That was cool.. Laying in the sun floppy having a dream balloons were attached
to various prts of my arms and legs.
Then a big bang from in here blew them and me apart.
Everything similar but different.
The Eddison light switches are now plain safes gone too.
'Raw Ren' Hu? 'You're getting to lower
places' Hummm well my building
didn't feel like this.
'You hadn't given your self concussion then' Hummm
con cushion, pin cushion.. Hell raisers cube... I've been that? Acupuncture needles.
This tec ban stuff
sucks, 'I know bitch, sleep' mmm ok.
Am kinda sleepy after all that.
Wake up just after 10.30 I wasn't asleep long, dream like the ink pressed em
pressed dream.
Inka and me in a hospital... Was like a massive photo copier with me inside,
He'd bunged it on and it was really high voltage,
I was trying to tell him enough and to unplug it. Unfortunately, I was just printing out pages
for a manual to go with me... Blugh
'Yeh Ren, stick with me' Sounds ok...
Well, you did just try to fry me but it felt fine... I'm in mazing heart
23 Road map and
navigation. 2 here, lol cause we did
I was pushing the
button?? 'Hop ooot ta beed again b4 I let U no just keep pushing Bitch?'
Is a threat or a warning? 'War
in' lol epic 'Idiot' well its fucked now at any rate....
'4 U Bitch, I'd prove anything' Hahha ok.
Wish everything was as fast as that without the ripple out. I'm still in with 'Me, so play'
I know, keep will till Ian knows'
Roman nose? I prefer my toes.
'We know' I'm tired.
'KO for now we'll come
How did we get from pearl harbour so fast? 'Stupid bitch' FU
'CU laters, now lay' ok..
Well I was in a reality were Dad had died, I'd seen him last tues and spoken to
him a few times a day.
He'd died and then I whent wild stray and feral.
Every fucker wanted
me to take - care?
But what would I do
with it. 'Probably why you got it Ren' Hummm then Santa and alot of future
Buzz kills and extensions. 'Ren' Mmmm
Chill lol 'not for long'
505 hiding again,
now only 209.
o2 O2H
up 'We will blow this shit ooot or up' lol
cause why the fuck not.
I recall the dream
now, in the bathroom at work
Lol, good lawn dry
too. I need a few cycles to get rid of
Inka? '?' 'Still listning Witch,
just play' lol I'm not sure about
the fiddle?... Lol seriously Nana Hanna?
I duno of that true do? B4 my time 'DNA dat bitch' lol cause Y?
4.19 falling into space, folding over reality.... Flooding.
Odd blast of rocket
going up. Tallies n Scores too, very hec
tic.... Hectic.
Dream... bBeinghit by a truck. 23.05 Off we go again.
lol 23.18.... Eeeek rubber arms!
Biting bullets here!
'Mmmmmmm, what's new?' lol well I duno, feels more exciting I
'Hold that'
lol, spy id her ground... - Was a cool
teleporting spider that.
V cool dream -
Main dream space.
Me & Male me
sneaking out B4 the shit goes down/up/sideways or threw the middle.
We were in a battered old white van with tempo road signs.
emergency response all-over some of the vehicles in pile
Flashing lights all-over... I was
telling him go slow act cas, as we had no chance of out running anything!
Just needed to head
north for a bit away from the sceen.
Very long dream
considering I'd not long been asleep.
Milk & honey plx... Might have to improvise.
Apprentice shit & Party cast.
Cast a net & muse Kick
Yogi tea is kinda 😎