Wednesday 22 May 2024

F & U


Early 22nd May

Ffs Man lol!!


Sand pit DJ rave mosh pit.. On the floor and above DJ decks.


  Crowded House - Weather With You (HQ)

Scooter is as good to dream too as run too.   'No escape 4 U'  lol I know.  I just wana be in my shed. '😆'


*If you are gaming with your life & you find yourself in a sell/cell brown breed ded - wait in a rose like Joyce did at the joyhut*


Later 22nd

'Asked for Ren!!'  lol Aye, in bk of my heed on a bike... How many seats?  'lol your ass bitch'  lol FU


What was the dream!!  was errr only bits 'Not tellin' lol thanks.  'Just ride it blind bitch, won't B ya first'  lol or last likely.  






Empire Of The Sun - Changes


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