Thursday, 2 March 2023

Entity Synthesis

'Breath deeper Ren'
Mate...   'Breath' 

'More, same as when your running, deep n slow'

I'm not sure I breath slow when 'Shut up and breath Ren'

'Pause, between in n out'  You teaching yoga now? 
'lol, you know your breathing can knock you out?'  Hahah  lol yes.
'Just do as I ask Ren, you wanted fucking help'
Not really...


'Have you noticed you hold your breath when you argue with me'   meby now you made me think of it.
'Breath, please bitch'   lol   I'm sad about my cat...   '🙄'  lol that looks like your unsympathetic you know.  
'Think I give a shit Ren? You know me better that that'  
Want me to count too?
  'lol, I'd not expect as much from your attention mouse... Just pause at the end of each in and out'   Paw's?   Lol...   Don't just shake your head.  

'Why, Bitch why?'   Eh? 'Just breath, I can't be arsed with your side track mind right now' 

'You can argue with me Ren, try doing it with the same breath pattern'  lol I can't 

'I'm still here'  I know
'Go'  The stops feel still.

'MMM'  errrr..   ;Lay down and do what I told you'  kk


'Yeh you'll likely fall asleep,   It's YOUR natural state'

'Back to me now Mouse'   Inka..   I'm tired..  'I know, going to infuse you'  Hu? 

'Wait up..'  

A mature ego will resist collapse and go on to create it's own entity??

KK what's an entity?  Lol.... And fuck off with I've told you before.   Remind me now?

'Why me bitch?'  you're deflecting?

'And I'm advancing your perspective'  

Grrrrr 'Your sad Ren'  Mmmm I know that, but curiosity you know.


OK, what's your perspective of an entity..  'A current egos collective integrated awareness' 

Lol my head feels segregated...  'I'm trying to show'  So not the current outer ego?
Inner ego then?   Feels like someone dropped a stone in a pond? 

Kk I'll ask Malico, feels like you just scooped me up on a spade btw.

'Ren?'  Heya  'Yes it has been a while?'  Lol you sound like a priest in my mind....  'You Ren, still sound like a child'
lol  ok...  I errrr 'I dislike your scattered mind Ren, and the fact you can't even recall what you want'

Meby shut up and let me think enough to ask...   You know I forget this shit unless I write it down.
'That's intentional Ren'  Why? 
'I'd suggest you focus one question at a time' 
Pfff  I can't argue with that.... Kk

What is an entity?  'It's a collaboration of compatible'looks like a dandelion flower in 3d?... The words faded away.
'Yes, I struggle to understand how Inka suffers your constant interuptions' 
Sorry, I just see what you lot show in piccys too... 

'Lay down and allow me to show?'   I'm sleepy, I'll likely to fall asleep.....
'We have all night' Could I 'Bring who you like Ren, if it will help get it threw to your useless mind'  Sheesh.. 


As per Inka's suggestion I go see Malico. 

I knock on the front door with it being a formal house n all.
He greets me with a sigh, shake of his head then we hug. 
I follow him threw to the back lounge, the room he took me to after he made me take a bath.

I lay on the sofa and then all this stuff came out.
like shapes... I duno, out of me and into the fire.
It felt like the sofa was a roundabout and I was on spin with stuff being flung out.

'Recall Ren, The mediator between you and your ddad' You offered me a halfway house.
'I did, and prepared you for what was to come' 

Mate, I got sectioned 3 times!!

'Do you think you're crazy Ren?'  No... well, depents on who's terms.

'Then I'll ask you to trust me once again' Errrr

'Your answer to your entity is part of you and part of me,

It's the aspects you have synthesised and personalities you stand beside' 
Eh?  Synthesised?

'Relax Ren, you're on a journey some place else'

I'm sad about my cat 'We all feel that'  Ummmm ok

Inka appears on the sofa and starts to smoke. 
I'd looked at him and he tells me.  'He's a mediator, I'm an instigator'

And I'm tired and confused 😣

Wake 313 

Didn't recall much, felt like I'd been in a really deep sleep. 


The other 2 were complaining I was taking up all the space on the sofa so they shrank me and I went into a dream.


An odd hub,  A female who was sort of like Alison my cousin and a guy who in her dream was her partner.
Aunty Sheila was there too.
At some point I'd started to kiss her hubby..   Was an odd vibe, with them all wondering why I'd do that.
I was confused too.

There was another room, that had been set up for someone with a physical disability. 
Keycode door locks. 
Kids sleeping on the floor in blankets in a nursery.

Then an odd thing with a guy who looks like a young keifer sutherland again.   He was in another dream not long back. 

This time though he was with a group of others where they had cardboard silver wrapped musical instruments in their hands??

