Monday, 5 February 2024

Start of Feb 24


1st Feb

A quite place to be alone, a wooden shed to call a home.

A fluffy bed to make a nest, a pile of feathers to lay my head.

A world of dreaming awaits my arrival.

Quiet now at peace at rest,

Yet my mind is hunting for what it loves best.

That place in-between, sleep and awake,

Where we trip threw reality and dance in times space.

A place for awareness to grow and expand,

While body rests upon the land.

Flowing out and breathing in,

Allowing and expanding, possibilities begin.


A Harry Potter style dream set in my own dreamscape.
It was sort of 3rd person, but I was experiencing the characters perspectives too.

It began with an odd female who'd gone feral... Almost animal physical changes too but she was reversing it - waiting on her familiar.


Then I was following 2 youngsters sometimes I was the 3rd.  They had familiars but I didn't yet.
We had a job to do in a complex that was below the roundabout.
It was hummm sort of prison like in style, but apartments. 
All a sort of bagie/cream that plastic kind of walls from other dreams.


We were delivering rent notifications. 
As we went deeper we found a deep salt lake at a border intersection.

I was the one that had passes and was cut off from the rest of the group, stuck in a one way system with loads of gates.
I was also kind of 3rd person observing the person experiencing it.

I'd jumped a turnstile to try and go back the way I came but speaker cameras were following me asking me to identify myself.


I was aware of the similarities' with other dreams, the one I wrote into the story where I was segregated from a world below as the 'dream' didn't work.


Next dream was more surreal.
A green statue artefact that was a parent.
It would give parental responses... It sort of looked lizard or crocodile like. 
I'd gone to see it, and it said 'Oh, another adolescent'   In the dream I did seem to be young.

Lots of polydactyl pets, cat's and dogs.
A full moon over the house :)

Then another strange place, it was like a large garden centre but with a fairground too.
Power tools on escalators.

I got to know a group of people who were selling bootleg vids out of a booth there.
They accused me of grassing them up, I hadn't and to prove it they asked me to go on a mission for them.
This involved trekking threw a desert from village to village with a giggly baby on my back. 

I ended up becoming friends with the group.

2nd Feb

Arriving at my main dream house to find a blue and sliver snake curled asleep on the front step.
I stepped over it,  it reared and hissed....
I closed the door and herd cats yelling.
Thinking a cat was being attacked I reopened door.
4 Cats, 3 male and one female
Abyssinian cats were killing the snake...  I watched as one bit threw it behind the skull.

4th Feb

At work, I was going into same dream over and over.
Ann, Vet was selling a house.   We were helping her to clear it out.


Very modern outside, like a sleek... I duno,  white concrete and glass in a commercial area.
Felt like a public space too.  
She was giving me odd things, like an octopus decanter and decorations.
I was also playing hide and seek with my bag, again people were taking my stuff, but I was lucid enough to know it was a dream and bring it back.  🤔

We viewed the house she was selling, inside was a sort of amphitheatre with tired beds.
I'd been right at the back at the top, they were removing the steps between the bunks as the drop was quite far.

I recall being a bit freaked out at first then discovering I could sleep there and the drop to the bunk below wasn't to far.  
Removing the ladders seemed odd.

Second dream I mainly recall ordering fish in McDonalds and having really ripped abs.


5th Feb


A game I was playing, we were working in teams but scores were kept independently.  Collecting coin things, a bit like sonic.

I was good at the strange obstacle courses.
We were going out over water to collect coins.  Had a small boat.
The sea was odd,  rock formations started changing and huge waves and sort of water spouts popping up.
We freaked at first then decided if we could navigate it there would be lots of coins to collect on the Island battlements.


Second dream.

Again had coins and money, this time both paper money and coins.
An odd post office where people were putting £10notes into either a post box or a large glass ball.

I'd deposited some.  I was following a trail of coins on the ground too, this time flying and swooping down to run threw and collect.

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Strange Summoning

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