Sunday, 28 November 2021

Too Clean

So after last night, I'd mainly been with Inka in my space but all aspects had onboarded. 
Tonight Malico askes me to his house. I arrive in a strange early style bathroom.  The toilet has flowers in the ceramic pan and the bath is big n metal but with running water.
I was to get clean 🙄😣

There's some wyrd old nightdress and Illeth is around and wants to brush my hair!

Given that astral me is scruffy this is all very odd.

Other baths I recall Is Inka degreasing me like an oily sea bird.... And then being in a bath in a bar..... 

I much preferred washing clothes in a muddy stream like last night!

Keep thinking of the outside pond and suddenly lots of empathy for dogs who roll in fox shit n dead birds!

101 staff wake me,  track.  Making a fool out of me.  Fool card.

Awake till 3.30

Inka tried to calm me about being  clean.  Kaylo found it funny.. He's never been a fan of my smelly muddy field.

Another new room but when I entered it I was a kid.  It was like a Livingroom with an old-fashioned velvet and wood sofa the fire was coal.  I wanted to play with the coal but was told no.  I'd got pissed off with them being odd, left and turned into a seal in the north sea and fucked off alone.



Long dream.

OA/AI people were looking for me. I could crash networks with dreams... I didn't know I was doing it as it was just normal to me.

small kids female,3 and a boy 7.. Cousins.
They had been separate but I'd found them told them they could stay in my space.


I needed less bunny boilers and more basement jaxx's

A feel of sailors, had been grounded as no bate.  Was being  softed they would sail out with the moon tide.
wild animals in trees, my clapping and banging was from them.

A film/game too.   Then I was with Alex, my eclectic engineer friend.

He had many cars in the dream.  I needed a lift to a cave.

Our dog was there, as Alex had left the cave the dog had followed. 
I'd called him bk... Ian was meant to be watching him after.

But he'd run in front of another car... Foot was a bad compound fracture.


The vets I called used novelty erasers as currency, and a flea bit me. I was asking my mast cells and the earth intelligence for healing feedbk.

Back to sleep again I'm at the house.  It was brecky time.  I was still moody and could feel  them all bugging me so  I'd sat on the table  as a scratch n sniff centerpice! Trying to find out what was going on.


Suppose I've gone from on the menu to at the table, now I'm on the table.

 Dream dust atm is amazing, its like overlays of draft paper sketches in rainbow colors... multi d too.

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Number Bubble Potion

Snap crackle and pop.  Rice or Mice crispies for brecky.
Inka?   'We're playing be nice' lol which me?

'Good.  Bk'


Oh Yhe.. You were all in my body.   I could feel you all in different places.

You arrive by enunciation??  I invite for tea?  I'm a little tea pot?

'Confused one.  Come here'   Oh... Lol

Funny MMO dream. Looked like watership down.   Being in a painting.

The characters were like dolls or action men.
I'd leveled a load at once and was doing all the achievements myself.

Was strange gold magic cup/trophy's to collect.

I did a plane wing walk too, then got asked to pilot it. 
Admiral Nelson was in the dream too?

Was bells and so many outfits too.

Awesome!  <3 <3  TY TY

Such an epic dream!

We were the kids of some wizard, appliance repair, den owner.
Was like a multi cultural, Sanskrit LOTR's

Outside was a muddy sandy stream and also a fresh water spring over smooth pebbles.

We stayed mainly in the garden.  House was for the repair crazy stuff.


Bubble bottle potion that turned us into number outfits, linked to age but also numerology/tarot numbers.... Was being taught tones of stufF.

The bubble liquid potion, we drank it.

It had number bubbles and was made of go fast berries and slow down smoke.

Taking it we learned stuff but also got game of thrones type outfits, not that I've ever watched it.
The house was amazing inventions that were collected from history and repaired and repurposed.
We were helping to make the potion, I was drinking bubble bath n burping bubbles.

It was linked to the first dream too.

Washing stuff in the dream using the same potion, and playing in the mud.
Lots of bros n sis but very mixed cultures.

Inka who I'd been dreaming with all night was also showing me aerodynamics, dance n how he wakes me as certain times. 

Friday, 26 November 2021

Battle Sh!t Ships


I'm a shit in a bottle? No, on a ship in a bottle..... 

Only it's a shit ship in a bottle 🤣
It's getting tipped and shaken to find out what's up? And down and round and round.

Or meby I'm just the little shit on the ship in the bottle...............



Why I had to do all the jobs roles at once on the shit tip trip.
SO I could be my own egg timer too.

-I'd been having a very cool battleships dream. 
2 teams, one was mainly males the other female though there was some mixing.

My crew was crap and not used to teamwork, the females were way to competitive.

I kept having to stick myself in the way to help.
Was very cool, was 2 command centres with screens and boats.   We had to move when not watched.

Trajectory and sneaky, was a fun dream.

Both sides were the same and it was like a training endeavor but felt very real.


Mixed up menus and colours.  Popcorn was enough for some I was seeing the pink & blue bags.
Stand or sit, eat or feed.

Far sight is going down for a long, long time.
This was like an inverted pine tree.
Who would be stupid enough to make Darth dad a one eyed minion
Oh and very cool dream.

I was in the Wey Way station.   Was the river Wey a canal and a rail station all in one.

Was like an industrial live in version of Guildford station the tracks ha running water too.

It was very familiar from other dreams and linked to the battleships one too.
I'd flooded a bath but then a guy had got in it, I was moving slugs outside.

I seemed to have a say in what was allowed to pass threw the station and could interface with my mind to the building structures. 


Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...