Friday, 9 February 2024

Learning Schools.


Odd dream at work, Hilla and Brian chariot racing


I was in a large convoy going to Glastonbury.   My cousin Debbie was there, she only had one arm.  
The traffic was at a standstill and people were on the roofs of their vehicles partying.

I had a big yellow and green macaw parrot with me, I was feeding it custard cream biscuits.  It's toung was wired


A large school complex with all kinds of families living there.  A friend had taken me back to her dwelling, her family was an eclectic mix of races from all over the world. 

The house had a bar area, and gym.  A black guy was teaching his young white daughter gymnastics.
I sat and shared a tequila with her father who was Mexican.


The complex had a pool and spar area too,   was deep down a stairwell.   The whole place was an odd maze of corridors and tunnels. 


Another dream with amazing sky and stars.   Some of  the stars were moving like flocks of birds.

A young bratty girl with an amazing singing voice.

An odd game of neck crabs..  It was an app game with a little rice like orange and silver attachment that we stuck to the skin of our necks.


9th Feb


A learning hospital,   It was like my highschool.  I was late for the bus home, had on only socks too. 
The bus was late too so I ended up getting it anyway.
Was a small old mini bus.

I was working in the driftwood cafe, I'd gone straight from School.  Shauna was working in the kitchen.
It was odd as I was telling her I'd not worked there since I was a kid - we both seemed to be in our 20's.
The dishwasher had changed.   I had no clean teapots and she showed me how it opend to get more out.
Otherwise the building was similar, it was evening and dark outside.

I served 2 people their on their own, a guy and a woman on diffrent tables.
Both wanted a pot of tea and the female a biscuit to go with.


Next was odd, sureal.   A starfish, a pufferfish, a little octopus and clown fish.  They were all tiny and the same colour.
I was lifting them from warm water into a bucket.   I got squeamish and dropped 2 of them into fresh snow. 
When I whent to scoop them out they had turned to goo, I felt bad I'd killed them and for the rest of the group left without them.


A garden building with an old Austrian psychoanalysis.  I'd wanted to talk to him, but there were kids everywhere and we couldn't find anywhere private so he left.


Last dream was another bus journy.  We were heading to the centre of a small town, a religious place we were going to do something at/
I was with Jack in the dream (He was in another dream with me earlier in the week that I don't think I wrote down, we were in a garage and he was repairing some old draws.


Anyhoo, the bus was an odd plastic thing.   The driver seemed to lose it, first we drove into the sea where the bus floated like a boat, then we took off flying around the cliffs.
The veiw was beautiful,  a small bay with wood lined cliffs and veiws of the old town nearby.
We were trying to work out what was going on.


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