Last dream was really odd.  I was dreaming with Inka rather than Malico for this one.
Was a puzzle game, I was inside.  
Inka was outside in a room, but following what was going on inside via a vid on a drone.

The puzzle was collapsing with me inside.  I needed credit to complete something, and I knew Inka could lend me it, but I had no way of communicating what I needed.

It was odd, as I had a multi layered perspective too, able to leave my dream body and observe it laying on the puzzle box floor... Kinda flying with the drone, but also see Inka standing behind a large white viewing screen in a small white room.


Hummmm. 🤔 browse synthesize 
Synthesize Definition & Meaning I 
verb (used with object), syn.the.sized, syn-the-siz-ing. to form (a material or abstract entity) by 
combining parts or elements (opposed to analyze ): to synthesize a statement. Chemistry. to combine 
(constituent elements) into d single or unified entity. to treat synthetically. verb (used without object), 
syn.the.sized, syn-the-siz-ing.

Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Ice Cream & Summoning

I merged with Inka to dream with Ddad and Leon.. But kept falling asleep to fast at first, I think that's why Inka merged me with him, as I couldn't stay awake enough alone.

The first dream was layered, a game we were playing it was a puzzle game on a floating track with squares.  We needed to dodge roll over full moon squares.

Was like a floating bored with us as the pieces.

Next dream was with Dom and his Bro.  His bro was getting married, the wedding was to be at a family castle in Scotland.  I wasn't going but was with them before they left.   His wife had dark skin and 2 young children with huge eyes. 

A huge new train encased in rock, the front of it was poking out.   The rock was being cleared.
On a cargo trailer was a fiberglass lifeboat. 

It reminded me of a novelty boat on a pleasure lake.

A large red pingpong ball, the size of a beachball and a claw game.

I'd arrived in the city in a VW camper ice-cream van, the breaks were a bit crap and I was trying to park on a slope In a carpark under a cliff on the coast.

It was an old fashioned van, with the freezer at the back with stainless steel pans and a scoop.
Sugar cones and dried cherries to go on top.  Inka was in the dream too, in the form of an unfamiliar guy that I knew.
I had cat food all down my front - lol like I'd eaten it then vomited it up all over myself.

Next dreams were all set in the same fantasy style city, it was a mix of ages.   I was the illegitimate daughter of one of the city leaders.
It wasn't known to many, hated by most who did know me.
I'd lived outside of the hummm what was it called the Whitehall globe centre.
A posh area consisting of amazing old buildings, and newer modern complexes.  It was home to the elites and the officials.  

I had a room filled with unusual cupboards and books, old shelves then strange art equipment, gems and spells.
A floor bed, I was putting on a rainbow coloured bed spread.

A memo had been circulated about a room swap, and when I entered my room there was a bunch of people in brown overalls packing my stuff.

Wrapping it in branded kraft paper and packing it into box's.
I was the one to be moved.  
All my stuff would be shifted for me, as I was to remain anon a mouse.

My old room had been in what was more of an office space in one of the modern complex's no windows and plane white walls, with a large wood door leading to a white stairwell.

I was informed by one of the packers I was moving to a room in the Whitehall globe complex.   I'd asked were and It was to be in one of the old buildings.  A room high up over an exclusive inn. 
I understood the views from the room were good, and it would be used to spy from.

As I was unknown to most I was to make my way there myself, I'd be informed when the new room was ready.
I wasn't welcomed in the new area... But didn't really care. 
I preferred the architecture style and was curious about the father I didn't know as he was the one who'd organised the room change and would be using it too.

As I'd arrived in the new area a woman had called to me and asked me to walk her turtle.   It was a huge old thing called Grandma that would bite me with small pointed teeth.   I'd eventually managed to get rid of it to someone else, and was found by a small puppy who lived locally instead.

From the Global centre area walls I could see into other parts of the city.
Odd stuff going on in an area of sandstone walls and rooms, looked more like buildings from the middle east with flat roofs pillars.
That part of the city had 2 factions, one wearing all white robes with hoods and veils and the others black lace outfits still with face coverings. 
A woman with a beautiful body and covered face was on a tall pillar like podium, dancing and speaking to a gathered crowd. 
In another part of the dream I was watching a summoning being set up.   I was sort of hiding, as they had gathered people round but once the ritual started I unwillingly became a catalyst that made the whole thing faster and stranger than the gathered priests had anticipated.
It looked amazing, lines of turquois blue light running threw the ground and lighting up points and runes on the ground.
Above that I could also see energy running threw the air, out of me and into the markings on the stony grass linking me to all of the points.  It was a similar colour and jagged like many overlapping triangles and diamonds. We were summoning cartoon charachters.

Woods & Worlds

  16th Jan I've been dreaming just rubbish at keeping track of them.     Night before last I was on a fire engine.   It was playin...