Friday, 5 November 2021

Stupid Train

Wake at 222...
It was like I was looking into everything and it was looking back 😮

I just have to hold this for NOW   ...    Lol how long??  'You're funny Ren'
lol don't give me that crap mate!!   'Soon, ok Mouse?'   Yeh...

I'm a space with shapes.. They morph.

Game or puzzle bits they fit together or come apart.

They are morphing too like 3d Mayan sculpted art.
Glyph images, but also human...

Oh I know they are also archetypes??
It's the game bits from here! 
The other day when there was a kid at the table that wanted to throw the peaces /picsies pices lol stupid spelling..


'Come here I'll help'   lol Yeh.............

'I will!'   Hahahah  I know. Fucking El your impossible!!   'Yep. Still come here' 

It felt like I was in that for AGES!!  Oh it's 313 

'The auditorium dream, and the arrested first'  Hummmm? My book?  'I'll help ok?'

How?  'Stupid question, come back to sleep' 
That was a data reset??

'I've still got your recall Ren, come hub now?'  Errr what are we up too?

'Playing, you agreed yesterday morning'   lol


WTF??!?!?!  A Fish Goat?!?! 
That was Capricornus just hu?  

I'd jumped to Inka who looked errr hungry!  
Loci appeared to looking excited.  

We were in a formless black hub.. No floor.

Loci said with a grin.. 'I've come to mediate.  Things can get frisky when you two let your guard down' 

I was seeing walls/lines/gateways
Then lol a massive flopping half fish goat thing!! 
It was so fucking surprising I woke up again.

'Here Ren, come back!'   lol ok..

A house in a wall??  House?
Oh Aquarius and Capricorn are next to eachother.
Next house??   Errrr  Oh what you reminded me yesterday while running.
Aeons seed each other before and after. 

Fuck, my heads going to explode!

'Hah, meby...   You got space'  lol

This is brain anatomy too? 

'Just come here bitch, we show'   errrrrr suppose wait up.

😂  Inka!!!  'Idiot'  🤣
I'd jumped back and he said
'I told you I was going to fuck you'
I'd said errrr how dose a fishgoat have sex??  

He replied 'Metaphorically.  You like a good headfuck!'  😆
I'd burst out laughing
'Keeps shit interesting'

How do I get myself into this crap!! 
'Relentless curiosity'
Heheheh  suppose!

Capricorn / Horn  ??  Also Horn of plenty?  Plenty Info when reality's on the blower
The ME too.. But pff that's a different hole :P

This is brain hippocampus and what else show please.  'We have you just forget'
Ok remind plx...

Oh horns of Ra..  Ram?  All brain structures.

Cornucopia that was in another image I saw recently, with another chicken..  Is this
Pluto stuff too?  Darth Dad.   Oh   Pluto is in Capricorn at the moment!!

lol a
little bit of astrology for the next bit!! You shit heads!! 🤣

Pluto drives my crazy time train??  

'lol Ren, yeh I'm your rear guard' 

Oh, yeh your in Aquarius atm Pluto is at the other side of the wall!!

Hahah  Malico's
'Yep we need him too'   😁 This is kinda cool

Oh... So this is why I asked D,D and Poseidon if they wanted to merge too, they replied that they'd see me soon!  

lol I'm wide awake and I've got the giggles!! 
'Idiot'  Hahaha

'You got enough to work out now Ren'  lol Yeh, I'm so awake.

All that stuff I was last night!  There all different parts of the brain too?!!   Lol This is funny
Last train to trans central

The KLF - Justified & Ancient (Official Video)

I'm going to puke again...  What's coming up this time I wonder

That vid

Ploutos With the horn of abundance, 
in the company of Dionysos (4th 
century BC)

It's no wonder I keep biting you lot!!  I suppose I should try n sleep again, it's that or vom..  'Sorry Ren, your coming up again'  Yeh so I see


So if that was planets this is systems??


Errr Message from Dawn.
She wants my help.... 
She's at work in the Art shop this morning.

About to serve notice on the school. 
School is Bo - Hunt!!   

Kids n Jabs
Why is my reality so surreal.
The cease and desist in the game dream!!  
I was with the game bits again last night!

'Stick a wormwood teabag in your pocket and go!'  lol  'Scoot Ren your on'

Lol am I even awake?

'Yes and very lucid, told you we we're bringing you back up.  Just listen' 



The Dawn/Dusk Dawn/Dusk!  'GO!'  lol OK...

The darts with darth dad..  the arrows 🤯


Oh... and I just ordered thuja from Helios..

Oh man..   'bitch!'  Hahaha 🤣


INKA!!  'Don't freak navigate' 

Haha the post office had signs..  Red Stop, Green go...
I recalled re-reading a dream this morning of Inka chucking a Red Apple at my head 😂

This time I've gone for a pink one

That and a mug of 'JOY' tea 😋
HOW???  We are issuing it on the 5th Nov...   This Dream... I merged with that last night.

I remember when you when you told me to look up all the other Nov 5th dreams... They were all linked
😮  'Yes'  

The jabs are due to start on the 11th...     The 11.11
All the 11/Nov dreams   the least we forget. 

'It's ok, you're listening and we remember...  TIME NOW'  
'When it gets wobbly navigate the same as you do in dream space ok?'   WHEN!?!?  

Oh that in the shop, the airfix toy warplane.  
There voices when funny, like I couldn't understand their laungage.

That happend when Ian was watching TV in the summer also with a warship and I was seeing the reality wobble and puffins and seals photo bombing it ...
'Yeh Ren, your a pain in the ass'  lol WTF have I done!!  

This...   The 5?? 

Was 6 I was seeing halloween night?? 

Hummm the book that appeared in the mental hospital....

'You took a photo of it's cover Ren'  Oh yeh!  Thanks...  'WY WITCH' 

Ok..   Wait

lol....   No more fucking fighting!!!   Sheesh... right.  

'Eat another Apple, will stop you wanting to Vom'  Hahah thanks, 'and you need to go soon!'   5, 6 & 7

Enders game??  😲

Inka 🙄  'Wouldn't be the first time I've eaten you Ren. Or would it? 🤣'  Hahaha

I'm eating Granny Smith now....  

Wow....   I'm going to need to dream more!  
I've taken alot of shit on 😛

So someone posted up this tree of life image...
Reminded me of my other navigation...  On the way to the Bo Hunt school..

With Dawn as she goes to hand in the Cease n Desist stuff ...
I pass on my way in a shop called Andy's Armory.  
It's full of massive bullets in the window!!
I was thinking ooooo that's a bit omens ... 

Inka told me keep navigating and I got other clues.
The White Stag again, then I realise Malico was with us too.

He tells me I'm accompanying you Ren, you are Emissary again.

It was pretty light hearted.. 
We were giggling and hoping to hand it over n scoot quick.
Was a bit confrontational, I mainly managed to keep my big gob shut n behave!

On the way back..   Lol Coming out of Andy's armoury Is a guy in a bright purple top

On it is a pink Jaguar and he has his silver Jag parked on the path pointing towards me!!

Made me giggle....    I was an Emissary on a purple predator in dreams last year!!
The navigating reality like a dream is wyrd!!

Hahaha   Today just keeps giving!!

No point in shadowboxing...  

Black Box, White Box/Room....   Pop up Box, Music box...   lol 
Loci...   I might need to go bk n my box again 🤣

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