Wednesday, 27 November 2024

More Moon Pool & Alien Invasion


An alien tribal war.  Various factions, some were tall with long faces and orange hair.  Others more cyborg there were also overseer types there, and teachers.
I was a kid and with a version of Jack and another kid.  I wore glasses and these had been broken running from trouble and I was having difficulty seeing.  The 2 older kids were annoyed with me that I couldn't keep up and kept tripping.   We went to see one of the overseer types who had a pale white/gray squarish head and he'd agreed I could stay by him for a while as I was struggling to see. 
I was holding my broken small red framed specs.
Our world had been taken over, but the kids were kind of refugees and being sheltered and moved from the worse of the fighting.  Kept in a neutral zone, so we saw the comings and goings of the various factions. 


Main dream area, it was very busy..... Like a day in the summer holidays but quite dark, seemed like dusk as it got darker after.
I was sitting in a crowd of people near the steps on the harbour hill when I young female runs past yelling.

Someone meby me commented I wonder if she'll stop before the water and we hear a splash. 
I got up to look, having swam there loads when I was young...  She's not in the harbour though.
I walk down onto the sand which is much deeper and undulated making pools.
I see the shapes of women swimming nekid below the surface in what I knew as the moon pool, and realise she has gone to join them and swim as mermaids for a bit.
On the sand are a pile of woven friendship bands.

I wanted to swim but not disturbed them so I walked instead to the end of the main pier the harbour was larger than it is, and it's fully dark by now. 
Instead of swimming,  I filled my lungs and jumped into the sky noticing I have on an odd white cape that flutters behind me as I fly.  I flew across the harbour empty of boats that were all at see and onto the docks where cargo was piled up.  Large heaps of rugs and fleece were being bought and moved up the hill to the carpark to be transported on. 

The dream shifts and I'm lucid, I'm existing a train station marked only as India.  Outside it looks  more like a Victorian tube station with a London style tiled pub oppersit to my right.  To the left was a large open industrial size kitchen and public bathroom.

At a table outside is a group of people, I recognise my Grandad who died when I was a kid, and my Gran is there also much younger, perhaps her 30's, they are socialising with a few more people.
I approach the table unsure if they will know me and I tell them I recognise them, they tell me I look familier to them.....  Then it got odd, there was a washing machine, and I was clearing out gunk as I woke up.


Last dream was croft main dream space, there was a property swap taking place and we all had to be at the estate agents at mid day.  While waiting we were sitting around, I was lounging in a chair and a dark haired female was making out with me, she was a singer.
The village was beautiful too, I'd spent some time flying over the old cottages that were to be exchanged in the swap.

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