Thursday, 4 November 2021


I feel wyrd...  'You are Ren, you've asked much and your already splitting' 

Yep... 'Let Inka bring you to Kaylo and I on my island Ren.   Malico will walk and train infant dragon you'


Lol dose she want trained??  'Likely not, but dragon bites have way more fall out than mouse!'  

Hahahaha  'They will train with play Ren. You love a game'   
🤣  kk Fetch yesterday was kinda fun!
Wow...  I was all-over again so fast I'm really dizzy.   'Yeh, come back.. Stay relaxed and recall what you can' 

😮  Wow... 
I'm like zooming threw reality layers.. 

But I'm viewing them threw what is like the VW logo overlaid onto the Vesica Pisces.

It was fractalizing the reality's into colours and light.
I could move both and use it like a view finder!!  
'Navigation Witch, I knew you'd like it'    lol Inka!

That was just so much stuff!!!!  Amazing 😍

Lots of space ship like things too...  'Space shit!'  lol 🤣
We jump back to Kaylo and Leon.

The 4 of us together... It was overwhelming what I'd experienced and my energy body was crazy.
Inka was reminding me of the 6 I'd seen in the crazy visual infinity stuff when I was tripping Halloween night.
Then he shows me the vin yang balls.. The torus field as 6 & 9  Like 2 eyes..  Infinity makes the 3rd..   Reality looking back at you/me us.

3, 6, 9 lol  Eh??  Really!!
'Reality geometry Ren, balanced energetic aspects' 

He was showing me images that 3,6,9 tesla thing.. I could see it in 3d the movements.. It was the same as the view finder I'd been using to navigate.
'Told you I'd be your Science teacher'  hahaha 😂

As I'm laying on Leon's Island I was remembering the night Me and Kaylo were there as kids... Playing with
marbles and building blocks!   Wow... That was exactly 1 year ago!!!

Haha  the cube and sphere!  The cross blocks.. Is Indra's web hyperspace and the balls/spheres are  the female geometry... The waveform of the void.   Like the flower of life...  The wave form and trajectory

Ok...   So what's up with this glitch between 12 & 13 plx?? 

'Haha Ren, you don't fucking quit'   IKR, Sorry...  'Don't be'

Oh!! Hahaha 
The clock... Time  12hrs on a clock face, a clock goes round and round and round.   13 is the trajectory making a spiral, it's the movement of time threw memory!   Thanks
lol I see it.. I duno how to explain...


'Come here again'

The 4 of us lay in a cross, heads in to dream share. Only we were going into void space to co create.  I was across from Leon... Inka left and Kaylo right.

 We are laying in a cross the energy flow was so much!  Too much
I was nearly deeply asleep but was woken by the ripple of a 'WOOF' 
We were co-creating and then in a shared space.

It's a dark ancient forest paths and twists.  We had sat down on a stone bench in a clearing.
Leon n Inka were on the bench and asked me n Kaylo to sit on the floor... We did I still had the same crazy intense energy flow.

The track the world that the children made.

I'd had a dream, I had a white cane.  Blind I was tapping and learning echo location.  I could hear the sound bounce back, I also had my tail though.  It dragged on the ground, it's why the tip was hard.
I used it to ground and geolocate.  This reads the magnetism?
While I was dreaming Inka had jumped me to another location... Only briefly to show me.
It was also in the same dark forest... He told me I'd be able to re-find and use it.

Next they told me to split my awareness more into the other me!  Haha

I did...
I'm in the same dark wood.
This time I'm with Loci, scampering the stone forest paths as that wyrd infant dragon/dog! 
Sniffing and feeling!  Malico was there too.. Hahah he's brought treats n snacks!!
They were tied in a red hanky with white spots on the end of a stick!
We'd stopped for a rest.
Loci was petting my dragon head
It was much easier to dream in this form and I'd fallen fast into a long dream.

lol it was a dream with Ian, we'd broken something apart to try and fix it he was going to have to take a plane and make stops all over the world.
I was sitting on a massive sand dune.

It was like a mountain, I was with a few others waiting.   We are very close to the top.
I was bored of waiting..  I knew the view was good, so I'd decided to climb up - but to make it interesting I'd picked the steepest part.

As I'm climbing I realise I'm unlikely to make it and I start a sand fall..  Lol was like a sand landslide!!
I'd yelled to the others to look out below
I'd got all mixed up in the sand as I slid down and started to merge with it... Turning the dune into an incredible shifting sand caste. (Find the sandcastledream later Ren,) kk.
I could change the sandcastle by merging with it, it's amazing... Lol like fractal castle ruins made of ever shifting sands.
My energy flow is so so much. 
I'd wanted to go and find Inka and Leon but I'd landed back as a dragon/dog. 
Loci told me we were heading towards them having a walk!
I fell again into the sandcastle dream.
It's a reality where I can keep re-creating.

