Saturday, 16 November 2024

8th-16th Nov


Odd dream of a strange arena in one my Dad was dead and there was a massive rave then in another he was weaving numbers in the sky while I was watching.



had a cool dream at work, a street market. Stalls selling hats gloves and scarves.  I'd met a guy, then another young... one Asian one African. I don't recall which was which I think the Asian was the fighter.

The fighter challenged the younger, and the younger came to me afraid. I explained the fighter had no intention of actually harming him, he fought as a sport, like a game.

As the younger understood a purple butterfly left him and landed  on the bk of my neck.

The tickle woke me.



A washbasin like a huge shell, all iridescent inside. A ghost playing catch  with me.


Then a forest full of old bones, the ground covered.  The bones green with moss.


A cliff side car park.

Milky way over the north sea, closer and rainbow.

Woken as I was gazing at the sky n a 4x4 reversed over Zak.



A kid like Huntly i knew at highschool, laying together holding hands.

Watching structured in the sky. Odd things in the sky.

Almost like lego structures, tubes and funnels im watching 

Going up.



Being chased threw a world.

Its a while since i had a dream like this.  I was both the pursued and the pursuer perspective.  While being chased i was on the run with a guy threw tangled thorny woodlands.  Glowing beautiful other worldly place.

We would teleport and vanish to throw off the pack of white wolves that were being used to hunt us.

Leading them into dead ends of caves of strange thorny growth.


Then another odd world.  A strange robot space crafts were being sent in ever increasing numbers. 

Again i could teleport away.

I find myself in a vehicle in the passenger seat.

The driver has vanished, and i'm trying to stear and hop seats to park.


I park on a country lane with big houses and hedged gardens.

Leaving the  vehicle we enter was what like a grounded spaceship or sub.

First finding ourselves in a medical place,the guy i'm with is fiddling with some power stuff next to an O2 supply a i have a vision of him blowing us up.

The structure we are in is odd, air locks  between rooms..  bunks in the side of corridors for crew.

I follow a female outside who has some leave.


I'm grabbed and again teleported this time to a clifftop were a guy has a hold of me, he is rolling us to the edge.

He goes over and another guy grabs me to try stop me falling but the weight of 2 of us is too much n he lets go.

I fall far to the village below with the guy below me still holding on n land on him to break my fall.  Oddly neither of us are hurt n just get up.


Last dream starts, I'm a mother of a month old.  I was making a plant arrangement with ivy when the baby wakes, and one of its eyeballs had burst.  It didn't seem bothered, but I wanted to get it checked at an a&e.

Again i'm around unfamiliar guys one who gives me a lift.




A dream with Leon, he was beating the crap out of me...I'm not even sure why.  Inka appeared and intervened much to my relief As it was brutal even for Leon n me.


I think the sun has been flaring at Uranus, meby this.


Next dream i was in an odd shopping place with strange escalators and tall stairs.  I had a pink bag that had vanished.   I was going to report in and became lucid realising I was dreaming, so I didn't need to bother.

Outside the police station i met a guy who was heading to court after a accidentally killing a guy while on his bike. We had a conversation in sign language.



15th Nov


First dream, animals... a cat clamped onto a dogs leg with its teeth in a fight over corn-beef.


Massive dream.  End of a world type stuff. A virus that had been brought to a planet after it was encountered on an alien ship.

Very few people had natural immunity, most died quickly.

The human inhabitants of the world were close to extinction living in a few closed colonies.


I was traveling with a young son.  We had been on the ship that had first contracted the virus and were immune, something to do with early exposure before it mutated to be deadly to humans.

We'd made our way into a huge military like facility set in a mountain entered threw a sort of canyon with a river.

At first not realising the area was inhabited, once we were found n they realised we were new we were both tested.  I didn't tell them about our early encounter with the illness.

When they had established we were clean, we were injected with something, i'd objected and the woman who had been testing me injected herself instead.

The kid with me was taken for schooling, it was advanced from  a young age, he would be fine once he caught up.

I was to be matched for a dna compatible male to have kids with n found a job in the facility.

The complex was split into different zones were groups were doing different roles n work. 

I recall a map that showed a large ship in the water in a cave at the mouth of the canyon, the leaders n military were here or behind in the mountain, groups educating, outside in an area being built up outside, then farming, fishing n resources in the river canyon.

It was a relatively large colony and i was picked for medical assistance.

The place was full of spiders too... not the place you'd want to have arachnophobia, door code locks always seemed covered in them.


Wake and go back into the same or very similar dream.   Dental operating equipment was malfunctioning and we didn't have people with the expertise to repair it.  I was trying to limit damage from water leaking from it whilst a group tried to understand the repairs needed n access and improvise parts.


I was also setting up hygiene protocols for areas, making sure scrub n sluse rooms were used n maintained, I'd been accepted by the colony but there was a level of mistrust about were I'd come from n how I'd survived alone n made it there.


Stuff was rationed too, meds for one, then stuff like tea was very hardtop get.

I had a dog in my  care too I'd made it a purple carrot toy to play with.


16th Nov

First dream, I'm amongst a group of children being raised by a church, we were small still toilet training.   There was no kindness from the care givers, many of the kids were distressed. 
Cold too, we used each other for comfort.


Then a more surreal dream with 2 male nurses, one Indian one Asian, we had a packed sandwich wrapped filled with shit for some reason!

Last dream was an odd sort of old grey stone place... Like an old castle made of mossy granet. I met a woman there I recognise from years ago and told her, 'Every person holds a story they are waiting to share with you'


A mouse, rat ground covered in tics and a bunny that had lost one ear and a wound that had been stitched on it's flank.

Looking for a lost earing for Ian's sister that her kids had purchased as a gift.  It was shaped like a silver cube.



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