Thursday, 21 November 2024

Moon Pool & Get-Away-Car




Very long dream. 
I was traveling from the north to London with a group.  We spent alot of time in various parts of London interesting stuff, flower markets and various areas.
We visited a fairground.
The theme of the dream was a vehicle I had.. It was an odd thing, part car part camper van.
We were using the it as a get-away car.
It had a strange sort of room with windows on the back where we all hung out.
I'd let one of the guys drive and at one point he called a vote, letting me belive it was for who would drive.
As he called the result it was unanimous and he was now the vehicles owner. 
While this was happening we were also stuck in an underpass with a strange green what almost looked like a farm vehicle... It was trying to cut us off.

I was a bit miffed he'd not made it clear to me what I was voting on, but I sort of didn't mind as I couldn't drive anyway and he'd agreed to take me where I wanted to go.


On the journey bk north I'd been asking him what he planned to do with the vehicle.
He said he'd leave it part converted into a van.




First dream I was in an old saloon bar on a train with Nana Hanna.

The train was filled with officials and there was an appeal to change work.

Next dream I was taking a Europe trip, part work, part leisure, the work was in Spain but I was flying to Croatia first to visit for fun.


Last dream was Balifgate, only it was huge tunnels below it that lead under the castle and beyond.
Some kind of strange occult thing, entering in threw an old church crypt. 


I was young, n kind of moody.  I'd been tasked with looking after Liz. 
I wasn't sure where she'd gone and I wanted to explore.
The tunnels opened out into what was like a lower astral level of the pastures too and people kept coming and asking me why I wasn't looking after her.
Then apparently she'd started vomiting so again I was sent to locate her.

It took me ages, n someone had picked her up on a mule and was taking her bk indoors.  I'd followed behind, grumpily wondering why I had been given this job.


20th, did dream but the room was freezing, n didn't want to move my arms out of the duvet n pick up a pen.




A beautiful place, it was a temple to the planets Saturn and Pluto.
Was like a labyrinth made out of small square sandstone blocks with circular rooms filled with 'Moon pools' 
Crystal blue water in shallow pools the rooms were open to the sky and lit by the moon and stars. 
Flame torches and braziers to warm the space, the pools could be used for bathing.
I was with Em.  We called the place a basilica.

There were circuit puzzles, and also a strange parked helicopter that was out of place with the beautiful calm vibe of the pools. 


Second dream I was in a mirror version of my main dream house.  We'd moved there, it was the same address in a different layer.
It had a sort of furnace were the old duct heating system used to be.  I was building a toy garage and putting stickers on it.  For some reason I made a call to the puppets from Rainbow

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