Friday, 12 January 2024

An Odd Family


The levellers playing live.  A white waitress shirt.
An odd dream with Rob Miranda and the boys.

A new project being rolled out, we were all in my main dream space under the newsagents.
A walk with rows of gardens and fancy bushes and statues.


Trying to go back.....
'Re.....'   It was a word I was told that helped me achieve it but I couldn't recall the word once I'd done it.
It was an unusual word.

A big old wooden house with a veranda, loads of black birds that I would feed.

A large game arcade too, one was like a walk threw story RPG, but I was playing it myself.


Then a strange dream. 
I'd gone to a chalet with Maricel.  Then in the chalet next door my parents turned up with lots of other members of the family, they were young.   Renewing their marriage vows only they were the same age they were before they got married.

I wasn't invited, and I was a bit miffed seen as I was only next door.
The chalet was a mess, strange bath and shower room where the plug holes were blocked with dog pop bags and sweet wrappers. 

I was cleaning the place up when Ian's family arrived,  His Dad and uncle. 
I was asking them about my feelings of being excluded from the vow renewals... And while talking my Family returned from the ceremony and came into to visit me. 
My mother carried my Dad out of the car.


An RV park with a library and a bunch of students.
A guy was renting or selling vans, they were way out of my credit range but he let me borrow the keys and look around them.


Then I was at Irene's.  I was washing up, a deep round metal sink, cutlery and plates.
Then I was at my cousin Sue's house.  She'd been keeping some house plants for me until I was ready to take them back. 

Then Berwick, the streets were all cobble stones.  No cars.
I was vacuuming the streets with an old red henry hoover.

I kept causing a flood too,   in a narrow street by a café, it was at the bottom of a hill and the water was pooing there.


An odd place,  sort of warehouse / hospital storage area.  It was like a maze, but in the centre was a café with people getting high. 

Odd race too...

Then a place with more plants.  Shared accommodation...  But also very odd.
I was looking for a quiet room.
Some of them had huge areas with meat storage or dishwashers full of blenders.



Long intense dream that was like a film plot.  I was young, and the adopted daughter of a mad scientist. 
He'd found me living rough in the city on my own and taken me in.
A strange earth like world, but way more futuristic.
We had a strange bunker lab where he did experiments with my help.
some were just odd and fun like new crisp flavours, others were weapons and flying machines.
We ended up in a shoot out.  We were in one of our flying things like an open helicopter and were shooting at political leaders of the land we were in who were on a massive zeppelin type of thing. 

We managed to kill one and I pulled another off so he fell far to the ground landing on a sort of stone column thing below.  The fall didn't kill him and we knew he'd hunt us down.

It was a female they sent to hunt us.  She was their best bounty hunter, at first she was just a normal looking woman then she changed so she was part glowing blue crystalline... A little like the borg queen  but with a white head attached to this blue glowing body with bright blue glowing eyes.

She's tracked us to our bunker but instead of killing us, she hit it off with the scientist and became a sort of mother figure to me.  It was odd as she was called Andrea.


Next dream was in my main dream space.  Makeys gift shop.  It was like a cave of everything... Bit like it is, but more surreal. 
Old VHS vids it was like a treasure hunt to find stuff. 
Clair T too,  we'd been sat out under trees where a sort of celebration fate was going on.
She kept chucking out and wasting my stuff and I was feeling really aggressive, was hard not to punch her!
There were army games too, we were playing in the dark.



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