Friday, 13 October 2023

Week 2 Oct 23

6th Oct
Odd dreams... Quite violent but not unpleasant.  Started in a strange wooden funfair with small rooms.

Then an odd time travel dream.  We were trying to pull off a big con job stealing a vast quantity of money.   We'd already rest the timeline once when it went wrong.

I was part of a shady group working together.

We get caught in the process, we'd been set up from the future and weren't able to jump again, or change the timeline in time.. So ended up captured and charged.

It was obvious we were guilty.

Then dreams in my main dream area, a big parade on the main street.  Tables and chairs had been set up cafĂ© style along the sides of the streets.  I knew my extended family were all further up the street on the other side of the road but I was sat alone at a table with spare chairs.
I had an odd small wooden alter with incense sticks.  When lit they turned into huge charcoal blocks.  There was a draw filled with various gems too.
Some strangers joined me.  I left my stuff with them, and go to check on a cave down by the harbour, it housed a nuclear reactor. 

I'd walked down a dark alleyway.. Dark like night with no moon,  I could see the outline of crows sitting on the walls and on one wall was the shape of a male with dreadlocks, he was dancing to music he was banging on a drum.

Last dream main dream area again, this time Inka was with me.   More violence we were fighting for fun.
The group from the first part of the night arrived, they were angry with me for the fucked up job...  We had a train to catch and I'd got caught under a rockfall.  One of them reluctantly agreed to drag me out by my arms so we could continue on. 


London with friends.  Kill a boss thing for a crown I needed. Bus driver a log den & willow weaving. 
A large house with mosque floor, I knew people who'd lived there before. 

A sandy beach, nice spot for a picnic, over ripe bananas as a snack.


11 Oct

First night's sleep after 4 night shifts.

Laying the same lino we have in our bathroom.  It was over a large area, the old lino was being removed.

I was with a Indian family there, they ran a shop.  They'd taken on a friends daughter Ceris when her fam had moved bk to the Netherlands. 

A journey by car, then another.   Walking along the road by the Shottermill club with Em & Daryl.  Daryl was chucking rocks at some people and I was trying to stop him and calm him down.

A longer dream of Ashington... Or that's were it was in my dream.  We'd arrived at a bus station.  The bus' were all brushed steal, the bus station was a depot too and there was a bus wash they went threw before picking up again.
We'd walked around after leaving the bus station and I realised the place we were in was Ashington, but it was so clean.   Spotless and cared for, a mix of people from all over the world.

Children playing alone on the streets.  It felt a loved and safe place. 
I was with Dom who'd got a take away and left the rapper on the street, annoyed with him I picked up his rubbish and took it to a bin. 


Last dream was more surreal, an odd robot vr thing.  It's battery was flat and I was plugging it in to recharge for the next day. 


A very odd long dream.
I'd flown with 2 of our residents to a massive hotel attached to an airport somewhere in the south of the USA.
We had a huge room/suite.  In the dream both residents could walk... And kept walking off.  The layout of the place made them very difficult to keep an eye on.

We were leaving the next morning via a plane from the hotel we were staying in.
It had huge windows and balconies and the rooms were all open, connected by ramps and lifts.
Outside was a sunny lake with a sand shore were people were bathing.
I was hungry but the food was very expensive.  The meals looked good but I couldn't afford anything.
I'd lost Freda once and relocated her bringing her back... But trying to watch 2 people at once was difficult and she'd wandered off yet again.
Looking for her I made my way threw large kitchens, I became lucid here while looking at a guy.. His eyes were orange, the more I looked at him the stranger he got.
I'd set the intention to go somewhere else.

I ended up in the basement of the same place in an odd space of prehistoric waters.  Flying over the waterfilled rooms I was being squirted with water from strange shellfish.
I allowed myself to go back into the dream state as I'd not woken while lucid and picked up the story again.
I was asking people who might have noticed Freda if they had seen her, and sure enough some had.. Passing 20 mins before me she'd left the building into a local town.

I kept tracking her threw a shopping mall and then along a road.
Another guy had seen her too, he was repairing the path with a barrow of tarmac and he pointed me in the direction she'd gone.
This time over a huge old stone bridge.  I was aware we only had 2hrs left before our flight and would unlikely to be bk in time for boarding.

When I catch up with her, she's laying on her back next to a large manmade pond. 
I wonder if she's dead as she's motionless but she wakes when I blow into her face.
I'd managed to get the women back for there flight.. But didn't have time to find my own stuff and was left behind.

13th Oct

A strange dream, I had a long caravan Kelly was with me.  A fire inside that doesn't go out. 

It was a school of sorts our lesson in a swimming pool.   I'd turned up to early, my lesson was to be wed evening but I'd gone on a Monday and was to early.
We shared an industrial laundry room.
large washers and driers.
We did laundry at the weekends.
I had a strange pair of plastic glasses with a spider over one eye.
The pool and caravan was set in an enchanted forest.

We could watch TV on the laundry machines too and a football match was playing, we were all inside watching it while waiting on stuff cleaning and drying.

I kept going into the same dream, another old forest with bare dry roots on the ground. 

I was running round and round.
I've been set a mate there who I was kissing.
People with fleas too, or large lice.  I was tying to remove them from their hair and clothes.


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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...