Tuesday, 9 November 2021

I Duno if I'm cooking, Dancing or Being Rocked to Sleep....


A family of Xolos, one of the most ancient dog 
breeds in the world, originally from what is now 
Mexico. For Native Americans, they were 
guardians of the night and the underworld, 
protectors against evil spirits, companions of 
wizards and witches, and guides of mortals 
during difficult times and across the land of the 










I've had a chat with Dawn and Aroura though and they know what's up!! ;) 





Oh...  we swapped bar codes too!

'Bitch, let's face it.... what didn't we do?'


I duno ?   Good..  then stay in time out 🤣

Oh...  we swapped bar codes too!

'Bitch, let's face it.... what didn't we do?'


I duno ?   Good..  then stay in time out 🤣

Adam Amts and Adam pants..   Oh are we lol looking for each other pants?

Simon found mine in the Butchers shop I think....  Was opersit the estate agent


Rapp Battle??  

I think I stupidly flushed my pants down the bog...  As I was using them to clean up other peoples shit in my head.

I got a tail/tale instead  -  

I think We need the Celtic cross on the bouncy acorn, on the end of the tick hook. 

We connect the green straw to It too in cause anyone wants a suck.... Lets see what we can catch?

Busy Male service atm??     

Wonder if we can get walls and cadbury to wip up some flurries, I'm boiling my heed a wee bit atm.  I might go to the mashed sweed side!!  

I think I prefer being a squashed pumpkin for now!

Giggabytes to the monster ball too plx, and can we add some fractal, purple crystal earbuds.. for anone who'd prefer a silent disco with there own shit ;)

Also I've got a coulpe of plastic woodies here that would like some magic sparkles!

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