When I come round again from the sandcastle place..
I'm in the space Inka had shown me briefly earlier.

It's a circular stone clearing, the trees are in darkness of to both sides and it's still night.

There is a low mossy stone wall and curved benches and in the centre is an err round stone brick  'Plinth'  ???

Oh, ok it looked like it should have a sundial, fountain or something. 
My instincts tell me I'm to sleep as a dragon on it.
I wake again.. 
When I jump back next time I'm a dragon there alone.

I hear them tell me, they are all on different layers.
They want to see if I can collapse and merge thy layers they are in onto me!

I'd also recalled more of the sandcastle dream... At the start of it I'd been talking to a little kid.
She kept taking toys then playing in a big puddle and losing them.
She didn't mean to, but she caused a lot of trouble...
I was supposed to be telling her off.
It was like waterlogged grass, the toys were like Lego blocks.

Oooooo this is cool. 
So I'd gone back again, it's hard to dream I'd wondered about jumping back to Loci but his voice told me laughingly 'that would be cheating'

So I lay down on that stone thing to see what I'm feeling.
Inka was easiest to feel, he's deep inside heart centre.
Loci is right shoulder node atm

I start to feel and locate them inside my energy body and I see the image from the other night.
The Mayan rope knot language.
Oh.. Hahah knots and attachments! 
I get how to do this now
😁!!  Lol is tickly though.

The other me is at the back of my heart space...   Kaylo is yellow tummy front.
Malico is to my left hip/adrenal some place..  I feel him way of to the side.
I can feel them all now.  

Energy flow was crazy!

It's like when I mapped my reality into my energy body to try and work things out threw sensation entanglements.  This was all

I feel if they move location slightly.  Oooo!  

I'm asked if I'm ready to pull us all together.  SO I jump back once more.

The energy flow feels amazing. 
Crown centre flow down is very strong.... Then I recall the setting I'm in and the muddy puddle.
I know this forest from other dreams.
It was where I was with Roz something to do with the feminine.

Also with Anthony when we fell threw a layer.

My first recall though and one that made my 3rd eye go crazy was the dark teacher that had lost confidence!!
With that thought my energy flow had been Crown 3rd eye and back of hart... Like liquid fire between the nodes.
'Bk again mouse'  lol ok... That kid in the mud?  Also me?  'OFC Ren, you never like to behave'
Hahah ok.
DD & Poseidon I wondered if I should reach for them too.  
When I thought about them I could feel them!
DD was low down, back of sacrum felt far off.
Poseidon nearer he made me feel emotional right ear to shoulder.  

Loci had moved down lower to adrenals on the other side to Malico.

I'm not sure how many of us I'm ment to merge there...
As I connect to each in turn the energy flow increases further.

I'd asked if Inka was the dark teacher...
He replied..
'Don't worry about that now, focus on what you are doing'  
I'd asked if I should merge all or just the 5 of them closest.

'He told me to call them'  
Then lol it's like the back of my heart is beating a ripple that is moving out..

Hehe track playing now...

deadmau5 feat. Rob Swire - Monophobia (Extended Mix)

Anyhooo  so my heart beats send out this ripple and then after a time I can feel stuff moving back!!
It's like the echolocation and interference pattern.. My love bounced back from their location!   

Lol so much love!!
'Ok.  Merge us now mouse'

lol Oooo  '
Yeh before 303'   lol it's 2.59 ..   I'd jumped bk fast.

Feeling them all and extending an energetic invite to get closer.
Inka appeared first underneath me! 
Only I'd lol I look so freaking wyrd! 
I'd shrunk to mouse size and now have antlers n furr too!  I was like such a freaking mishmash of stuff 🤣

Kaylo appeared next he was on my right and then the others all tuned up too standing around!  
Was so much fun.
Was buzzing so got up to do stuff.

'Come back Ren... Nearly 505'  Oh yeh!  Hahah  nice OMW. 
Phahah that track name!!  Mono Phobia!!   Sheesh! 

So the dreams of that same space.... 

Roz in the same space...  Wow... A state thing and the other baby dragon! Also the pink & Blue

Was from 30th Dec... 2019

The teacher in that forest
😛   Also bus/Lorry driver and a crow!!
Start of Dec 2016

I can't find the other one??

When I head bk to bed dreams were more like they are the start of the night.
I was getting them jumps all-over in various places in my body and just seeing odd stuff.

In one there was more games, contracts and agreements.

They were hard to bring back to waking... 'Just getting ready for tonight Ren' 
hahah  kk...
Oh in one I was in a errr lol  dusky pink dress... Lots of net like a gown. 
It was for a wedding may be I was a bridesmaid the dress had rows of pink net roses on the skirt.
In another I had one of them snow seeds in my hands. 
It was big, like a football size dandelion clock

 Must try watch this later...  'Haha Ren, you'll just fall asleep'  😂 Prolly... The application is more fun than the theory anyway!   TY <3


From yday

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