Friday, 26 November 2021

Battle Sh!t Ships


I'm a shit in a bottle? No, on a ship in a bottle..... 

Only it's a shit ship in a bottle 🤣
It's getting tipped and shaken to find out what's up? And down and round and round.

Or meby I'm just the little shit on the ship in the bottle...............



Why I had to do all the jobs roles at once on the shit tip trip.
SO I could be my own egg timer too.

-I'd been having a very cool battleships dream. 
2 teams, one was mainly males the other female though there was some mixing.

My crew was crap and not used to teamwork, the females were way to competitive.

I kept having to stick myself in the way to help.
Was very cool, was 2 command centres with screens and boats.   We had to move when not watched.

Trajectory and sneaky, was a fun dream.

Both sides were the same and it was like a training endeavor but felt very real.


Mixed up menus and colours.  Popcorn was enough for some I was seeing the pink & blue bags.
Stand or sit, eat or feed.

Far sight is going down for a long, long time.
This was like an inverted pine tree.
Who would be stupid enough to make Darth dad a one eyed minion
Oh and very cool dream.

I was in the Wey Way station.   Was the river Wey a canal and a rail station all in one.

Was like an industrial live in version of Guildford station the tracks ha running water too.

It was very familiar from other dreams and linked to the battleships one too.
I'd flooded a bath but then a guy had got in it, I was moving slugs outside.

I seemed to have a say in what was allowed to pass threw the station and could interface with my mind to the building structures. 


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