Wednesday, 31 January 2024

End of Jan 24


25th Jan

A public bed,  I was sleeping in it and I'd crapped myself!  I woke holding my shit in my hand 😆

The other dream was longer, I was a dog walker.  
I was walking a bunch of dogs on leads around Glastonbury and one of them jumped threw a hedge.  The queen was passing (She didn't look like the Queen... But was) 
I knew she liked dogs so I'd asked her if she could help and she did.

I bumped into here again later where she was sitting at a desk in some old stone ruins and thanked her for her help.
After that I got onto a coach, finding a seat at the back. 


26th Jan
Main dream space, it was holiday season.  Busy and warm, swings had been set up on the main street and kids were playing.  I was talking to a US artist who was renting a room in Bamburgh Castle.


Next dream was a care home next to a school, I was friends with the head at the school and would hang out with her between shifts.

Tim was working in an isolation ward there, only one person in it at that time.

Other surreal stuff, a family having sex and a bunch of Dogs.   Heavy rain and a London road... It was on a hill with the rain pouring down.  Cars aquaplaning for fun.  



27th Jan

A strange pully type of basket that wove it's way up and round a really steep town set on the side of a cliff.
I was pulling myself to the top while sitting in the woven basket.

At the top I was in a garden with chickens, it was a temple complex with monkeys.
The monkeys had breastplates of blue crystal.

A house bomb... Hearing it falling.   Hiding in a loft space but knowing we'd get blown up.

Layered dream.
It was a dream I was having at work.

I was at work and had finished my shift, the building was in my main dream area.
On leaving I bumped into a historian, he was watching a recreation of a battle.
It was small, 2 sides one group of riot police, the other seemed like some kind of Nazis one had a swastika tattooed onto his shaved head.
I'd gone into a café with the historian were we were going to observe the fight.

After I left there I was trying to get home....  Stuff got very surreal at this point with giant bugs the size of dogs on the street.
I became lucid at this point, and recalled work and that I was sleeping.....
Only I was confused, as I decided I must have fallen asleep on my way home. 

Stuff was really odd, giant lego stile Dinos and an exploding volcano.  I decided to try and find my sleeping self.  I did and when I did find myself I'd been hit on the head with something hard.
A cut with blood and the skull was swollen around the area.  My Bag had been emptied out and stuff taken.  
I'd found my Dad but he was just amused. 



First dream was a lovely swimming pool.
Wooden frame building and blue tiles, low lighting.  I was swimming in the still water with friends and tiny black and white ducks a little like mini Eider ducks that were pushing tiny piles of black and white floating pebbles.

Next dream I was living and working in a vape shop with some other students.
I was on a A level art course and felt way out of my skill set.
When not on courses we would sleep in a back room filled with mattresses and a kettle.
Taking it in turn to man the shop when we weren't at courses. 
I'd work on my course work between customers.

The first lesson I recall was a field trip of sorts, Rachel from uni with me.
We were in Craster before the harbour was built... Just the old sand slip and rocks.

The project was 'temples'  and brief was their geometric shapes.  
Me and Rachel had gone swimming too, jumping off the rocks into the sea.

The water was cold and clear, filled with sea life.


Next dream Hypno nails was giving birth to a baby for Adam and Neil. 
Then I was in a version of my shed..  An unfamiliar African nurse turned up there at the door and asked to come in.
I opened it, she wanted my help with something.
I invited her in where we sat together and I made her tea.
She wanted me to interview for a position too.... 
A huge stately home, so I'd gone for the interview there. 
Ann from the vets was working reception.
I was taking a bus home, the gardens surrounding it were amazing!   Massive other worldly trees, in orange and gold like autumn but it was spring and other trees were heavy with white fluffy trailing blossom, the sun was setting.  It was so lovely I didn't get the bus, instead going into the gardens to explore.

As I got back to the house I met Jo, she had an old truck converted into a camper van, she was going to give me a lift home.

Woke by my massive cat jumping on the roof so went in to pee, then back into the same dream.

I'd been given a position there and had uncovered a scam where a false will had taken inheritance from an infant... An older guy was syphoning it off. 
I'd presented the original will which was an ornate old scroll.
We allowed the older guy to stay with diminished responsibilities.


My parents were living in the house now too.   It sort of reminded me of an old fashioned stately home, with many families living and working in the same huge building. 
I was helping my Dad move his bed upstairs, it was an old 4 poster bed, he was going into a room high up someplace above my Mam.


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Strange Summoning

  12th Was v tired after 3 night shifts, but did dream all night. Was all over the place though as I was tired too, so falling asleep i...