Thursday, 15 February 2024

Waves and Awakenings


10th Feb

Fun dream at work.  Was one of the false awakening where I was in the ward.  Only one of the windows on the north side had blown out.
I was up and looking out of the window were the sky was an amazing deep purple with lightning. 
On the ward some fam had come to visit bringing 3 small dogs, one purple the other two white.


I was holding an grey and white cat.

Back home I had another longer lovely dream.
I'd brought Marion & Jo bk home with me.  My house was diffrent with large summer gardens and lots of wooden rooms... Kids were there,
As they came back they started to de-age. 
Getting younger, they were so fun!
Jo was playing basketball with Zak and giving football commentary.
Marion had nicked a bottle of Amaretto that was in the house, was drinking it and dancing while telling me all the Latin names of the wildflowers in my garden with her lovely Scottish accent.

It was so real, I wok up feeling sad I wasn't still there



'So? '  lol Seriously?

'Yep'   Inka?  'You know.  Last 24hrs not been so bad?'  Well appart from the obvious death...

'Timing'   Ok...  Unexpected and ... Ok yeh it works.
'So'   lol....   We have been threw this, you know how crap I am at not being impulsive and doing what every the fuck I feel like at the time.

You fucking what?  'You herd me'   If I didn't let Leon intercede, nor anyone else would I for you?
Also that word is wyrd..  'It's apt'   Hummm I'll take you on that not got time right now.

But why?  'Cause I put myself in the way for you, and you do the same for me'   ?? Hummm

'I'm also the thing you feel ok behind'  Pfffff  yeh cause when I'm in front you shove me under the bus 😆

'You could have taken the first option' realistically we know how long it takes me to learn by experiance...  'Yet you refuse guidance' 
I duno,  I'ma going to have to think about this, I forget the word meaning just the jist of it.

'Or you could just agree'  Hummm...   'Ren, if I made it a dare, a bet or a game you'd go all in' 
'So this time I'm asking consent'  pfffff 😶


I errrr  ok.   Yes... But I'm not entirely sure what I'm agreeing too.   'I Will manage details'  ok.. I suppose..

'Deal?'   😖   ok....   '😈'  lol your smug face in disconcerting... 'You'll be fine bitch, I'll make sure of it'  Humph.....  


'I didn't leave Ren'  IKR,,,   give me space, night shift ne cold space.  I will find you.   'You WILL'


12th Feb

Odd dream at work, I forget the details appart from it being dark.  I was looking for Kef and he'd been hit my a car.  He was limping an his jaw was all messed up.


Then in the evening a dream with Matthew Judith and Jim.  Mathew and me were messing about.  It was a silly dream, we were looking for a canoe and then we found a shoe canoe.

Was like a red kids shoe..   We put it on wheels and were showing eachother round, it was good fun.
Then my Dad appeared and told me 'You two should go for a night away together'   I'd replied. 
'I tell you what, if we did I'd take him some place fucking ridiculous'



Long and odd dream.  A guy who wanted to date me but was much younger.

Em and Fay were one person.  I was confused why this guy liked me.  I don't really know how old I was but felt older.
It was set Haslemere high street or an odd version of it.


He cooked a meal for me.  It was not pleasant.  Musshy meatballs in a strange curry sauce that had separated into watery stuff and spice paste.  Then another creamy gravy all over it.


The dating was odd too, it was a kind of internal bond, connection threw the abdomen.

An ability to share emotions and attraction.  We opend it slightly but I didn't know how to controll it.. He did and was helping to regulate the flow back and forth.


I became lucid and wanted to ask the guy more about this and dreaming in general, but I couldn't find him.  I'd gone back to another house were dom was outside dressed like an orange batman.


Making cuscus and roast veg.  Lots of 4x4 cars then a huge wave over head, the water changed from warm to cold and salty with the wave.


Painting with ink, flowers and then planets.  Going for an interview as a waitress in a golf club house.



Main dream space, the harbour.  Water deep warm and blue, I wanted to swim but too many people were line fishing.
Full moon, massive and lovely.  Kelvin was in the dream too and a massive floating white puzzle cube, was like a sureal take on a reverse death star.

It reminded me of the black one I'd experienced with Inka and then eventually ate before I whent crazy again.

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