream, I was with Marcus in an unfamiliar version of my main dream area. 

He was a barman and I was having a trial as a waitress in a posh restaurant where he worked.

All the other staff were really hostile and I was getting flamed for everything I tried to do but I understood it was a type of test.

It was alien to me, people with duck lips that looked like airbags!
People not letting me move between tables, not being allowed and order pad.

No one would tell me where the kitchen was or the clean table linin.


I couldn't find a hand wash sink either, but did find crazy stuff like I've never seen.

Big freezer rooms and steam rooms.

Lab equipment too.

I got the impression the staff actually liked me but there was a shit procedure that people needed to go threw before being accepted as staff.


It was intreasting, and strange.

Thursday, 23 June 2022



Ability to love, be excited and see beauty and fun dose not need Abilified

I will not defy my abilities

I will learn from them how to control and use them harmoniously.


Harmony working in rhythm with the cycles of what I am,

Respecting not pushing others.



Observation of others like I observe myself.  


I need to be less playful and more observant with others.

Learn to take my clues from them as to what is appropriate.


Hospital caused a layer of my sole to come off.   To much floor bleach.

Soul & Sole.

Pealing of one more layer of skin.... - one step ahead of the persecutor within. 


To follow.... Hummmm.    Following your own steps yet also ahead.   Makes sense, as dose the 2 heads.

I miss the voices, it gives contrast and colour to my own musings.
Another reason why I don't need abilify.ed

Oh yeh, I was to easily amused....  I need to observe that aspect of myself and keep it in check.
Meditation... strengthen my observer to remain detached from the amusement.
That's what I did in hospital.   

Tuesday, 21 June 2022

Inflatable World


20 June
Doves, Gulls and Peacocks they were linked to the sale of a business.

Coughed up some slime that was fractal like people popping out of it.

It was to do with alchemy and elements.

21st June.
2 schools and a game/match.

We were in a large wired ballcourt and were using a huge globe beachball, way taller than any of us playing.
After the match the other team were flattening the ball and folding it up.

They were from Brazil so were folding it with Brazil on top.


As they were doing it a guy I was with pointed out a huge insect on the wall behind me it was like a massive bluebottle/dragonfly hybrid.  Very cool.
I'd got up to look and noticed drones too.

So fast they were hard to see.

As I noticed them more were coming towards me flying in formations and chasing each other.

They had eyes on and were making patterns for me to see.


Saturday, 11 June 2022

2nd Week June (Medicated)


Long dream.  Arguing with people or a heated discussion.

I has a bed on a flat bed at the end of a train.


Fay with a hand coming out of her shoulder.
She was swimming in a lake with me and kept letting go of it.
I was calling to her not to lose it as it was sinking.

Pleated fabric and wedding outfits.


Journey below London with Zak.  We had baskets of baking ingredients and were going to make bread under the city.

Another dream of a series of treehouses in a dark storm.
My gran was there making apple pies.



Main dream area, that very rocky version of the Beadnel beach.
Dark.. I'd been laying in the sand there on a laptop.
A night that had gone on for ages.. I was surprised by the tide coming in.
I moved my camp up the beach.

The light was returning for the first time in ages and people were coming from the campsites to watch sunrise and swim. 

Strange tankers, other HGV's and road vehicles.  Non of them had paint and there were all new sliver looking metal like stainless steal.
An underground facility, white walls unusually clean for the amount of traffic.

Mathew, a dead older sister that we kids were never told about. 
It had been another me.
she'd died around age 4.... A Sikh guy


A time being and a time doing.
Being time and Doing time. 

A mouse on a forest floor.... Small time.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Mushroom Farmer

5th June
Dreaming lots again.
Similar dream about moving, but we are in large dirty squats.  So full of stuff people have brought then moved on without.  We were not taking it either.

Vast shared spaces... People were taking stuff like the lightbulbs.

I was making a channel for fresh sea water to flow with the incoming tide.

6th June

Living in an amazing meditation garden.

The sun was low lots of dark and beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  Warm.

I had a job there working for a mad scientist type guy.

A chemist and one room was full of pots powders and lab equipment.
I worked in a basement shed growing mushrooms and fungus that he used.

I also knew other people who visited him, he crated drugs and medicines.

The gardens grew herbs and trees too that we used ingredients from.



Parents fighting over custody of children.... Kids homes run by states.

An odd version of my mother there too, she looked like she was wearing a fat suit.

I was having a strange argument with her.

Last dream a colouring book... I'd coloured most of it in.

My Aunty Sheila was there too, younger with no dementia.

Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...