'Just come Ren, we are waiting’ hut? ‘Yep will find you if you don’t land there’
TY, todays been wryd. ‘Mmmm, just come stuff we need to share’
A long dream with
Shirley, fallen goddess.
I was cleaning for her and making her pop corn.
I’d had to go out and collect the children,
It was back in this
dream from here.
Oh... tha'ts the all day freaking leg back pain... O.o n stupid sausage referance!
Francsis Bacon?? Eh?? ‘Stay awake there a little longer Ren, can jump here but stay lucid as long as possible’
Wake at 404.. I’m confused? It’s strange? ‘Chill a mo, checking some stuff, mudras and relax’.
gone to visit 2 other planets in this system 😂
We had left to them in a ka Car…
We’d gone to have a
look at how things were similar or different.
They were both surprisingly similar,
Jupiter's science was more advanced… on arrival we felt really sick and
commend a bit while we acclimatised.
There were oddly
like earth… I was being shown system-seeding from a central sun, all planets
were following a similar style of evolution.
I was away my queen ‘Star’ had gone into unproductive labour…… home had
suddenly felt to far away. I was
thinking oh no, but I’m on Jupiter and I came in the car 😂hahahah 😁
Oh yeh... You guys had kept me in the
hub... We were all dreaming in a heap 😜 Inka, Loci, Malico, Kaylo and me.
One of the guys I was with was reading a science publication...about recycling
and energy creation.
We had all been given small sim card like chips to hold? They were for our journey
Oh before the dream I'd seen a Grey Lady Bird... (Lady Grey? The Grey Lady?) 👀
the ghost from childhood memory??
There had been trouble at an intersection, as someone didn't think WE should be there.
But we waited, showed our clearance and moved on threw.
Hahahha Inka!! 'Bitch😈' Pahaha you were showing me ...
First you showed me Sis as in Sister... They you flipped ship up n round and
then you poked me wide awake..... and it's 512 Hahaha
I was back with You n Malico but you were showing me different
I go back to sleep again... This time it's the 2 snakes... Shaped like
The i is my spine with a head.. 2 wiggly snakes ... On the top is a 12 point
Lol Sis Star 😛 Like Star
Ka?? 🤣 To silly 😏
We were flicking fast threw different system architecture and
You were showing the different layers were you wake me, 202 212 313 303 Butter fly/bee that's the 303 313 Snakes dancing, spines entwining... Trees
and tadpoles bugs n code.
The ea too or the ae etymology, this
systems a witch :P :D 'Spells better than you 😈..... Come back here'
Next up Cat's birthday...before that I'd been checking on portals O.o the ones
I'd already opened.
I had in my pocked Salt and Pepper in globe like cut crystal
Also some silver ear rings... Ringing ears again??
I also had a bunny hare/hair band??
With long floppy purple ears 😆
At Cat's party everyone got up to dance... For a remake of a tears for fears
I'd followed them threw as I thought we were singing happy birthday,
then I realised how I was wyrdly out of place here.......
The people at the part were all well posh,
then I recalled I was here threw a dream share with a homeless
I'd taken him an egg Sand-witch??
Sandwich I'd been visiting twice a day...
It was late and I
was tired and I'd sat down for a bit with him.
He offered to share his blanket and I'd slept with my head on his knee...
Where I'd landed in
the posh cat dream.
I didn't want to stay for long ... But I'd say around to sing happy birthday
for her.
Oh another layer too....
A large formal patio.
An older guy on an outside sofa.
This older man lived there and he was telling me how the sun
Where was bright and were was in the shadows.
Then he's laying down to sunbathe and I can see right up ups nostrils :P
But looking up one, then the other,
there was something that didn't belong there.
2 plastic/black rectangles blocking a foramen.
Oh the other Cat dream was exactly 1 year ago! 👀